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Found 7 results

  1. Hey guys, I know this is outside the general scope of support but wondering if anyone has this experience. I'm trying to run Truckers MP through wine - there's a guy online who did it with Ubuntu 18 and it seems to be flawless. Currently I'm running the latest Arch Linux distro but I seem to be running into a couple issues. Before installing ATS and ETS2 I installed .NET 4.0 through winetricks, all went well. Installed Steam through wine, then the games themselves. Started both games and made a save file in each. Installed the latest TruckersMP launcher, pointed it to the ATS and ETS2 directories, no issues. When starting the launcher, this is where I run into problems - I've attached a screenshot of the error. I can't really make sense of it, so hopefully somebody has experienced this before. Cheers
  2. Despite the old version of ETS2MP working flawlessly in Wine, Truckers MP does not work in Wine and has no Linux version available. When trying to launch it, despite schannel support being compiled into Wine, it throws an error that TruckersMP "cannot validate the game version."
  3. Hey guys, im sad to hear that after so many number of requests there is no multiplayer mod for mac. so i found out about wine, how can i use it for ets2mp mod for mac. Any videos? any tips? i searched on youtube but they are either too old or not what im looking for. specs: late 2015 15" retina with dual graphics
  4. Please note that I know the game is not supposed to support Linux. I am using the right version of ETS2 (Windows version). When I try to connect to a server (after double-clicking on my profile) the game crashes right after the game says the connection is made. I checked in the log to see what it was, and I suspect it is this error: fixme:winsock:WS_setsockopt IP_DONTFRAGMENT is silently ignored! (This is a WINE error, by the way, not a native Windows one, I don't think.) Anyways, after looking this up online, I get a bunch of stuff about setting up a Linux server, but most importantly, a few bug posts on the WINE page about this error with another game. Sadly, they weren't solved. None of the other posts on the forum here helped, either (probably because no one else is using WINE). I also am not using any DLC. Looking into the tutorial videos on YouTube to set it up with Wine, none of them get that error. SETTINGS OF WINE: Running in virtual desktop mode DLL "dwrite" disabled DLL "gameoverlayrenderer" disabled Thank you for any help. Thanks, CC
  5. Hello, I followed the instructions in this video( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqjeP1bA0Ms ), but when I reached the stage of entering login and pass game crashes as soon as I pressed any button on my keyboard. I just can't log in. Maybe there is a file where I can enter a pass, In order to avoid the login in the game. I know that MP does't support Linux, but I really want find a solution of that issue. Thanking you in advance. Russian: ----------- Здравствуйте, я следовал инструкциям в этом видео( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqjeP1bA0Ms ), но когда я достиг этапа ввода логина, игра просто крашит, стоит мне только нажать любую кнопку клавиатуры. Не могу залогиниться - не могу поиграть. Может в моде присутствует файл, в котором я бы ввёл эти данные, и избежал ввода их в самой игре. И да, я знаю, что мод не поддерживает Linux, но я надеюсь найти решение этой проблемы. Заранее благодарен.
  6. Hello, I had found a way how to install ETS 2 mp on Linux and I've made tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqjeP1bA0Ms
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