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  1. TerraTex-Transports - Die Spedition für dich und mich Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen! Wer sind wir? Wir sind TerraTex-Transports oder auch TT-Trans, die Spedition für jeden, der Spaß daran hat mit dem LKW um die Welt zu fahren. Derzeit sind wir leider nur 2 Personen, da wir uns im Aufbau befinden. Unsere Niederlassungen befinden sich derzeit in Chemnitz, Dortmund un Los Angeles. Was bieten wir? Wir bieten euch: ein Kollegiales Umfeld Ts³ Server Forum zum austauschen von Infos oder einfach zum schreiben Steamgruppe freie Auswahl zwischen ATS/ETS2 und Single-& Multiplayer freie Wahl des LKW und der Fracht freie Wahl der Lackierung gelegentlicher Stream vom Konvoi via Twitch SpedV Niederlassungen in ETS2: Chemnitz & Dortmund SpedV Niederlassung in ATS: Los Angeles Konvoi fahrten durch DLC Gebiete ETS2 (Going East, Italia, Vive la France, Scandinavia, Beyond the Baltic Sea) Konvoi fahrten durch DLC Gebiete ATS (Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon) Was solltet ihr mitbringen? Lust am Fahren Ein funktionierendes Haedset und Teamspeak Software "SpedV" - und diese auch benutzen können Wir achten nicht auf das Alter unserer Fahrer, aber ihr solltet in der Lage sein ordentlich im Konvoi fahren zu können und die StVO zu beachten Haben wir eure Interesse geweckt? Dann meldet euch bei uns! Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/terratextransports Website - https://forum.terratex.eu/ Teamspeak - terratex.eu oder hier im Forum Bei wem müsst ihr euch melden? Am besten bei mir, haltet ausschau auf der Website, sowie dem Teamspeak oder auch Steam nach "Johann". TerraTex-Transports wünscht allen Fahrern und Speditionen eine schöne und erfolgreiche fahrt! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Johann (Geschäftsführung TerraTex-Transports)
  2. My computer is very bad and cannot run multiplayer ETS2 so i use GeforceNOW to play Ulra settings and stuff, is there anyway i can play multiplayer on there? Workshop mod or anything?
  3. The Last problem i see its the new DLC trailler Krone Trailer Cargo Why we see it in form "Buy the DLC" Is that SCT Problem or TruckersMP Problem i realy idk i give u example the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack When u dont have the dlc U can see in Red trailler + at night if u was behind one who has that dlc and u dont has it U cant see Brake Light ( RED AND YELLOW LIGHT ) that realy a problem So can u TMP Know where is the problem is coming and thank u
  4. Guest

    Rule Question ?

    Hello everyone, there are some reasons of ban that I would like to know how we can be banned for that. (I'm not asking this question because I'm banned or not, I'm just asking it to find out a little more) So, I would like to know what it really means 'Reckless driving' What thing was forbidden to do for to have been banned for that reason? I mean, like, don't drive straight on the roads? I would like to know more about it. Thanks you advance for the answers. Cordially.
  5. First of all, let's note that playing by watching movies definitely increases the risk of accidents. Click here to download the program( OnTopReplica ). Setup the program on your computer. Run the game. Set the game to window mode. Go back to the desktop. Open the video with the video player you want ( except for GOM Player ). Open the OnTopReplica. Right-click the program and select Select Window > ( select movie ). Then right click again and select Select Region > You can do the cropping. Right click again and disable the Show Window Border. Enjoy the game. Regards, Wandep
  6. Hey guys, I know this is outside the general scope of support but wondering if anyone has this experience. I'm trying to run Truckers MP through wine - there's a guy online who did it with Ubuntu 18 and it seems to be flawless. Currently I'm running the latest Arch Linux distro but I seem to be running into a couple issues. Before installing ATS and ETS2 I installed .NET 4.0 through winetricks, all went well. Installed Steam through wine, then the games themselves. Started both games and made a save file in each. Installed the latest TruckersMP launcher, pointed it to the ATS and ETS2 directories, no issues. When starting the launcher, this is where I run into problems - I've attached a screenshot of the error. I can't really make sense of it, so hopefully somebody has experienced this before. Cheers
  7. Merhaba, ETS 2 DE VE ATS DE BİRÇOK DLC VAR VE BUNLAR MPDE KARŞI TARAF OYUNCULARI NEDEN GÖREMİYOR BİZİM SAHİP OLDUĞUMUZ DLCLERİ BUNU MERAK EDİYORUM? Örneğin modifiye dlcleri boya paketleri bunları diğer oyuncuların görmesi gerekmetedir. Saygılarımla TruckersMp Forum Üyeleri.
  8. I want to play the latest version of this game in MP, but when I try to download the update, it hangs on this file and then just cancels all progress.
  9. When I Run The Launcher Stop Working The Screen Shoot
  10. Herkese selamlar; truckersmp ye tıklayıp launchETS2 butonuna basıyorum ve giriş yapıyorum ancak multiplayer değil normal açıyor, steam ı işlemi sonlandır deyip tekrar birçok kere denedim yine olmadı. (sürümüm güncel)
  11. Hello, My friend have the following problem: When he try to register in the forum website, it sends him to login in the website through Steam. When your website send him to the Steam's website and he press the login button, it says him that the SteamID is already associated with another account, so he cannot login anyways. He tried to logout and then login through Steam, but the same error message appears. We was reading many forums, but we wasn't able to do anything. If someone have any idea of how to fix this, please to share it. Thanks! His nickname if this would help: FuRi0usSenpai_ / Link to his profile: https://truckersmp.com/user/2254035
  12. +Bonjour, Bonsoir J'ai comme qui dirait un petit problème lors du téléchargement de la MAJ 1.32 pour le multijoueur. En effet le téléchargement avance normalement ,(certe très lentement, mais il avance quand même ), jusqu'à ce bloquer arrivant à 4.94 mb / 12.86 mb sans aucunes raisons apparentes (pas de messages d'erreur, etc..). J'ai déjà réessayer de relancer le téléchargement 2 fois mais rien ne change, il bloque toujours. -PS : Mon jeu de base est en 1.32. J'espère une réponse, merci ! Edit : Je viens de remarquer qu'il ne s'arrêtais pas systématiquement à 4.94 mb : là par exemple il vient de s'arrêter à 4.86 mb et tout à l'heure à 5.07 mb. Je ne sais vraiment pas pourquoi. Edit : En relancent un énième fois le téléchargement, un message d'erreur est apparus :
  13. Hello there, when can we play the new update with the custom trailers online? Thanks for help Paulter
  14. What it means to i can update my "System" in launcher? I recently was installing my launcher it installed. So i want to launch it, after it launched i've got "Install Available Updates" But.. there was an "System" Option. And me (Not from english america etc) dont know what it means to can anyone help me what to do now?
  15. Вот такой тизер предоставили для нас на официальном канале TruckersMP Ваши впечатления, мнения и предположения можете оставить в комментариях ниже.
  16. Selamlar, truckersmp ye çift tıklıyorum, yönetici olarak çalıştırıyorum, silip tekrar yükledim yine aynı, başlatıcıyı açtıktan sonra launch ets2 butonuna bastıktan sonra mouse yüklenme işaretine dönüşüp tekrar normale dönüyor ancak hiçbirşey açılmıyor sanki hiç öyle birşey yapmamışım gibi... hiçbir beta programına üye değilim.
  17. Private server in multiplayer for convoy Can we have a dedicated server for a convoy in multiplayer?
  18. Hello, can you help me with that i trying everything from old post about this error.
  19. EliteK1ng88 is trying to download TruckersMP but he can't because it's saying he hasn't played the games for 2 hours, but he's played them for longer than that. What can we do to fix it? THIS HAS BEEN SOLVED!
  20. Реальные операции TruckersMP, v.5 Реальные операции возвращаются! Для пятой части реальных операций мы возвращаемся в Европу и приглашаем вас лицезреть несколько запланированных событий в реальном времени, чтобы предоставить вам уникальный опыт мультиплеерного симулятора. Инциденты, такие как дорожные работы, аварии, пограничный контроль, полицейские аресты и сопровождение — всё это может произойти на ваших глазах, если вы принимаете участие в одном из наших самых больших и самых популярных событий. Мероприятие пройдёт 26 августа 2018 года с 20:00 до 23:00 МСК, поэтому, если вы ищете новый опыт на дорогах мультиплеера, то переходите ниже за информацией. Мы все здесь, чтобы повеселиться и развлечься! Все реальные события, которые вы встретите, предварительно запланированы только командой TruckersMP. Мы просим всех участников не вмешиваться в них и следовать инструкциям. Кто знает, возможно вас остановят для досмотра или остановят для прохождения полицейского эскорта! Грузовики (и желательно трейлер) допускаются, но легковые автомобили должны использоваться только персоналом TruckersMP. Что касается места сбора перед началом мероприятия, вы можете выбрать один из пяти городов; Дижон , Берн , Женева , Лион или Турин . Если один из этих городов слишком «населён» игроками, не стесняйтесь выбрать другой город поблизости. Подробная карта, которая поможет встретить все события мероприятия, находиться ниже . Просто следуйте по выделенным дорогам в любом направлении, которое вы выберите и наслаждайтесь ивентом! Впечатлены? Появился вопрос? Задайте его на форуме . Увидимся! Дополнительная информация о мероприятии: Twitch Stream — прямой эфир мероприятия Правила проведения мероприятия Сервер: Real Ops V5 DLC: нет источник
  21. Hey does anyone know when will TruckersMP support 1.32 version. So hyped, anyone else? If anyone know wich trucks will be added to the game as well Let me know down bellow Mark
  22. merhaba iyi günler size bir sorum olacaktı .MP de rota silmek 1 ton dorseyle MP de oynamak ban sebebimi? Ayrıca rota sildiğimde F6 da iş görünmüyor ama dorsemiz çekicide takılı.
  23. Hey liebe TruckersMP-Gemeinde! Die frisch gegründete Virtuelle Spedition ,,United Logistics Germany'' sucht offene und verantwortungsbewusste Mitarbeiter. Ich suche zurzeit: - Berufskraftfahrer (m/w) Ich habe ein großes Ziel mit der Spedition: Groß werden! Und Ihr könnt mir dabei helfen! Zurzeit steht leider noch kein TS zur Verfügung, aber der folgt demnächst. Die Spedition entstand aus der ehemaligen MCLS GmbH, diese wurde aber leider geschlossen, wegen Fachkräftemangel. Um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, guckt einfach auf meiner/unserer Website vorbei. Normalerweise müsstet Ihr ein Bewerbungsformular ausfüllen um sich bei uns zu bewerben (außer auf der Polnischen und Englischen Internetseite), dies ist jedoch zurzeit auf allen Seiten nicht notwendig. Vergesst bitte nicht, in der Bewerbung euren Vornamen, euren ''Wunschberuf'', Steam Profil und TruckersMP-Profillink einzufügen. Dies ist dringend notwendig. Eure Bewerbung schickt Ihr anschließend an diese Email Adresse: [email protected] WICHTIG: WIR RECHNEN MIT DEM TOOL ,,TRUCKING-VS'' AB! Ich freue mich auf eure Bewerbungen! MfG - Martin
  24. truckersmp ye kayıt olamıyorum ets 2 yi buharla aldım en az 2 saat oynadım, buhar herkese açık, kamyonların dünyasına bir giriş yaptım ama hala "Euro Truck Simulator 2 veya American Truck Simulator'u hesabınızda bulamadık, lütfen profilinizi sağlayın herkese açık ve en az 2 saat oyun oynadık "hatası alıyorum.
  25. =================COMBOIO DESSA SEMANA (28/07)=============== Server: SA01 or US1 / hour: 09:00 PM -GMT -3 | 06:00 PM - UTC 0 Nosso comboio desse Sábado (28/07/18) será organizado pela empresa TC.LOG.BR e estão todos convidados a participar! As informações estão nos banners, qualquer dúvida sinta-se a vontade para comentar. Estarei vindo toda semana editar este tópico para anunciar os comboios a vocês, então fiquem ligados aqui. Att:. DJFrontier - Líder do Grupamento de Escoltas GCEE | Escolta da TruckersMP. Equipe Administrativa: Fabio (Fundador), Marcelo. Equipe Administrativa do GE: DJFrontier, Pombo, Gears. Agradeço a Equipe da TruckersMP também por fazer parte dos eventos, estar sempre presente e ajudar em nossos comboios: @Nataliia @Mike Dragon @Kayr0 @LUIG @David Edson @chevytime @aluizio' @OBrasileiro Es dono de empresa e queres fazer parte da GCEE? Me contate no Discord: DJFrontier#3813 ou por este tópico mesmo. Default route English US Departure: Aberdeen (Stokes). Arrival: Newcastle (SellPlan). Concentration: 08:30 PM GMT + 3 (05:20 PM UTC 0) Start: 09:00 PM GMT + 3 (06:00 PM UTC 0) Server: South America (Main) United States (Reserve) Não sabe o que é a GCEE? Leia este tópico! Temos outro tópico neste fórum, onde atualizamos com as fotos dos comboios toda semana! DJFrontier - Escolta Oficial no Servidor América do Sul. DJFrontier - Official Escort on South America Server.
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