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Suggestion Name: Shared jobs 'hub' Suggestion Description: I image it like this: There'll be an extra option in the job dispatcher, or perhaps when you open the chat window, where it says 'shared jobs hub' or something like that. Example: I go to Amsterdam. I'm lonely and have no friends and I would like to drive with other people, but it'd be a hassle when I had to keep asking in chat all the time. So, I make a job with the dispatcher, or select a job with the in-game options. Then, I click 'share job in Hub' option, after I've accepted the job. A popup would then appear in the chat window of people in the city I'm in (In this case, Amsterdam), saying something like 'Lowlander is sharing a job to [Location] (give it a job ID, let's say, 1). 'Type /sharedjob 1 for details' -> Mr T. Rucker who is also in Amsterdam would like to go on that job with me together. They type '/sharedjobs 1' and see the info. They can then type /sj decline 1 if they change their mind, or /sj accept 1 if they wish to join me. If they accept, they'll get the destination to the starting company where their cargo is waiting for pickup. They can they go with me complete the job, or we can wait longer for more people to join us. To prevent breaking convoy rules, there would be a maximum of 4 slots per 'shared job'. If I recall correctly you can already share jobs but not in a manner like this. I think this could make it easier for people to find others 'on the fly' to truck with, even in busy areas. If you wish not to get such offers, there would be an option to opt-in/out to see/not see such offers pop up. -> Offers made will automatically be removed from the listing in 5 minutes (to prevent them staying up indefinitely) or when the one who created the offer de-lists it before the 5 minutes run out. Once delisted, the person offering can re-offer the job, if so desired. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: I think this bring more 'social' interaction to the game for people who don't usually socialize as much, or people who want to do things together but not with a specific VTC, stuff like that. It's just something nice to have, I feel. I think this could also help in a sense that, since you're going with multiple people, you'd want to go somewhere else where normally there aren't that many people (somewhere that is not C-D) as you won't be lonely because there's others with you. Thoughts?
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- share jobs
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Porque o Fórum é tão morto?(Parado) eu entendo que as pessoas ficam mais jogando do que vindo aqui mas sei lá, é tipo muito morto.
Heysa som overskriften siger så søger jeg voksne 18+ spillere der har lyst til at køre sammen jeg spiller primært ATS men en gang imellem spiller jeg da også ETS2 jeg har lidt regler/krav til dem jeg vil kører med da jeg desværre har oplevet folk der ikke har kunnet finde ud af at opføre sig ordenligt hvilket der jo desværre er alt for mange der ikke kan men her er de krav jeg har og de burde være ret fair og så har jeg også valgt at skrive nedeunder hvordan jeg selv kører så i kan danne jer et indtryk af det Krav til dig: 1. Du kører pænt! 2. Du blinker altid af når du drejer 3. Du råber og skriger ikke som et andet lille pattebarn der ikke får sin vilje når vi snakker sammen 4. Du har Discord eller er villig til at få det da jeg altid snakker med dem jeg skal kører sammen med 5. Du er voksen altså 18+ mindst Om min kørsel: 1. Jeg prøver så vidt det er muligt altid at køre pænt men kan ikke gøre for hvis der er lagg 2. Jeg blinker ALTID af 3. Jeg overhaler ikke når der er dobbelt striber/spærre linjer og det ser jeg helst heller ikke at du gør 4. Jeg kører normalt overfor rødt lys HVIS der ikke er nogen tæt på i området og ellers holder jeg self. pænt tilbage hvis der er andre i området 5. I ATS kører jeg uden fartbegrænser på så dvs. at jeg ikke kører eksterne konkrakter men fra fragt centret af 6. I ETS2 der kører jeg KUN 90 KM/t så der kører jeg også kun eksterne kontrakter da jeg ikke bryder mig om at kører hurtigere i dette spil Jeg håber ikke at i syntes at mine krav er for høje jeg ser selv at de er helt fair så det håber jeg da også at du er enig med mig i hvis du har lyst til at spille sammen med mig så kontakt mig gerne på Facebook hvor jeg hedder Lykke Sabine Poulsen jeg godkender ikke venneanmodninger men derfor kan man jo sagtens skrive en PB (Privat Besked) til mig derinde du er også velkommen til at skrive til mig her på TruckersMP siden men så vil der måske gå længere tid før jeg svarer end hvis du skrev på Facebook
Is there a way to get the steamid from nickname in ets2mp
qq438414368 posted a question in Unsolved Topics
I searched the forum but found nothing related. The public profile of an mp player has so limited details.