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World Of Trucks


  1. In all trucks ATS/ETS2 for me the dashboard screen with all your info keeps cutting in and out and ive done everything reinstall the game most of everything and nothing seems to work Please Help! Video of issue-
  2. Hello folks, Recently I got some problems with my ATS. If I leave the main menu in Singleplayer, the screen gets and stays black as long as I kill it with Task Manager. I tried a new profile and there I got the same problems. Here's what I already did: checked integrity of game files - told me everything's fine → failed reinstalled the game and new profile - failed ran it /w admin permissions - failed ran it /w OpenGL and DirectX - failed The multiplayer doesn't even start. After clicking on "Launch ATS" it's crashing instantly. Nothing I can / could do there. So I got some nice reading material to those who are interested into my problem: last_crash file game.log config config_profile I hope some of you may know what I could do to solve my problem Cat tax
  3. Okay, I have a problem with installation. I know what the right path to install the MP is, but every time I try, it says it's invalid. (But it's not, I know the right path). I don't get what I'm doing wrong, I've tried doing almost everything I'm sure.
  4. Ma remorque a spawn derrière un grillage et a basculé sur le coté elle est détruite a 100%
  5. hello all admin, i want to start a topic that we can ask here for our mod by screenshot. so we take screenshot and upload her to ask that the mod is allowed or not. i hope this topic allowed by admin, and every Questions by screenshot will be answer by admin too, to make sure that our mod is allowed or not to use at truckersmp. i'll start with my trailer mod sorry for bad english ;D thank's. i want to ask, is this mod allowed for MP? i want to use for convoy
  6. Neden GlobalTurkTeam ? Önceliğimiz Euro Truck Simulator 2 olarak uzun Yıllardan beri Tekli Oyuncu ve Çoklu Oyuncu Lojistik firma anlayışı ile devam ettirdiğimiz bu güzel ve eğlenceli platform'da daima sevgi saygı disiplin ve aile ortamında bir arada olmaktır amacımız. Genel Olarak MultiPlayer ağı üzerinden Konvoylar Düzenlemek -Diğer Lojistik Firmaları ile Ortak Konvoylar Yapmak. -Yeni Çıkan DLC paketlerini Test etmek -ETS2 Hakkında yeni Çıkan Tüm Haberleri Yakından Takip Etmek Neden Global ? Evrensel olmamızdaki neden Tüm dünya oyuncularını aynı anda istedikleri tüm oyunlarda buluşturmak ve eğlenceli bir ortam yaratmak.Zor ve sert kurallar olmaksızın Tüm oyunların özel odaları olan Team Speak 3 Kanalımızda ayrıca tüm You tube'de Video Çeken ve Canlı Yayın açan oyuncuları da aramızda olmasını sağlamaktır amacımız. ARKADAŞLIK ANLAYIŞI Dürüst, güvenilir, gizli kapaklı bir yönü olmayan tarzda, ‘Açık Kitap Yaklaşımı’ ile ilişkiler kurarak, tüm arkadaşlarımız ile aynı derecede sorumluluk hissedip; tutarlı, doğru, istikrarlı ve sürekli geri bildirimlerle arkadaşlarımızın memnuniyetini maksimum seviyede tutan bir anlayışta eğlenceli zaman geçirmek. TAKIM ÇALIŞMASI Takım sinerjisi yaratmayı bilen, önsezilere ve sorumluluk dayalı, kararlı, yenilikçi, bütünlükçü, sürekli destekleyen, her türlü riske duyarlı, sorun ve engellere meydan okuyabilen, aynı zamanda başarıyı da paylaşan bir yaklaşımda çalışmak ve üretmek. SAMİMİ İLETİŞİM Güvenilir, girişimci, hızlı geri bildirim yapabilen, sürekli destekleyici, çözüm odaklı yaklaşan ve sözünün eri bir anlayışla iletişim kurmak. Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/groups/1789327008047028/members/ FacebookPage: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalTurkTeam/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globalturkteam/?hl=tr TeamSpeak: globalturkteam.ts3self.com Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/globalturkteam# Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtS28vtfzAkCnwywNqEi5A Webpage: https://teamglobalturk.wixsite.com/globalturkteam
  7. Witam, mam problem z grą w świecie multiplayer, mianowicie chodzi o to że razem z bratem mamy jednego steam'a do ATS'A lecz dwa oddzielne konta na TruckersMP, mu działa a u mnie wyskakuje invalid email or password. Dodam że jego konto było połączone pierwsze z World of truck Jest ktoś w stanie mi pomóc ?
  8. Less distances for transport I created a new profile and Hack Money, Level and Up Skills but Less distances for transport. What should I do? Or I should not be hacked.
  9. Hello. I was wondering if there's a way to have a modded paintjob on the servers. Me and my friends are building a VTC and we made a paintjob for our trucks as a mod. I see that some mods can be used in multiplayer so is there a way to have our custom paintjob in multiplayer ?
  10. I saw multiple groups driving at the same time , and they all had same cargo. How can i and my friend get same cargos , so we dont have to search for cargo to same destination for like 1 hour. Do i have to make an organization , if yes , let me know how. Thanks
  11. Boa noite, alguém sabe me dizer quando sai a atualização para a versão 1.25.1s,???
  12. Galera, estou com o seguinte erro, me ajudem por favor "não poderia injetar dll no processo de jogo (inicialização do cliente falhou) por favor tente iniciar o jogo novamente. Se o problema persistir, por favor, tente reinstalar o mod."
  13. Зарегистрироваться на мероприятие на ETS2C Who will win the first Plume? Best European Drivers (Лучшие водители Европы) и Convoy Security Group представляют: Первый чемпионат по водительскому мастерству и ловкости, который пройдет в Кристиансанн! РАУНД 1/6 Difficulty : Что это? Это новое мероприятие, вдохновленное предыдущим чемпионатом "Young European Drivers" (Юные водители Европы), в котором вы должны пройти трассу за минимальное время в тяжелейших условиях (темнота, узкие участки дороги...) Возможно, вы спросите: "Как вы сделаете стены и препятствия?!" Это очень просто, чтобы немного усложить вам задачу, нам нужны ваши прицепы на время соревнований. Какого расписание? Server : #EU2 Мероприятие начнется в 13:00 по Гринвичу 14 февраля 2016 (расположение прицепов / прибытие зрителей) Соревнования начнутся в 14:00 по Гринвичу В 15-16 часов по Гринвичу начнется фестиваль методик и техник вождения, в это время вы сможете дать несколько советов остальным водителям. Зачем мне учавствовать? Если вы выиграете одно из пяти соревнований, вы получите право на участие в финале. Водитель, победивший в финале, получит American Truck Simulator или другую игру от SCS, размещение своей биографии и никнейма на нашем сайте! Остальные призы Вы можете найти в анкете, которая называется: "Postulation for drivers" Если вы считаете себя лучшим водителем в Европе и у Вас хороший компьютер, нажимайте! Если Вы считаете, что еще не готовы учавствовать, то вы можете посмотреть чемпионат на нашем YouTube канале, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter и сайте. Big thanks to Leeemur for his help to translate! Waiting the day!!!
  14. Взял кредит на 400 к, должен каждый день платить 5000, они не снимаются. Почему? (Мультиплеер)./Took out a loan(400k), must pay each day of 5000, they are not removed. Why is that? (Multiplayer).
  15. is there a way to change the pant file in the game on the client side? like say i get the base silver paint or sumthing for a truck. every one on MP will see silver but ill get a custom paint.. anyone know how to do this.. also is it posable to get it from a mod on the steam workshop (get the paint file out of it)
  16. hi, i was wondering why there was no way to use mods in MP, i know there are mods to "increase power" and stuff but like the cosmetic mods why cant i use them like custom paints
  17. Guest

    Connection broken

    When i want to play the text in top-right corner says "Authenticating" and then i see "Connection with the server has been broken" message on chat.
  18. RECRUTEMENT TRANSPORTS PARISIENS L'entreprise Transports PARISIENS lance sa campagne de recrutement pour amener des chauffeurs à rouler avec nous. Veuillez nous faire votre candidature sur MY VTM : http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/company/1983 Présentez vous en quelques lignes et dites-nous pourquoi vous postulez chez nous plutôt que dans une autre team. Nous fonctionnons avec un serveur DISCORD : https://discord.gg/PPebw5k Toutes les informations nécessaires sont dans la PRESENTATION JOINTE. Merci d'avoir lu et nous vous attendons nombreux sur le serveur! Présentation d’entreprise.pptx
  19. La Trans PRO euro recrute! Qu'est-ce que la Trans PRO euro? La Trans PRO euro est une nouvelle entreprise qui vient d'ouvrir ses portes à des chauffeurs sur ETS2! Les conditions pour être choisi Pour être choisi et rentrer dans la team, vous devez remplir certaines conditions : Avoir plus de 14 ans Avoir de l'expérience sur le jeu Avoir TEAMSPEAK 3 Avoir un micro de relativement bonne qualité La première impression La première impression se fait en jeu, lorsque nous rencontrons la personne. Si vous ne parlez pas, ou que vous n'êtes pas respectueux des membres, n'espérez pas rentrer! Nous regardons toujours la façon de rouler des candidats dès le début de la conversation. Si vous ne respectez pas les règles du code de la route FRANCAIS ou les règles de TRUCKERS MP, vous ne serez pas pris! Les TEST Pour rentrer dans notre entreprise, vous devez passer certains tests : Des manoeuvres à effectuer devant un formateur Une route d'environ 250 km à effectuer, suivi par un formateur Un convoi avec d'autres membres de la team d'environ 1000 km à travers l'Europe, toujours suivi par le formateur. Une période de 14 jours d'essai pendant laquelle tous vos trajets doivent être irréprochables Un dernier convoi de plus de 1000 km avec les autres membres de la team. Comment être engagé? Nous recruterons les joueurs sur ce topic et sur MYVTM. Sur MYVTM, vous devez faire une lettre de motivation contenant : votre pseudo, votre âge, la façon dont vous nous avez connu et les raisons qui font que vous voulez nous rejoindre ! Nous regarderons toujours votre façon de rouler en jeu, et votre façon de parler! Le lien de MYVTM : http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/company/610 Sur les feuilles de route, nous demandons une preuve pas la capture d'écran de votre feuille de route à l'arrivée en jeu, postée sur le site IMGUR. Nous demandons le lien de cette photo sur le site dans les commentaires de la feuille de route sur le site. TOUTE FEUILLE DE ROUTE FALSIFIEE SERA REFUSEE, ET SON AUTEUR SERA AVERTI! Un chauffeur qui falsifie plusieurs feuilles de route s'expose à son licenciement pur et simple. Nous espérons que vous serez nombreux à nous rejoindre pour jouer dans la bonne humeur!
  20. SWEFR International Trucking Company. Siège social : Lille-Göteborg Compagnie franco-suédoise de transport international Virtual Trucking Company La SWEFR propose 13 postes à pourvoir dans les secteurs suivants : Ressources Humaines, Organisation, Transport[Chauffeurs]. Chaque candidature sera entièrement consultée, nous vous demandons de ne pas mentir sur le/les informations que nous vous demandons. Le poste s'effectuera sur le jeu solo ou sur le multiplayer (tout trajet fera l'office d'une feuille de route à la fin de la mission). Consultez notre site web pour plus de renseignement ou directement la page de recrutement. Conctactez nous par mail pour encore plus de renseignements.
  21. Will there be a fix any time, where other truckers behind me can't light up my cabin inside? It doesn't feel right, when light is able to go through my cargo AND truck.
  22. Witam. Zapraszam na jutrzejszą audycję, która odbędzie się w EuroTruckRadio. Jest to próbna audycja. Jeśli się przyjmie to zostanie ona w grafiku. Polish Hour jak sama nazwa mówi, będzie zawierać Polską muzykę i nie tylko, ponieważ będzie ona cała prowadzona po Polsku. Jeśli chciałeś kogoś pozdrowić, jednak nie wiedziałeś jak masz to zrobić po Angielsku, to już masz okazję. Jest to moja wyciągnięta ręka do Polskich słuchaczy radia. słuchaj nas na https://eurotruckradio.co.uk Jeśli nie działa link, to zapraszamy tutaj http://eurotruck.radio.net Tak więc co tutaj dużo mówić. Zapraszam Nadchodząca audycja:
  23. Hola buenas grupo requiero de su ayuda ya que no he podido jugar bien Eutro truck MP me sale este problema, siempre que juego y a los 10 minutos se me cierra y aparece esto, se los agradeceria mucho si me ayudaran con este error que siempre me sale - Hello good group I require your help since I have not been able to play well Eutro truck MP I get this problem, whenever I play and at 10 minutes it closes me and this appears, I would be very grateful if they helped me with this error that always comes out, sorry my english
  24. Arkadaşlar merhaba bende bu sorun var; Ben oyuna giriyorum ve ''Install Available Updates'' Yazıyor Basıyorum Ama Birşey Olmuyor. 10 Kere 20 Kere Denedim Olmadı Yardımcı Olursanız Teşekkürler... YORUMLAR KISMINDA İNGİLİZCEYE ÇEVİRİRSENİZ BU YAZDIKLARIMI SEVİNİRİM İngilizcem Kötü İYİ FORUMLAR! Topic is inactive. Locked & Moved to Archieve
  25. I have problems with the client there is no program in control pannel (i think you should add one) can someone tell me or show my how to uninstall the client so i can fix my current problems? And maybe re-install the client
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