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30 Reports Right


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Hey Guys,


As you know, we have 30 reports and unfortunately this is not enough for us.Since there are too many trolls in the game, sometimes 30 reports are not enough for us players.It might be better to increase our report allowance from 30 to 50


I hope the authorities hear us and work on this.If you agree with me, you can indicate your opinion as a comment.Good game to everyone. ?






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Hello @Lena',


As some players exaggerated this situation and tried to send too many reports, the reporting limit was reduced to 30, there was no such limit before, and it caused the reporting system to become more intense. To avoid this intensity, the reporting limit has been reduced to 30.


If you are out of the crowded areas and if you do not enter the Duisburg- Calais road. 30 limits in the reporting system will be enough for you and you will get rid of trolls.


Kind Regards,

Mehmet [24]

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Combine this with the fact that evidence can't be older than 14 days (previously 1 month) and you have to wait at least 10 days for the report to be resolved, and you can easily run out.

When there's increasing amount of reports, what do you do? Limit the reports, instead of reasons why those reports exist.

While it wasn't balanced before (I could make hundreds of reports simultanously), it is even worse now!



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2 hours ago, Lena' said:

Hey Guys,


As you know, we have 30 reports and unfortunately this is not enough for us.Since there are too many trolls in the game, sometimes 30 reports are not enough for us players.It might be better to increase our report allowance from 30 to 50


I hope the authorities hear us and work on this.If you agree with me, you can indicate your opinion as a comment.Good game to everyone. ?




If you ask me, 30 report is more than enough. Just because you've more report limit doesn't mean you should really ensure that you fill up all the reports. You can always report players in game whenever you have reached the limit of the reports on website and in-game reports still works the same and you don't have a cap there (correct me If I am wrong, it's been a while) so you can report players in game.

However, you can always try to avoid such situations which leads to opening a report or tickets against player, let's say you know that if you go to C-D road, there are 50% chance that you might end up getting rammed or end up ramming someone, which ends up report generation from either victims ends or perpetrator ends and which could have been avoided here if either of the party would have ensured that they have either avoided crowded road or they have taken atmost care to not drive recklessly or in an appropriate manner.


I am not pointing any fingers please don't take it personally but am just stating that you don't really 50 reports, 30 is more than enough because people will think and make reports rather than just making them blindly for some not so serious rule breach and you will make sure that only the one which needs to be reported goes to the report section , will as well ensure that reports are not getting flooded, which overall pressure our community game moderators and thus, increasing the load on web reports which tends to end up in late resolution or replies in appeals and likewise.

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I disagree with this idea. We actually have 30 reports as maximum, and from my point of view, it should not be modified from 30 to 50 due to a simple reason, spam

As you can see, we currently have our report system in "VERY HIGH", and the Game Moderation Team is working really hard in order to decrease those numbers. If we allow 50 reports as maximum, our report system numbers will increase and isn't what we want to be honest. 

We will only see a lot of people spamming useless reports because most of them will be unvalid, and isn't what we want either. 


Driving on C-D road is always a chaos, and it means that you will see a lot of players breaking the rules and etc. Remember that the map is not limited on C-D only, and we actually have a really big map to drive in. In order to avoid such situations (trolls driving nears you, and etc), you could drive in another part of the map, and you will not see so many trolls as you see on C-D road frecuently.


So, talking about the idea, i disagree with this. So many people will spam useless reports, and numbers will never decrease. 30 reports as maximum are more than fine.


Kind regards, 

El Reja

TruckersMP Game Moderator

Kind Regards, 

El Reja

Game Moderator Leader


TruckersMP Rules - Appeal System - Report System - Feedback System



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Guest Cowie

Hi there,


I personally think that the current report limit (30) is far from being too low. On the contrary, this allows players to create too many reports at once, in my opinion. If we are consider making any kind of modification to the current open report limit, it should be decreased as opposed to increased. Of course, this may seem biased as I am part of the Game Moderation Team at TruckersMP, however, it is my honest opinion.


In general, our team responds to reports reasonably quickly. Although it may take a few days in some cases, you should not have to create 30 reports in a few days. Anybody that manages to fill all 30 of their report slots in such a short period of time is either deliberately searching for players who are violating our rules to report them, or driving in congested areas an excessive amount of times per day. For those who purposely drive in areas known to be filled with trolls and similar with only one goal, to create reports, they should not be given more reporting opportunity. If you create such a high number of reports that 30 open reports at a time is not sufficient for you, then you are sending more reports than you should be. Although we appreciate those who send reports against players violating our rules, we do not appreciate those who constantly visit the busy areas on our servers to clip rule violations and submit reports against players. Our Report System is there to report those who ruin the simulation experience for serious players, not to become a game. Many players have started abusing our Report System by sending an excessive amount of reports at once and this does more harm than it does good, really.


Even with the report limit set to 30, those who use all of the report slots available to them overwhelm the system and are often the same people that complain that their report has been pending for too long. You are welcome to submit reports from any part of the map, including busy ones such as the rural road between Calais and Duisburg, and the two cities themselves, however, we do ask that you do not drive there simply to find evidence to submit through the Report System. I visit the busy parts of the map quite often, personally, and I have done this even before I became a staff member. I understand wanting to drive in parts of the map that are sure to have more traffic, however, this should be done for the right reasons. That is to experience the busy traffic, of course, not to submit reports against players for the fun of it.


To conclude my point, if you need more than 30 report slots, you are doing something wrong. As mentioned above, you are either looking for players to report or driving in busy areas way too often. With that being said, I would support a suggestion asking that the report limit be reduced, but I cannot support a suggestion that encourages increasing the limit. Hopefully you can understand my point of view.

Kindest regards,  

DJ ccowie  

TruckersMP Game Moderator Trainer

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2 hours ago, El Reja said:



Bu fikre katılmıyorum. Aslında en fazla 30 raporumuz var ve benim açımdan, basit bir neden olan spam nedeniyle 30'dan 50'ye değiştirilmemelidir

Gördüğünüz gibi, şu anda rapor sistemimiz "ÇOK YÜKSEK" te ve Oyun Moderasyon Ekibi bu sayıları azaltmak için gerçekten çok çalışıyor. En fazla 50 rapora izin verirsek, rapor sistem sayılarımız artacaktır ve dürüst olmak istediğimiz şey bu değildir. 

Sadece pek çok kişinin gereksiz raporları spam ettiğini göreceğiz çünkü bunların çoğu geçersiz olacak ve bizim de istediğimiz şey bu değil. 


CD yolunda sürüş her zaman bir kaostur ve bu, birçok oyuncunun kuralları çiğnediğini vb. Göreceğiniz anlamına gelir. Haritanın yalnızca CD ile sınırlı olmadığını ve aslında sürmek için gerçekten büyük bir haritamız olduğunu unutmayın. Bu tür durumlardan kaçınmak için (size yakın sürüş yapan troller, vb.), haritanın başka bir yerinde gidebilirsiniz ve CD yolunda gördüğünüz kadar çok trol görmeyeceksiniz.


Yani, fikir hakkında konuşursak, buna katılmıyorum. Pek çok kişi işe yaramaz raporları spam olarak gönderecek ve sayılar asla azalmayacaktır. Maksimum 30 rapor, gayet iyi.



El Reja

TruckersMP Oyun Moderatörü

Hey El Reja,

Thank you for your great idea and explaining the subject. mine was just an idea and I was curious about other players' opinions. Because some players said that 30 reports were not enough for them.Another issue is I think more moderators should be hired. :)))

thank you again for your message, I am enlightened enough??





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27 minutes ago, DJ ccowie said:



Kişisel olarak mevcut rapor limitinin (30) çok düşük olmadığını düşünüyorum. Aksine, bence bu, oyuncuların aynı anda çok fazla rapor oluşturmasına izin veriyor. Mevcut açık rapor limitinde herhangi bir değişiklik yapmayı düşünürsek, arttırmak yerine azaltılması gerekir. Elbette, TruckersMP'deki Oyun Moderasyon Ekibinin bir parçası olduğum için bu önyargılı görünebilir, ancak bu benim dürüst fikrim.


Genel olarak, ekibimiz raporlara makul ölçüde hızlı yanıt verir. Bazı durumlarda birkaç gün sürebilir, ancak birkaç gün içinde 30 rapor oluşturmanız gerekmez. Bu kadar kısa bir süre içinde 30 rapor yuvasının tamamını doldurmayı başaran herhangi biri, ya onları bildirmek için kurallarımızı ihlal eden oyuncuları kasten arıyor ya da sıkışık alanlarda günde aşırı miktarda araba kullanıyor. Trollerle dolu olduğu bilinen ve benzeri alanlarda kasıtlı olarak tek bir amaçla araç kullananlara rapor oluşturmaları için daha fazla raporlama fırsatı verilmemelidir. Bir seferde 30 açık raporun sizin için yeterli olmayacağı kadar yüksek sayıda rapor oluşturursanız, olması gerekenden daha fazla rapor göndermiş olursunuz. Kurallarımızı ihlal eden oyunculara karşı bildirim gönderenleri takdir etmemize rağmen, Kural ihlallerini kırpmak ve oyunculara karşı rapor göndermek için sunucularımızdaki yoğun alanları sürekli ziyaret edenleri takdir etmiyoruz. Rapor Sistemimiz simülasyon deneyimini bozanları oyun haline getirmek için değil ciddi oyuncular için raporlamak için var. Birçok oyuncu bir defada aşırı miktarda rapor göndererek Rapor Sistemimizi kötüye kullanmaya başladı ve bu gerçekten yarardan çok zarar veriyor.


Rapor limiti 30 olarak belirlenmiş olsa bile, kullanabilecekleri tüm rapor alanlarını kullananlar sistemi eziyor ve genellikle raporlarının çok uzun süredir beklemede olduğundan şikayet edenlerle aynı kişiler. Calais ile Duisburg arasındaki kırsal yol ve iki şehrin kendileri gibi yoğun olanlar da dahil olmak üzere haritanın herhangi bir bölümünden rapor gönderebilirsiniz, ancak oraya sadece iletmek için kanıt bulmak için gitmemenizi rica ediyoruz. Rapor Sistemi. Haritanın yoğun kısımlarını kişisel olarak oldukça sık ziyaret ediyorum ve bunu daha personel olmadan önce yaptım. Haritanın daha fazla trafik alacağından emin olunan kısımlarında araç kullanmak istemeyi anlıyorum, ancak bunun doğru nedenlerle yapılması gerekiyor. Yani yoğun trafiği deneyimlemek, tabii ki eğlenmek için oyuncular aleyhine rapor göndermemek.


Sonuç olarak, 30'dan fazla rapor yuvasına ihtiyacınız varsa, yanlış bir şey yapıyorsunuz demektir. Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi, ya rapor verecek oyuncuları arıyorsunuz ya da yoğun alanlarda çok sık araba kullanıyorsunuz. Bununla birlikte, rapor sınırının düşürülmesini isteyen bir öneriyi destekleyeceğim, ancak sınırın artırılmasını teşvik eden bir öneriyi destekleyemem. Umarım bakış açımı anlayabilirsiniz.


DJ ccowie  

TruckersMP Oyun Moderatörü Eğitmeni

Hey Dj ccowie,

Of course I understand you very well,your honest opinion is very important to me. ? Thank you.!!

But as I said, this is not my problem, 30 reports are enough for me.Some of my friends around me complain about it only,We all want nobody to be reported but that's not possible.

Especially in crowded areas this is not possible.I send my regards for answering my message thank you ? You've made me very happy.?



4 hours ago, Mehmet [24] said:

Hello @Lena',


As some players exaggerated this situation and tried to send too many reports, the reporting limit was reduced to 30, there was no such limit before, and it caused the reporting system to become more intense. To avoid this intensity, the reporting limit has been reduced to 30.


If you are out of the crowded areas and if you do not enter the Duisburg- Calais road. 30 limits in the reporting system will be enough for you and you will get rid of trolls.


Kind Regards,

Mehmet [24]

Hey Mehmet,


Thank you for your ideas Mehmet, It was important to learn your ideas.?

3 hours ago, quality_prods said:

Limitin tüm fikrine ve uygulanmasına kesinlikle katılıyorum. 

Oyun, aktif olarak diğer oyuncuları rapor etmekle ilgili olmamalı, kendi kendinize iyi bir deneyim yaşamaya çalışmakla ilgili olmalı, bu yüzden daha yüksek bir limit, aşırı haberciliği teşvik edecektir.

Hey quality_prods,


I also strongly agree with you. ?




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Hello there,


I want to express my opion about what you said.Firstly,I don't agree with you.

In my opinion, the main purpose of TMP is to let those who like this game and want to be online together enjoy the fun of driving, rather than reporting some players without limit. Some people even regard reporting as their main purpose of online. If you are such a person, I regret and deny. What's more, you can see that so many game moderators spend a long time processing reports every day, but they still can't stop the sharp increase in the number of reports, which is caused by countless people abusing the reporting system. Therefore, I think we should be rational and tolerant to treat those who violate the rules. Some people do it unintentionally. If they apologize in time, I don't think we should go deep into it.


Finally, I hope you enjoy the game and can choose a place with fewer people to enjoy the beautiful scenery with your friends,sometimes meet someone and say hello to each other,that's nice,isn't it?❤️


Kind regards, 


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Hey @Lena'?
I agree with you because I think the game must be better. in this way, troll events, etc. it will be reduced. Also yes to the Game Moderation Team of the game this can be exhausting. But I think it's the only way to make this game better.

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6 hours ago, DJ ccowie said:

To conclude my point, if you need more than 30 report slots, you are doing something wrong. As mentioned above, you are either looking for players to report or driving in busy areas way too often

I disagree.

The report system exists to report violations of the rules.

A player who wants to report 30+ rule violations is perfectly entitled to do so (within the limitations of the system). It isn't wrong at all.


It's a malicious allegation to say the player is looking for players to report. Because it implies that you accuse the player of violating rule 1.4 Reporting Users.


Please don't shut your eyes to reality.

There is mayhem in certain busy areas. And it isn't wrong to drive there neither.

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I can see why the reporting limit was set, but it doesn't help the players, only the GM team. There are "report hunters", sure, but there are also legit players who only want to play with many others, so they go to the places where many others can be found. It's not that they go there to be trolled and report dozens of people, however, they are likely to be trolled anyway and they can end up being helpless because let's face it, the in-game reporting system is almost like a bad joke. In more than 6 years playing MP, I don't think that I've had more than 3-4 in-game reports solved, with hundreds of them timing out. I can understand that the only way to make it work as it should is unfeasible because it would be needed to have dozens of GM monitoring only the Simulation 1 server, but I also understand that using "There's the ingame report system if you ran out of web reports" is not a solution.


I only send web reports now, when I consider that the offense is worth a ban and I have more than enough with 30 as a limit, but only because I drive almost all of the time in the "outskirts", DLC areas, almost empty most of the time or with so few other players that it's difficult to find any troubles, besides, I don't play every single day for 3-4 hours, like I used to. Back in the days of EU2 server, I could do a 2000 Km job and finish it with 5-6 players to report with good reasons. Or even get to that number without finishing the job because it wasn't worth it to keep hauling a too much damaged cargo. I know that those days are over now, but players who only have the base map can find that 30 is a bit short, IMO, if they play every day.

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I can see where you're coming from but the report system is trolled a lot and some people will report someone for literally doing a bit of a sharp turn or not using their warning lights, etc. I see people saying their going to be reported for not being realistic enough. It could work if people didn't troll the system as much. If they really needed that extra help they would hire more Game Moderators. 

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9 hours ago, [TCS-VTC]*015*LiuS. said:



Söyledikleriniz hakkındaki fikrimi ifade etmek istiyorum. İlk olarak, size katılmıyorum.

Bence TMP'nin temel amacı, bazı oyuncuları sınırsız olarak bildirmek yerine, bu oyunu seven ve birlikte çevrimiçi olmak isteyenlerin sürüş keyfini yaşatmasıdır. Hatta bazı insanlar, haberciliği çevrimiçi olmanın temel amacı olarak görüyor. Eğer böyle bir insansan, pişmanlık duyarım ve reddederim. Dahası, pek çok oyun moderatörünün her gün raporları işlemek için uzun zaman harcadığını, ancak sayısız insanın raporlama sistemini kötüye kullanmasının neden olduğu rapor sayısındaki keskin artışı hala durduramadığını görebilirsiniz. Bu nedenle, kuralları çiğneyenlere davranmak için rasyonel ve hoşgörülü olmamız gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Bazı insanlar bunu istemeden yapıyor. Zamanında özür dilerlerse, bunun derinliklerine inmemiz gerektiğini düşünüyorum.


Son olarak, umarım oyunu beğenirsiniz ve arkadaşlarınızla güzel manzaranın tadını çıkarmak için daha az kişinin olduğu bir yer seçebilir, bazen biriyle tanışıp birbirinize merhaba diyebilirsiniz, bu güzel değil mi?❤️




Hey @[TCS-VTC] * 015 * LiuS.


Yes too many people abuse the report system you are right about it,After the other party apologizes to you, we should take it from the bottom.?

Good games.




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Guest Cowie
5 hours ago, blabberbeak said:

I disagree.

The report system exists to report violations of the rules.

A player who wants to report 30+ rule violations is perfectly entitled to do so (within the limitations of the system). It isn't wrong at all.


It's a malicious allegation to say the player is looking for players to report. Because it implies that you accuse the player of violating rule 1.4 Reporting Users.


Please don't shut your eyes to reality.

There is mayhem in certain busy areas. And it isn't wrong to drive there neither.

You have every right to create up to 30 reports at one time, that is correct. However, those who do choose to use all of their reporting slots should keep in mind that they are contributing to longer wait times as we need to review more reports. Nevertheless, anything more than 30 reports at one time would be excessive.

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I think it's important to consider the severity of offences. At any given point in time, I could witness dozens and dozens of rule violations when driving on the route from Calais to Duisburg. That's not to say however that I will report every single one of them. Some of them are silly mistakes, often with no malice behind them. I personally believe that reporting these errors are petty and say more about the reporting party than the accused. There is a level of responsibility associated with reporting players, including not getting people banned just because you can.


On the flip side, if you are unlucky enough to find yourself in a drive that has 30+ major rule violations in it, you may find you don't need to report all of those players. Wait for a few hours and check the website reports system. You may find that the player has already been banned and as such you can save yourself a report. Keep in mind that if they drive badly in front of you, they've probably done it infront of countless other players too.


Prime Logistics | Former HR & Exam Team

TMP Former Events Team

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I don't see why this has to change . I have never ever reached that limit of reports at one time .

Not to be stereotypical But if your just driving on C-D road just to gain reports to send in & submit then your basically abusing the system NGL if your just driving to get reports your then not playing the game correctly . From the only times I have seen you lena personally has been on the Calais to Duisburg road .

You have to think the GM's have hundreds or even thousands of reports to get through maximising more reports will just make it worse & more work for them to handle I have never ever reached more than 30 & well I have been on TMP for 5 years so from what I have experienced there's no need to change the limit .

But to go of Cowies point above if your making 30 reports in a few days then the player or person is doing something wrong intentionally trying to get players banned just to send in more & more reports is wrong & is not the way it should be at all.

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9 hours ago, -Elvis- said:

But to go of Cowies point above if your making 30 reports in a few days then the player or person is doing something wrong intentionally trying to get players banned just to send in more & more reports is wrong & is not the way it should be at all.


Please imagine the following scenario:

A player has been involved innocently in incidents caused by reckless driving players or trolls more than 30 times within a few days.


Please explain why you think this player is doing something wrong by filing reports of all incidents.


To my understanding, this player has the right and 30+ reasons to file these reports.


I don't ask to increase the number of reports that can be send.

I want to know why you and DJ ccowie think it's wrong to take full advantage of the report system.


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If you have reached the 30 limit in one go, you are making too many reports about the littlest things.

1: Only report players who have intentionally hit you/cut you off/blocking and caused vehicle damage or hindered your ability to move forward on the road that isn't a traffic jam. Cut out the reports of close calls and that saves some space. Plus, if you look at the reports when they are declined, you can see what i'm saying.

2: Don't just be going down the populated routes. Unless you have a delivery to those areas, just avoid it (and save the cargo from being damaged). Can save reports. In the week i've played, i've only made 2 reports, but had probably close to the 30 incident mark.

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I know how you can avoid hitting the 30 report limit.
Stop driving C-D... ?


Or go on a other sim server.

I've been driving through western Europe for several days now on sim 1, about 4hrs / 6hrs a day. And only had to report like 2 people *Knocks on wood*.
If you can drive more in the DLC area's, and avoid western Europe (the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, North of France and western Germany), your TMP experience will be so much better.

Also choose what you report.
Someone lightly bumped into you. Is that even worth reporting?
Someone overtaking the wrong way? Is it really bothering you?
Someone ramming someone else 1 on 1? Not really your concern. (If a troll hits multiple drivers intentionally, it might be worth reporting).

However if you get rammed/cut off and get more than 10% damage, in my opinion that is reportable.
Cheaters: Always report them.
Severe trolling ofcourse. 

Another tip: If you see in the distance that some people are ramming each other, don't go drive between them. Just slow down a bit / stop on the side of the road. And wait till they are out of the way or stopped with ramming each other.
It is mostly just a few minutes and then they are gone.
Saves you damage repair ?

Also give other drivers some room to make a turn/overtake if possible. Makes life on TMP a lot easier and more pleasant.


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Let's not make the mistake I'm seeing: It's not about sending 30 reports in one single drive or gaming session, if I drive in the central areas of the map, I can easily send 5-6 reports each day. That gives 6-5 days before I ran out of web reports because the ones from the first day can still be unclaimed. So my only options are: to rely on the in-game report system which like I said, it's the most unreliable thing in MP, to stay away of the places I want to drive on or to stop playing  until some of my reports are solved. Or play as usual and don't report anything, which won't help anyone other than the reckless players and the trolls. It's not as simple as "Stay away from the C-D road". Even in other places you can have things to report if you drive in the base map.

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1 hour ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

Let's not make the mistake I'm seeing: It's not about sending 30 reports in one single drive or gaming session, if I drive in the central areas of the map, I can easily send 5-6 reports each day. That gives 6-5 days before I ran out of web reports because the ones from the first day can still be unclaimed. So my only options are: to rely on the in-game report system which like I said, it's the most unreliable thing in MP, to stay away of the places I want to drive on or to stop playing  until some of my reports are solved. Or play as usual and don't report anything, which won't help anyone other than the reckless players and the trolls. It's not as simple as "Stay away from the C-D road". Even in other places you can have things to report if you drive in the base map.

This, and I might add something to it.

It's not rare to run into multiple trolls at once, or pair or group of player who think it's a good idea to punish you, who "wronged" one of their own, by retaliating or insulting.

Then you are reporting 2 or more players fro single incident, with the same evidence, and becasue each user must be reported individually, you can go quickly through those 30 reports.

Once I spotted some scout car heading toward me on the wrong side of the motorway, I slammed on brakes and fully stopped because there were 4 others following them. There, 5 reports within several seconds. 

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I also do Reports and I don’t get to the limit of 30. I leave 10-15 slots for really bad incidents. However, if people drive very often on the cd road, I can understand that the they reach the limit. I sometimes decide afterwards that I don’t report a user because it was not as bad as it looked like to me while driving.

Bit it would be Great if they would increase the report limit just if some incidents happen at the a short amount of time. It could sometimes help to increase, but It is very rare that I  get to the 30 reports. 

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My rule of thumb is if they're going the right way, I only report things that result in a multi-vehicle incident. If they just wreck themselves or nothing bad happens then I don't let it become something where I spend time reporting it.

Of course I'll report a wrong way driver every time. 

I drive wherever the jobs take me though, so I'm not at on C-D as much as others. But generally I'll see maybe 1 incident I find worth reporting per hour on average. 

You have never truly trucked unless you have trucked with a MAD COW!

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