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  1. hello just came to me for the first time this error i will be glad someone has a solution to this problem
  2. Golden-Line Spedition to wirtualna firma spedycyjna, która powstała 20 Stycznia 2019 roku. Założycielami firmy są Unn4r oraz MopheusINC, działająca na serwerach TruckersMP w grze Euro Truck Simulator 2. Siedziba centralna firmy mieści się w Poznaniu. Przewozimy wszystkie rodzaje ładunków, zapewniamy różnorodność zleceń na trasach całej Europy, Wielkiej Brytanii oraz Skandynawii. Wyróżnia nas całkowita dowolność wyboru marek ciągników dla naszych kierowców oraz unikalne malowanie naszej firmy. Jesteśmy nową firmą i zamierzamy wejść w świat ETS2 MP z wielkim przytupem. Razem z ludźmi z bogatą przeszłością na wirtualnych trasach postanowiliśmy utworzyć nowy projekt pod nazwą „Golden-Line Spedition”. Łącząc nasze doświadczenie, z dobrą zabawą zamierzamy przetrzeć razem szlaki wirtualnych tras. Nie zapominamy przy tym o dobrym humorze, celu rozgrywki jakim jest dobra zabawa i pokonywanie wspólnie kilometrów. Chcemy także się rozwijać i podjąć współpracę z najlepszymi, dążąc do najwyższej jakości naszej firmy. W związku z tym na pewno nie zabraknie u nas wspólnych konwojów. Dołącz do naszej załogi i stwórz razem z nami nową historię ! Chcesz dołączyć do załogi Golden-Line ? Upewnij się czy spełniasz wszystkie wymagania, i wypełnij formularz rekrutacyjny ! Szczegółowe informacje na temat procesu rekrutacji znajdziesz w naszym Regulaminie. Pamiętaj, aby się zapoznać z Regulaminem przed rozpoczęciem procesu rekrutacji. WYMAGANIA: WYMAGANE DLC: Unn4r, MorpheusINC Mr.Banana andri1948
  3. Witam. Ostatnio chciałem zagrać sobie w ETS2 MP ale wyskoczył mi taki błąd. Czy wie ktoś co zrobić aby to naprawić (próbowałem już włączyć bete ale to nic nie daje) Proszę o pomoc
  4. Ets2 mpde sık yakıt almayı seven biriyim. Ama 4x2 şasilerde hep 1400 yada 1200 litre depo oluyor. 4x2 şasiye 600 litrelik kapasite koyabilir miyim
  5. Hello. I have a question . When I play on Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mp on Server 2 where speed limiter is off , when I go to the game settings gameplay and I uncheck speed limiter and I drive , the speed limiter box checks itself automatic.Help me please
  6. Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Stellenanzeige. Palmberg Transporte sucht zum Neustart ab sofort fleißige und aktive Fahrer zur Festanstellung. Ansässig im schönen Nordwestmecklenburg im kleinen Örtchen Schönberg. Von dort aus Transportieren unsere LKW´s alle Arten von Fracht im Deutschen Nahverkehr oder auch im EU-Fernverkehr. In Zukunft möchten wir auch in den Schwerlastverkehr einsteigen. Bei uns sind auch ältere Fahrer Willkommen. Ich (Toto) leite die Firma mit meiner Freundin und einem Kumpel wir sind alle 26 Jahre alt. Auch gerne gesehen sind Fahrer mit Renault oder Iveco. Was bieten wir euch: - Discord Server - Freie LKW wahl - regelmäßige Convoy´s - Spaß, Zusammenhalt, Freundschaft, Humor - Speditionssoftware Sped V - Aufstieg in die Geschäftsleitung Wir Fordern: - Mindestalter 16 (keine Ausnahme) - Geistige Reife - Einhaltung der StvO (Einhaltung der Geschwindigkeiten laut Navi / Autobahn max 90, Landstraße max 70) - Verwendung von Discord mit Headset - Verwendung unserer Firmenlackierung - Aktiv sein Außerdem suchen wir Lackierer/Folierer für unsere eigenen Trailer. Solltet Ihr nun Interesse haben kommt doch bitte zu uns in den Discord, oder in den Teamspeak von TruckersMP in den Deutschen bereich dort findet ihr mich sonst auch. Ihr braucht keine langen Bewerbungstexte schreiben. Wir wollen in der Praxis sehen wie euer Charakter ist und ob ihr zu uns passt. Ich weise nochmal darauf hin das wir sehr hohen wert auf eine reale Fahrweise legen.
  7. [RO] Dragos

    ETS2 BUG

    https://clips.twitch.tv/PleasantMoistLapwingCopyThis Can you please fix this bug? It's annoying...
  8. soy el único a que no le funciona el video en directo en la pagina twitch.com? lleva 10min cargando
  9. Tak jak w tytule, podczas korzystania z szybkiej podróży, anulowania ładunku, przejazdu promem i euro tunelem gra zawiesza się. Czekanie nie pomaga, pozostaje tylko wyłączenie gry menadżerem zadań. Mam oddzielny profil do multi i do singla, nie mam zatrudnionych żadnych pracowników. Bardzo proszę o pomoc !
  10. Suggestion Name: Add Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania DLC paint job. Suggestion Description: At the moment there is no type of DLC. Any example images: https://prnt.sc/fdrnlz (Pictures taken from ets2.lt) Why should it be added?: Because we don't have it and would like to get that option. It'd allow multiplayer users enjoy EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR (Why in that color?Cuz Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania are Europe baltic states.So, we don't want to be an exception in the game) I'm not rude but Europe Union have 28 Member States,but DLC are some of those...
  11. bonjour ? au demarrage du jeux je ne peux pas faire le @ pour me connecter ? es-ce que ca vous est deja arriver?
  12. ibrahim6116

    Ets2 mp

    ets2 mp de f7 de siyah ekranda kalıyor oyunu silip yükledim düzelmedi bütün driverlarım güncel hiç bi sıkıntı yok single da rahat bi şekilde oynamama rağmen multiplayera girince hata veriyor teşekkürler.
  13. I would like to report a bug which I've experienced twice by now, both caused when playing with a keyboard (and those keys attached to the keyboard).. I was in the hour traffic jam of the feared road Duisburg - Calais again, just doing my usual route.. We've been sitting through the chaos of the jam with overtakers, trollers and chaotic situations of ghost drivers for a half hour straight so I was very pleased to see an admin coming online. So, just for a joke I typed: "Half hour of no admin and this is the result!".. Then my horn got stuck just when I sent the message, and I am almost sure it is because I pressed the 'H' button which is my common horn button. I wasn't used to this sound anymore as I always use my airhorns when honking on purpose (can be seen in the video under this topic when someone rammed me coming from the highway), so I couldn't know it was me horn spamming as I didn't do it intentionally! I realized it was me when it was too late, as I got a two day ban for doing so (ironically enough, this is the same ban limit a rammer who earlier intentionally rammed me I reported via the Forum report system including the video evidence got).. To save my fellow keyboard truckers from the pits of hell (the ban void), I would like to make everyone aware of this bug. As I said it's the second time I've experienced something similiar.. Once I was in the same route (different traffic jam) when someone PM'ed me that I had to turn off my lights because it was shining in his mirrors (not high beams, I never have my high beams on with oncoming traffic as the European law applies with that, I do have driving experience of my own in RL because of my driving license). So I set my lights to city lights (dimmed lights) and PM'ed back: "is this clear enough for you?", while I accidentally pressed the same buttons used for the reverse (common button: S) and cruise control (common button: C) and somehow I got the 5 km/h traction (the minimum requirement for the cruise control tolerance) and got stuck in reverse accidentally hitting the car behind me.. I reversed my truck in panic to the sideroad, hitted the parking brake (as it was still going in it's reverse and couldn't be resetted) and explained it wasn't intentional via chat (fixed the problem strangely enough). Fortunately enough, at that time I was lucky enough to have the all-seeing eye of an admin above me who knew about this bug and didn't banned nor kicked me but sent me instead to the service station with his teleporting power. But as you'll see in the video, I wasn't too lucky this time and justice was served for a year long (as long as I started playing the ETS2 Multiplayer) clear of ban history. And; as I already said, ironically justified with the same length an intentional troller will get when you report him/her for ramming via the official webiste report system. Also, a small bug but worth mentioning: when one presses CTRL + Enter to minimize the game and head back to the game and types in chat using the button 'V', when you copied a text earlier it's apper (like CTRL + C for copying and CTRL + V for pasting). Not sure if this is on purpose, but it is quite annoying when you're not expecting it.. The video regarding the horn getting stuck while typing will hopefully speak for itself (title is because I'm still waiting for the admin to remove my unjustified ban), sorry for the typos throughout the explanation as I was in a rush to have my video uploaded within the two day ban limit as it'll expire after two days (yes, I can wait that long but as I said it wasn't justified as I didn't spam on purpose):
  14. 3 days now I click on ets2 or ats multiplayer to launch and even though I see it running on the task manager the window for the game opens after 40+ seconds...... Yesterday this stop[ed but it started crashing everytime I opened it in the 1st window that ask you how you want to run ets2(direct x ,opengl etc..)I tried to delete all the files that has to do with mp and install it again but nothing happens. Any suggestions??
  15. In ETS2 SP, I can quick travel no problem (64 bit). As soon as I get onto ETS2 MP, I try to quick travel but my game freezes on a black screen. I've tried earlier auto-saves, but problem persists. This started happening in & I was able to quick travel in Any suggestions?
  16. Suggestion Name: Able to discuss claimed reports. [WEB] Suggestion Description: If you could be able to comment reports also after they have been claimed, like unclaimed reports. Any example images: Nope Why should it be added?: I've had some situations were I wish I could discuss or ask something were I'm disagreeing with the admin's decision in my rejected report. Thanks!
  17. every time i try to connect with europe server (or others, no matter) it fails connecting successfully and says " connection to server has been broken, restart game to connect again". got this since 4 days now and it worked fine before so what i mean by that is it happened suddenly from one day to another and i have no explanation for that. got the latest MP version of ets 2. newest update through steam. tried reinstalling MP and SP about 3 times, no change. Any help would be highly appreciated because support is not even answering
  18. Hey guys. Where i can download a x86 version of ETS2 MP? I can? I have Windows 7, 32-bit.
  19. Witam, Wczoraj czyli 02.01.2016 roku dostałem bana za tag, po prostu użyłem takiego tagu jak miał admin -.- Dostałem kicka z gry, ale wszedłem i od razu zmieniłem tag na Police Patrol, nie wiedząc niestety nic o konsekwencjach... i po tym dostałem bana, ale nawet nie wiem do kiedy. Admin Mariio napisał iż mam zmienić tag i napisać odwołanie do bana. Ale jak mam zmienić tag nie wchodząc na mp? No i jak mam napisać odwołanie do bana, do kogo to i dokładnie jak to zrobić. Bardzo proszę o pomoc bo co to za jazda bez kumpli lub wśród innych graczy, przez co rozgrywka staje się ciekawsza. A tutaj wklejam linka do mojego profilu http://ets2mp.com/index.php?page=profile&id=400675. Pozdrawiam
  20. Hi, I would turn off the snow in ets 2 MP, I don't have snow mod, and I do not like to see the snow coming down while the sun shines Thanks to all Photo: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=597553168
  21. http://www.bothunter.fora.pl/images/galleries/26530151955980a886ecef-027528-wm.png FIRMA SPEDYCYJNA BOT HUNTER POSZUKUJE KIEROWCÓW: Wymagania: Wiek 16+ Kultura osobista Sprawny mikrofon Chęć wspólnej zabawy w Euro track Symulator 2 MP Link do konta steam Link do konta na forum.ets2mp.com Oferujemy: Pokój głosowy na RaidCall-u Wspólne Konwoje Miłą atmosferę w firmie Pozdrawiam Pawulon LInk to strony aplikacyjnej firmy: http://myvtc.net/r/36247
  22. Guest


    beyler oyundayken böyle bir hata veriyor sorun neyden kaynaklanıyor Dlc mod felan diye forumda gördümde dlcyi satın aldım ben mod yapmadım ACİL YARDIM
  23. probably is posted this problem, but i can not connect to servers only connect usa server! #E1; probably server is full all time... But #EU2 freeoram? i try to connect but no connect to server...80 players on server. i need Winter mod or something?
  24. Smith97

    Ban Appeal

    Hello All. So i downloaded the update yesterday and went into Rotterdam.. As i was departing Rotterdam i got held up in a rather large traffic jam. Once it was nearly clear two guys were pulling over to the side of the road so i indicated and pulled into the other lane to get past. i got back into my lane without stopping at traffic ect but then was instantly banned for 'overstating in europort' Now i was not aware of this new rule and am now. I was banned yesterday about 9:30 AM NZT. The ban time is 7 days i was wondering if i could get it timed to a few less days? I'm keen to get back into it and won't be passing at europort again!! Again i'm sorry. My steam name is -nzlsmith (http://steamcommunity.com/id/-nzlsmithgaming) And if needed i'll find out who banned me Also i'm not sure where to post this or if there is a form so i just posted here as others were. Regards, nzlsmith EDIT: i have now found the spot to post this and have reposted it there. this post can be removed
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