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Found 3 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Change the 2nd or 3rd gear of the Scout Suggestion Description: I suggest to change the 2nd or the 3rd gear of the Scout because if you gear up from the 2nd to the 3rd gear, the RPM goes down drastic. That sounds bad and makes it more hard to shift up. The same thing when you're shifting down but then the RPM jumps up very hard. The best thing I would do is to higher the 2nd gear because it doesn't make any difference when you're in the 1st or 2nd gear. It's kind of almost the same. Why should it be added?: It makes it easier to shift and sounds better. With best regards, Martin
  2. Hello truckers and carrers! () It seems that a lot of you want to use the Scout car mod in singleplayer. Either just for fun, or to solve issues; like your car turning into an old Scania when you load your multiplayer profile in singleplayer. I have a simple solution that doesn't require you to download anything. This solution allows the game to use the files of the mod that came with the TMP client. It works by creating a symbolic link in windows, which will allow the game to find the files from multiplayer and use them in singleplayer. It works for both ETS2 and ATS. This will also make sure you always use the latest version released with the TMP client, until the devs change the file names or add additional files. There are two requirements: You need to have administrator rights on your computer and you need to have file extensions enabled. To enable file extensions, check this guide: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/show-file-extensions-in-windows Start by creating a new text (.txt) file. It doesn't matter where it's located or how you name it. Open the file and paste the following text: mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"Euro Truck Simulator 2"\mod\sh_skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\shared\mods\sh_skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"American Truck Simulator"\mod\sh_skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\shared\mods\sh_skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"Euro Truck Simulator 2"\mod\skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\ets2\mods\skoda_car.mp mklink %USERPROFILE%\Documents\"American Truck Simulator"\mod\skoda_car.scs %PROGRAMDATA%\TruckersMP\data\ats\mods\skoda_car.mp pause Save the file and change the filename from anything.txt to anything.bat Right-click on the file and execute it as an administrator. Administrator rights are required because the Scout files used by the TMP client are located in a system folder. If you don't own both of the games, you will see 2 errors. That's normal because this batch file tries to enable the mod for both games, regardless whether you own them. Now start the game and check the mod manager. You should see two new mods: "sh_skoda_car" and "skoda_car". Enable them both and you will be able to use the car in singleplayer. Happy trucking carring!
  3. OmurTr

    Scoda Car

    Skoda Car'ın Dış Buluşma Noktası İyi Olabilir Örneğin: Öneri Adı: Dövme Öneri Açıklaması:koda Car'ın Dış Buluşma Noktası İyi Olabilir Herhangi bir örnek resim: Neden eklenmeli ?:Daha İyi Bİ Yerlere Varabilir
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