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6 answers to this question

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Hello LeXiZ_CS,

I think that you have steam cloud enabled, therefore you will not be able to see the saves.

You have to untick the "use steam cloud": https://imgur.com/a/wxGHISu (edit your profile)

After that, you will find your saves in Eurotruck Simulator 2 > profiles > Your profile > Save

Kindest regards,
Stay safe!

Kindest regards,
Stay safe!
_sneaht_0810 | Former TruckersMP Community Moderation Manager

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Path to profiles saved on your drive: C:\Users\USER\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles


Path to profiles saved on Steam Cloud: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[Steam Profile ID]\227300\remote\profiles\[Profile Number] Right-click Steam and select "Open Folder Location", from there, double click on the folders starting from "/Steam" using the folder link I pasted above.




Former Game Moderator Leader


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Hello there! 

Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply.

Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics.

If you have any further queries, feel free to DM me or another Support Team member and we will open this topic as per your request.

You have 1 week to contact us.

I hope you understand. 

Thanks to all participation. 

Kind Regards,
TruckersMP - Support

//Locked and Moved to Inactive

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Hello again, 


Due to this topic not wanting to be opened after 1 week of being Inactive, I will have to move it to Unsolved Topics.

If you are still having issues, feel free to contact us here: https://truckersmp.com/support


Kind Regards,


TruckersMP Support


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Have a Good Trip!!

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