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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I would like to know if having workers in ETS2 multiplayer is really usefull or if it's only for the solo ? Isn't it buggy in multiplayer mod ? Maybe, it can be a good to be more profitable ? Thank you for all your answers ! MrNefrax
  2. I played my first MP Trucker session last night doing a long haul from Elko to Kingsman. I had $35,000 in the bank, a $14,000 delivery load, and an extra driver making about $500 a trip. After completing the long haul, I proceeded to fill-up on gas and refill on some sleep at a rest stop. Here is where the funny part happens. Immediately after resting, my cash balance sky-rocketed to over $35,000,000 in the bank, and my extra driver went from day 18 to day 410 something and was making over $10,000 a trip and all his skill levels were maxed out. WTF just happened? Did I somehow sleep for over a year or something? The $35,000,000 in the bank made it easy for me to buy two garages and multiple drivers, but I really hate this because it destroyed all my hard effort and fun out of this career mode. Is there anyway for an admin to take money out of my ATS bank and reset me back to where I was? .....plus with interest of course. Thanks.
  3. Hello, Is 252 workers/emoloyers maximum? I cant see more people to hire. And i have still many unbuyed wearhouses to buy
  4. Swo6ix


    Hey. So I noticed that the in game calander got reset back to week one today. How do I get my workers to work again? Half of my workers are currently in a job and it will take them 2600 hours to complete it. How do I fix this? Thanks.
  5. My friend and I are playing ets2mp, and we were confused that our workers werent working, I checked mine, nothing special, 19 hours and 30, but then my friend checked, and it was 2000 hours? what???
  6. Hello! I'm brand new to the multiplayer section and was at fist pretty excited, but I have several questions. The time seems to be fixed for the server. Means if I take a bank loan the ingame days to pay the dept back is ticking wether I'm online or not? Am I correct? If so, taking a loan online seems kinda risky. Also it clearly says on several pages that workers does NOT work on the multiplayer section. Whomever. I played this morning and hired 2 workers. None of them made a income while i played. But now when I'm back and log in my account balance went from 80k to about 400k (prolly couse of the workers right?) and also I can see that 1 of the workers has a higher driver raiting than me and went from 2 skill points to about 10-15. So they do work, even if you're not playing. Strange... I've read on forums that its suggested that you play on SP untill you can afford your own truck to drive around in. Why is that? Sometimes I have to drive across whole europe but I dont have time to finnish. If i save half way and take a break(eating dinner, sleeping and continue next day) and I log on again. My drive has gone to waste due delivery time expired. Is there anyway to bypass this or do you have to make sure to finnish the whole drive before quitting? //Exiless
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