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Olá Caminhoneiros, À medida que a temperatura baixa e a chance de neve aumenta, só pode significar uma coisa. Está se tornando inverno de novo! Pela primeira vez, apoiamos modificações sazonais por um ano inteiro. Nós nos unimos com Grimes mais uma vez para apoiar o Frosty Winter Weather Mod em ambos American Truck Simulator e Euro Truck Simulator 2 . Para usar essa modificação em nossos servidores, existem alguns passos que você precisa seguir. Como já fizemos anteriormente, além do pedido do criador do mod, você terá que baixar o mod de um site de terceiros. Você pode encontrar todas as informações sobre como instalar essa modificação em nosso artigo base de conhecimento: How to install the Winter Mod . Tal como acontece com as edições anteriores dos mods ambientais Grimes, esta modificação é opcional e não necessária para jogar em nossos servidores. Além do mod ambiental de Inverno, também ofereceremos suporte a dois addons opcionais para o mod: Add-on Heavy Winter e Physics Add-on, bem como o patch ProMods Canada. O add-on de física só será compatível com American Truck Simulator. Infelizmente, este ano, não iremos apoiar o addon opcional Darker Nights. Temos o prazer de anunciar que esta modificação também é compatível com ProMods e acessível em todos os servidores! Conforme avançamos para o inverno e o suporte para este mod, isso significa que desativamos o suporte para o mod ambiental do final do outono. Certifique-se de compartilhar suas capturas de tela usando o mod de Inverno conosco nas redes sociais em @TruckersMP no Twitter e @truckersmp.official no Instagram. > Nota: Todas as regras precisam ser respeitadas, mesmo que você tenha o mod de inverno ativado. Incidentes causados pela mudança física ou visão ainda são revisados da mesma forma que quando o mod de inverno não é aplicado. Por favor, consulte nossas regras para obter mais informações. Recomendamos usar o servidor Arcade, especialmente, ao jogar com o Addon de Física. Tenha um inverno seguro de todos nós aqui na Equipe TruckersMP!
Hello, i did everything like shown in the guide but i dont have the winter mod in game... and yes I did it in the right folder, documents>ETS2MP>mod. I tryed everything, reinstalling truckersmp and the whole game several times on any harddrives i have but it still doesnt work. I even created a new ingame profile cause i thought it could be something with my profile, but thats not the case. I guess theres something wrong with the link between the mod folder and the actual game, but like i said i reinstalled everything several times even on the same harddrive, nothing works. Is there anything else I am missing here?
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- winter mod
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Witam mam dwa pytania a pierwsze pytanie tyczy się cb radia od nie dawna nie słyszę CB radia nie wiem czym jest to spowodowane. A drugie pytanie z winter modem jest takie że po pobraniu moda na stronie z linku na truckers mp, i umieszczeniu ich w Dokumenty/ETS2MP/mod nic się nie zmienia i nie wiem czy nie trzeba jakiejś aktualizacji mieć żeby dzałało z góry dziękuje za pomoc
Hallo Trucker, heute haben wir aufregende Neuigkeiten für euch. Zum Ersten Mal für TruckersMP werden wir die Frosty Winter Weather Mod sowohl für Euro Truck Simulator 2 als auch für American Truck Simulator unterstützen. Um die Modifikation auf unseren Servern nutzen zu können, gibt es einige Schritte denen ihr folgen müsst. Entsprechend der Bitte des Mod Entwicklers, wird die Winter Mod auf dieselbe Weise zur Verfügung gestellt, wie im letzten Jahr. Für mehr Informationen, wie ihr die Winter Mod auf unseren Servern genießen könnt, seht euch unseren Knowledge Base Artikel an: Wie man die Winter Mod installiert Wie auch in vergangenen Jahren ist die Winter Mod optional. Ihr müsst die Dateien nicht herunterladen um TruckersMP spielen zu können. Die Modifikation ist mit ProMods kompatibel, also kann sie auch auf diesen Servern verwendet werden. Beachtet: Alle Regeln müssen beachtet werden, auch wenn die Winter Mod aktiviert ist. Wenn ihr bei Regelverstößen erwischt werdet (selbst wenn manche Verstöße durch die Winter Effekte verursacht werden), wird der Fall genauso behandelt wie wenn die Winter Mod nicht aktiviert wäre. Bitte seht euch unsere Regeln für mehr Informationen an. Nun wo das gesagt ist, wünscht euch das TruckersMP frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes, neues Jahr. Hierbei handelt es sich lediglich um eine Übersetzung. Den Original Beitrag auf der Website findet ihr hier und im Forum hier.
Hey guys I've had a few people message me on steam about the winter mod not working for them, the problem is either not showing snow on the road or terrain or the mod not showing snow falling from the sky. And thought I would show you how I got both these problems fixed. First One: Winter Mod Not Showing Snow on Ground or Terrain. 1. Load up Multiplayer 2. Hit tab 3. Right click on your mouse and click the settings button. 4. Click on Mods tab. 5. Tick the Winter Mod. 6. Click on Apply and Ok. 7. Restart Game Second One: Snow Not Falling From the Sky 1. Again Load up Multiplayer 2. Click Esc then click on Options. 3. Then click on Game play. 4. Then find Rain probability. 5. Adjust the rectangle thing to about half way on the bar. 6. Go back into game and find a spot to rest and then sleep. 7. Then it should be snowing from the sky. Im not saying this is the only way to do it or that it will work for everyone, this is just what I did and it worked for me. Hope this helps a few people!! Happy Ice Road Trucking - Jacob
some parts of the map have winter mod textures and other parts just have the default game textures EDIT:this only happens on promods servers
Эта статья проведет вас через процесс установки зимнего мода для сезона 2019/20. Во-первых, вам нужно скачать мод (ы). ETS База - Тяжелый зимний аддон - Физика - Если вы хотите убедиться, что ваши файлы не повреждены, вы можете сравнить контрольные суммы ваших файлов и исходных. frosty_7_3.scs MD5: 81265DD2C3FA44F4FADA50C6A8EDE1AB SHA1: 20003EF0248D65B1FB33B9D6476F3691DA147210 frosty_heavy_winter_7_3.scs MD5: CF2103EE23E4012DFB812E66466DCD44 SHA1: BB73E2EF212C5520880EB41895AA9FF00E10C6E7 frosty_physics_7_3.scs MD5: 3DA71F1B32B2352427B85BE35CA71799 SHA1: B28375AAFE75F44DA9904952ABAF574A141E1D8A ATS База - Тяжелый зимний аддон - Если вы хотите убедиться, что ваши файлы не повреждены, вы можете сравнить контрольные суммы ваших файлов и исходных. frosty_ats_v2_7.scs MD5: A7B0DD4CDCC9A32161E20DF0BE8A6A9F SHA1: 4271AA083FFDB463E61829A5FF39BF488C5D8ABB frosty_physics_ats_v2_7.scs MD5: F339024E099A7EA391B5A084A3C3CEB9 SHA1: E62C305A42C9C1D6BF6E40E126A6552DF6C1A417 Вам нужно создать папку в каталоге ETS2MP (она обычно находится в ваших документах) и создать папку «mod». Ваш каталог ETS2MP должен выглядеть следующим образом: Тот же процесс необходимо выполнить для вашего каталога ATSMP. Ваш каталог ATSMP должен выглядеть следующим образом: После этого переместите моды во вновь созданную папку, убедившись, что вы не переименовываете их или тому подобное. В противном случае вам будет просто запрещено присоединяться к серверу. Ваша папка модов должна выглядеть следующим образом, в зависимости от того, какие моды установлены. И ваша папка модов ATSMP должна выглядеть так, в зависимости от того, какие моды установлены. После вы сможете войти и подключиться к игре с включенным зимним модом. Устранение неполадок: «Ошибка при подключении к серверу» Возможно, файлы повреждены и, следовательно, требуют повторной загрузки. Убедитесь, что файлы полностью загружены, прежде чем переносить их в папку вашего мода. Убедитесь, что вы не переименовали ни один из модов. «Снег не появляется в игре» «Не появляется в списке модов» Убедитесь, что вы устанавливаете его в правильном каталоге, а не в стандартную папку Euro Truck Simulator 2 или American Truck Simulator, он должен находиться в папках ETS2MP и ATSMP соответственно. Как и в случае с ProMods, зимние файлы модов не появятся в вашем менеджере модов при запуске мультиплеера, это нормально. Если файлы зимних модов находятся в правильной папке ETS2MP или ATSMP соответственно, то они будут правильно подключены лаунчером.
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Cześć, Zauważyłem, że wiele osób pyta jak zainstalować Winter Mod i ma z tym problem więc postanowiłem napisać prosty i szybki poradnik. 1. Gdzie pobrać Winter MOD ? Modyfikacje pobieramy z linków poniżej. 2. Jak zainstalować Winter Mod ?? To proste ! Przejdź do katalogu Moje Dokumenty -> ETS2MP na swoim komputerze, a następnie utwórz katalog mod jeśli go nie masz. Wrzuć do utworzonego katalogu wszystkie 3 pliki modyfikacji (linki powyżej). Uruchom Multiplayer i ciesz się zimową scenerią. 3. Jak usunąć Winter Mod ? Przejdź do katalogu Moje Dokumenty -> ETS2MP na swoim komputerze, a następnie usuń z niego katalog mod. PAMIĘTAJ ! Winter Mod nie jest usprawiedliwieniem dla łamania regulaminu i niebezpiecznej jazdy. Bez względu na to, czy jeździsz z winter modem czy bez możesz zostać ukarany za nie właściwą jazdę. Jeździj bezpiecznie i przestrzegaj regulaminu Truckers MP ! Przyjemnego grania.
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Зимний мод обновлен до 1.34 Если вам лень искать тему Но к сожалению но в мультиплеере он не работает нужно ждать адаптации от разработчиков Truckers MP его адаптации
So I wanted to drive my truck in the snow in ETS2 MP, but can't. I installed the winter mod, enabled season simulation, and played the game. I downloaded everything I needed, put it into the ETS2 MP mod folder I created, and it won't show up as show. Even the physics. So could one of you just please help me and DM me on discord about this. (or reply to this) My discord is "gabwe#8005". Thank you and hope to hear back from one of you!
Cześć mam problem usunąłem winter moda i zamiast deszczu mam śnieg (edit nie mam śniegu na poboczu )
Hello everyone, After a moment of waiting for the new version Winter mod, what about now? will he be over soon? Thanks you advance for your answers. Cordially.
How to enable winter mod?
Finally released, instantly downloaded. Put the .scs in the mod Folder, but starting it through TMP doesn't work. The game starts normally, but it doesn't Show the mods in the mod Manager or even tell me that there are new mods available. To a friend of mine, the same Thing happens. But if we launch just the ets2.exe, so in Singleplayer, all fine. everything works, mod Manager Shows it all. Looking Forward to answers! Happy trucking :)
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Connection refused. You are using an invalid client. You should redownload the mod through the launcher. I re-downloaded mods and launcher. And files doesn't have problem. But still I can't connect the server. Also i followed steps in another forum. Please help me D:
I think you should activate winter mod now, actually it would be cool if the winter mod would be activated for the whole time of the year, otherwise the "Winter MOD" option selected on the option menu of Truckers MP is useless, there are countries when it snows in august like Australia, New Zealand and all the other countries at south of the equator... we sign the box but nothing still happen. I understand every years there are new DLC maps to add to the winter mod so maybe it's a technical reason, but you should remove the "Winter mod" option from the Option Menu when it's not avaible... However when is gonna be the winter mod avaible? It's already 8 of december....
Τα τρια winter mod αρχεία είναι εδώ: frosty_7_0.scs: frosty_heavy_winter_7_0.scs: frosty_physics_7_01.scs: Δεν χρειάζετε να κατεβάσετε και τα τρια. Κατεβάστε μόνο το frosty_7_0.scs η και τα δυο frosty_7_0.scs + frosty_heavy_winter_7_0.scs. Μόλις το κατεβάσετε θα το κάνετε αντιγραφεί το αρχείο απο τα στοιχεία λήψη και μετά πάτε στα έγγραφα/ETS2MP/Mod (εαν δεν έχετε mod φτιάξτε ενα εκει μεσα στο φάκελο ETS2MP και εκει κανετε επικόλληση).Αν θέλετε δείτε το βίντεο εδω θα σας βοηθήσει.
Hello guys i have the following problem. When i install the winter mod and start the game when i join in server automatically kick me . REASON . - Connection refused , You are using an invalid client . You should redownload the mod trought the launcher .
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So I've put both the frost_7_0.scs and the frosty_heavy_winter_7_0.scs in the "mod" folder and I firstly went into singleplayer and it worked fine. But when I went into multiplayer (EU2), it wouldn't work. I checked to make sure I had seasonal effects turned on and I did. I've tried taking the files out of the folder and putting them back in again but still no luck. Any ideas on how to fix? Thanks.
Quelque chose m'intrigue, je voulais savoir si vous aviez encore le Winter MOD d'actif ou vous êtes retourner à la météo "normal" (sans la neige) !? Perso je l'ai encore d'actif !
Suggestion Name: Making winter mod available at all times. Suggestion Description: If you don't know what is winter mod, It's a mod that we get every winter. It adds snow on roads and trees , making the game look so much better. But It gets removed in February - march and It's just bad. Once you play on it, it's really hard to adapt to the old one. It also makes Scandinavia driving so much better. Making it an option in the launcher like it is now would be perfect. Unless there is a cost for keeping the mod, we should absolutely make the winter mod permanent because there is no reason not to. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: Winter mod makes the game look so much better. Makes Scandinavia better. Should be an option.
Where can I download winter mod which will work in TruckersMP?
Boa Tarde Pessoal Por Favor, alguém está tendo o problema do mod de neve não funcionar no multiplayer? Copiei o mod para ver se ele funcionava offline e funciona perfeitamente, mas quando entro no ets2mp ele ignora simplesmente o mod (chega a nevar mas as ruas não ficam com textura nevada ) Se alguém souber como me ajudar agradeceria muito, obrigado =]
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Suggestion Name: Light Rule Change For Winter Mod Suggestion Description: Change the light rule from 19:00-7:00 to 15:30-8:30 something like that. Everyone follows this rule even without Winter Mod. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Because of it getting dark earlier for those with Winter Mod basically a temporary change to the light rule until Winter Mod is removed and the old rule is back simple.