What is Share your Steam Profile?
This is the place where any user who wishes to share there unique Steam Profile with others, in here you can show it of to other Forum users to show them there unique Steam Profile Designs.
( Rules apply only If you wish to participate in this topic, you are not forced to participate and or share your Steam Profile here if you don't want to. You are more then welcome to just look around )
The picture or Screenshot has to be of your own Steam Profile.
Keep images suitable for younger audiences.
How can I post mine?
Grab a screenshot of your steam profile.
Upload your image / screenshot to any image hosting service (e.g. Imgur, Postimages, or TinyPic).
Paste the link to the image in a reply to this thread and it will automatically add and display the image for you.
Looking forward to see your cool Steam Profiles
Kind Regards