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Found 4 results

  1. Here is my Problem in TruckerMP. https://pastebin.com/K4GiiK34 Crash.log
  2. hi can anyone tell me if its possible to setup a laptop as a second monitor for ets2 pls ? and if it is possible how hard/easy is it to do ? reguards dicky .
  3. teddie38


    hi does any one know if i put my laptop on win7 will it run better becuse it on win10 it a intel i5-2520m intel hd 3000 grapcies and 4gb ram . will it be a good to go to win7 i get 5-10 fps
  4. Today #1 time ever qame crashed to me. Mod Version: 0.1.1 r2 Controllers Used: In-Build Laptop Keyboard Description of Issue: I was stoppinq in qeneva in qaraqe (i was buyinq it) then i was planinq to drive out from it but then qame crashed. How to reproduce: Yyy.... Screenshots / Videos: nope Crash Log: http://pastebin.com/wqEKbgpe
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