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Found 4 results

  1. I have bought and installed the Special cargo DLC but It is not working,theres no deliveries
  2. [NL/BE] Hey, Ik heb juist de heavy cargo, special transport en de high power cargo dlc's gekocht maar toen ik op truckersmp een heavy cargo vracht startte (in Linz, de industriële condensator naar Brno) werd ik gekickt van de server (phrobited accessory set detected!(NetTrailer)). Na wat zoeken heb ik ontdekt dat truckersmp zulke vrachten (nog) niet ondersteund. De reden dat ik deze topic ben gestart is omdat ik op YouTube vaak videos zie waar zulke vrachten wel in multi-player worden gedaan (bv.het transporteren van een helikopter, https://youtu.be/Ena25HNo9ew vanaf 3:20 (geen reclame)). Is het mogelijk dat er bepaalde vrachten wel worden ondersteund door truckersmp en zo ja, welke? Alvast bedankt! Met vriendelijke groeten Joren2087 [EN] (translated by Google translate!) Hey, I just bought the heavy cargo, special transport and the high power cargo dlc's, but when I started a heavy cargo truck on truckersmp (in Linz, the industrial capacitor to Brno) I was kicked off the server (phrobited accessory set detected! (NetTrailer )). After some searching I discovered that truckersmp does not (yet) support such cargoes. The reason I started this topic is because on YouTube I often see videos where such loads are done in multi-player (eg transporting a helicopter, https://youtu.be/Ena25HNo9ew from 3:20 (no advertisement)). Is it possible that certain loads are supported by truckersmp and if so, which ones? Thanks, With best regards Joren2087
  3. Hey Today i purchased the Special Cargo DLC pack but can't use it in mp cause i get kicked everytime Is it going to be supported ? Because i only drive MP and it would be unfortunate if i cant use it Thanks
  4. Suggestion Name: Partly NCZ on special cargo Suggestion Description: I am just trying to help you guys and I do not know if you came up with it. Just remove it if you devs already thought of it My idea for the special cargo trailers is to add a moving NCZ on the extending sides / end of the trailer. Why should it be added?: So other truckers can go through them, and do not collide. But the driver needs to be cautious not to hit traffic poles or any other objects. (So you do not change the hitbox of the trailer) Any example images: No unfortunately not
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