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Found 6 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Adding a sub-team within the TruckersMP team that translates TMP into different languages Suggestion Description: There would be a dedicated team to translate TruckersMP (that is at least the main website and the game client) into different languages. Services that I used for translation before are Crowdin and OneSky. Any example images: There is a "Languages" option here, it should be used Why should it be added?: To welcome more non-English users and make the service usable for more people who don't speak English. Within the forums there are already threads being translated, like the rules. This should be extended.
  2. Suggestion Name: Website TranslationSuggestion Description: At the moment Greek translation is not supported.Any example images: https://crowdin.com/project/ets-2-mp-website/el#Why should it be added?: There are many people who don't know or speak English very well or they just prefer to see Greek. Hello, I have checked, voted and corrected the lines, if there are any Greek users who want to check as well feel free since it's only me and @CaptainKostaZ. Also @Forum Developers could we get the Greek translation online soon? Thanks
  3. Suggestion Name: Same as title. Suggestion Description: Danish translation of updated rules. Any example images: Why should it be added?: The official rules were updated today by Clarkinator, so I updated the danish translation of the rules once again. Direct link to the danish rules: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/6500-in-game-rules-dk-officielle-in-game-regler-19-06-2016/ Open the spoiler-tag to see the updated translated rules:
  4. Topic Title: Finnish Translation Bug TruckersMP ID: 505152 URL: http://truckersmp.com/fi_FI/profile/settings Server Time/ Date: 26.9.2016 How to reproduce: Go to account settings and change language to Finnish. Look beneath World of Trucks ID field. The translation has "Context | Request Context" that has accidentally come from Crowdin with the translation. Browser: Google Chrome Version 53.0.2785.116 m Screenshots / Videos:
  5. Suggestion Name: Same as title. Suggestion Description: I haven't been around for some time, so the danish rules haven't gotten a much needed update in a while. @xw :) doesn't seem to roam the forums anymore either, so I doubt he will be updating them much anymore either. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Because a handful of rules were added or updated since the last time the danish rules were updated, and the formatting of the danish rules-thread also seemed a bit weird, so I fixed that up. Just open the spoiler-tag and you'll see. Direct link to the danish rules: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/6500-in-game-rules-dk-officielle-in-game-regler-14-03-2016/
  6. Suggestion Name: Same as title.Suggestion Description: I noticed that the danish in-game rules haven't been updated in a while, so it was missing quite a few things. I decided to add all of the missing parts, and make a couple of adjustments to the translation that @xw :) had done.Any example images: Why should it be added?: Because it was missing a handful of newly added parts. The new and updated version of the danish translation is inside the spoiler-tags: EDIT: I realized that I might have just unintentionally notified quite a few users, as I added name-tags in the updated version, instead of hyperlinked names. Sorry about that.
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