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  1. When I newly logged in to the server, the trucks were not loaded. When I waited for a while and moved, I unintentionally damaged one of them and he said that he recorded it on video and that I would be suspended indefinitely. I wanted to write to support about this issue. Is there a penalty for this and will I be suspended indefinitely? Even though I have committed no crime, I do not want to be suspended for no reason. I think the person who warned me will prepare a video report soon. No matter how many times I told him I was new to the game and apologized, he wasn't convinced.
  2. Hello everyone, Since the original thread has been brutally closed (for some timing reasons apparently), I'm just creating this topic to allow people to continue discussing with ALL the community (not only 1 staff member via feedback). Because there were on-going discussions with interesting exchanges between various members. To continue with what people said recently, while I can understand why we stop showing moderators names and the ban durations: to avoid having harassing moderators or getting spammed with people complaining about not good enough bans given. Why don't we punish these few people who are abusing the feedback/appeal/DMs instead of hiding information to 100% of the players?
  3. Hello everyone, This is probably mainly for staff members I guess. With the new rules changes released yesterday I've noticed the addition of the following under the "§5.1 - Server Auto Kicks" section: https://truckersmp.com/rules#5-disclaimer-amp-information Does that mean that the system is now able to detect people using another account and will auto-kick them? If that's the case that sounds very interesting as from my experience I'm pretty sure we have a LOT of people with new TMP accounts who most probably already played on TMP before. Please don't tell me there will be an announcement about it soon. I've been told the same a couple of weeks ago about the report system changes and I'm still waiting
  4. Guest

    No Evidence at Ban Reason

    https://youtu.be/huvZrMY6Zbg The ban reason is §2.5 Reckless driving,but I don't see any evidence!I always follow the rules!Why ban me? I didn't see any reckless driving behavior!
  5. Olá caminhoneiros! Chegamos a você com grandes novidades sobre a forma como emitimos banimentos. Após uma longa discussão interna e levando em consideração vários fatores, algumas mudanças bastante grandes serão feitas na regra §2.8 - Como os banimentos são emitidos. A partir de 4 de Maio de 2022, banimentos permanentes devido ao histórico não serão mais emitidos. Isso significa que a regra §2.8 - Como os banimentos são emitidos foi atualizada e agora está escrita da seguinte forma: §2.8 - Como os banimentos são emitidos - Os primeiros 3 banimentos são emitidos a critério do membro da equipe. - A 4ª proibição é de trinta dias. - O 5º banimento e banimentos consecutivos são de noventa dias. Quaisquer banimentos com mais de 12 meses no momento do novo banimento são ignorados, este período de 12 meses é o período de reflexão do banimento. As extensões de banimento são baseadas nos banimentos ativos (menos de 12 meses) no momento da expiração e não serão alteradas se um banimento ultrapassar o período de 12 meses enquanto o banimento estiver ativo. Se você tiver pelo menos dois banimentos históricos ativos em seu histórico de banimentos, a equipe estenderá seu próximo banimento para noventa dias, independentemente de quantos banimentos você teve no ano passado. As proibições que são estendidas devido ao histórico não podem ser reduzidas, são estritamente trinta dias e noventa dias. Esclarecimento; se você acumular 5 ou mais banimentos em um período de 12 meses, todos os banimentos a partir do seu quinto banimento serão definidos para noventa dias automaticamente. Isso significa que seu sexto, sétimo etc. banimento em um período de 12 meses também será definido para noventa dias. No entanto, essa alteração se aplica apenas a banimentos permanentes devido ao histórico, não devido a hackers, evasão de banimentos ou outras violações de regras que podem resultar em um banimento permanente. Entendemos que essa mudança de regra pode deixar você com algumas dúvidas ou buscando esclarecimentos. Portanto, abaixo você pode encontrar algumas perguntas e respostas comuns sobre essas mudanças: Os banimentos emitidos anteriormente devido ao histórico serão desativados? Sim. Por meio de um processo automatizado, desativaremos os banimentos permanentes emitidos anteriormente e estendidos devido ao histórico. Meu banimento permanente não foi desativado, por quê? Como estamos trabalhando com um grande número de banimentos, sempre há uma chance de que certos banimentos possam ser perdidos durante o processo de remoção em massa. Caso isso se aplique a você, convidamos você a entrar em contato conosco por meio do sistema de apelação. Outros tipos de banimentos permanentes também serão desativados? Não. No momento, estamos apenas modificando a regra §2.8, o que significa que apenas banimentos permanentes devido ao histórico são afetados por essa mudança de regra. Todos os outros banimentos permanentes permanecerão em vigor (hacking, evasão de banimento, etc). O que acontecerá se eu for banido permanentemente recentemente? Se você foi banido permanentemente nos últimos 90 dias, seu banimento será modificado para expirar 90 dias a partir do dia em que foi emitido. Observe que esses banimentos não serão desativados imediatamente, como os banimentos permanentes mais antigos. Outros tipos de banimentos permanentes continuarão sendo emitidos? Sim. Como esta mudança afeta apenas a regra §2.8, não haverá mudança na forma como outros tipos de banimentos permanentes são emitidos. Entendemos que o comportamento e as atitudes das pessoas em relação às regras podem mudar ao longo do tempo, por isso queremos dar a quem cometeu erros no passado outra chance de dirigir na TruckersMP. Com essas mudanças, esperamos receber de volta alguns ex-jogadores em nossos servidores. - Gerenciamento de moderação de jogos
  6. (Suggestion Name in Topic-Name) Hi there, my name is Elias and I'm playing TMP now for over 2 years. I'm one of the two Founders of the VTC "Thermo Liner Group". (For example:) Long Story, short Text: In the last time i saw many guys, who reported players, for example, ramming other players accidentally, but are not even involved or even took damage from it. It's kinda ugly to do that and so I came to the idea: (Suggestion Description:) What about making a rule, that says, that you can only report other players, when you are self involved or took damage? --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - Rule-Example to add in "§1.4" - §1.4 - Reporting users [...] For reporting a user, YOURSELF need to be involved in a collision, took damage from the collision, had to avoid a collision or have been overtaken inappropriate. This rule does not count for reports with the reason "§2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing", "§2.3 Blocking" and "2.6 - Inappropriate Convoy Management / Car Abuse". [...] --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (Any examples images:) Coming soon... (Why should it be added?) So what does this rule change and what are the positives and negatives aspects? Basically, it makes guys that are not involved in a accident or had to avoid one, not able to report. Of course, this rules does not count for Game-Moderators of any kind. Positive aspects: - Reduces the number of reports. - Reduces the number of "DC-Road-Report-Spammer" (Guys, that are driving up and down the DC-Road, only to make reports and spam the report-system.) - Relieves the Game- and Report-Manager-Team in the report-system. - Reduces the number of misunderstandings in reports. - Make it possible for involved players in a accident or collision, to "forgive" players, if they want to. (If there are more positive aspects suggested, i'll add them). Negativ aspects: - If the new rule get insert in the Service-Wide-Rules, many reports will get declined, till everybody has noticed the new rule, in the first time after the rules has been added. (But that is normally, when any kind of rule changed or has been added). --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- What do you think about this rule-suggestion? Do you have any other good or bad aspects? Please let me know! Best regards, Elias
  7. For example: For example, you are driving a job or just driving in the game and suddenly a player (who is spawned and still in ghost mode) comes from the front and rams you. You get damage to your truck, trailer and possibly to your cargo. (The player cannot be killed because he is in ghost mode). Suggestion Name: Wait when spawning Suggestion Description: I think that a rule should be added that says that when you are joined you should wait until all players are loaded (or the ghost mode indicator disappears at the top of the screen). Or if you are kicked out of the game because of the connection that you then stop right and wait until all players are loaded again. Any example images: Why should it be added?: There are a lot of reports in my report history that are rejected, because the driver in question is in ghost mode. However, if I want to drive a job and a player comes towards me and rams me because he doesn't see me, I very often get 100% damage to my cargo, which is not so cool. Especially not if you've driven 2000km before. Loading saves is not possible because our VTC uses Vtlog where the damage remains anyway. If you have any questions please write to me at Kind Regards, berechtigter
  8. Suggestion Name: Convoy rules update Suggestion Description: I have noticed that the topic of convoy management is discussed insufficiently in the TruckersMP rules. I therefore suggest to upgrade and supplement the corresponding paragraphs of the rules by the following information. Definition of the term "convoy": The term "convoy" describes a group of at least six (6) vehicles, excluding escort vehicle(s). Convoy assembly: A convoy consists of a head (first vehicle of a convoy), a trail (last vehicle of a convoy) and a main body (all vehicles between the head and the trail). Escort vehicles: A convoy must use at least one escort vehicle in the front (head) and one escort vehicle in the back (trail). Convoys with more than twelve (12) vehicles may use one or more escort vehicles in the middle of the main body for improved convoy control. Every escort vehicle must use the pilot scheme paint job for easy identification. Safety: Every vehicle of a convoy and every escort vehicle must use its headlights turned on for the entire duration of the convoy. The maximum speed of a convoy must not exceed 50 mph / 80 kph. Any example images: n/a Why should it be added?: Improve the road traffic safety for all road traffic participants and convoy members.
  9. Olá pessoal, A última atualização das regras foi publicada e com esta postagem/publicação do blog, gostaríamos de explicar por que fizemos tais mudanças, bem como dar uma visão sobre as mudanças futuras em termos de punições. A primeira alteração relevante está relacionada à regra §1.2 – Evitar um banimento (Ban Evading). A punição por evasão a um banimento, na maioria das vezes, resultou em um banimento permanente devido à gravidade das infrações cometidas por meio de contas múltiplas. Decidimos padronizar as punições para Fuga de Banimento nos banimentos permanentes. O que é classificado como Ban Evading? Fugir de uma proibição inclui qualquer tentativa de evitar uma punição, que inclui, mas não se limita a: Criar uma nova conta Steam e um novo perfil TruckersMP para usar os serviços dos quais você foi banido (apelo, reports do website e sistema de feedback, servidores); Pedir emprestada a conta de outro jogador e usar os serviços TruckersMP dos quais você foi banido; Retirar as suas próprias evidências que o levaram a ser banido, a fim de conseguir que o banimento seja retirado. Vale a pena explicar que faremos um esforço maior para detectar Ban Evaders por ofensas relacionadas ao 2.1§ e graves ofensas intencionais. Outra mudança interna que também afetará você/a si é a capacidade de reportar Evasores ao Banimento. O nosso foco é ter uma abordagem enxuta/mais rígida sobre o que fazemos, livrando-nos de etapas que muitas vezes são improdutivas e fornecem quase nenhum resultado. Trabalhamos muito com reports do website e tickets de feedback, verificando as contas que recebemos e consideramos esse método altamente ineficiente. Dos 6496 reports de evasão de banimento que processamos, apenas 30% deles foram classificados como um report válido e resultou em um banimento. A partir de hoje, não será possível reportar de forma alguma os Ban Evaders através do sistema de report do website ou sistema de feedback, todos os processos relacionados ao Evasores de Banimento serão tratados internamente com as ferramentas adequadas disponíveis para a Gerência de Moderação de Jogo. Outras melhorias foram feitas em §1.4 – Reportar Usuários. Melhorámos o texto para permitir que jogadores e membros da equipe(a) tenham um melhor entendimento das regras e também decidimos compartilhar publicamente as punições que temos emitido no ano passado de acordo com as regras internas. A partir de agora, a Equipe(a) GM rejeitará qualquer report que não esteja de acordo com as regras, a fim de aumentar a qualidade média dos reports do website e para certas violações de regras, a Gerência de Moderação do Jogo emitirá manualmente um banimento de 30 dias do sistema do website de reports do qual será necessário apelar por meio do sistema de feedback. A segunda ofensa será permanente. Sentimos que esta é uma etapa necessária devido ao valor pendente do total de reportes do website que caiu, que chega a 326.989, 26% do total recebido. Seguindo a postagem/publicação do blog A Caminho da Simulação #2 (Road to Simulation #2), gostaríamos de dar novos passos para prevenir a ocorrência de ofensas intencionais em nossos servidores. O Gerenciamento de Moderação de Jogo fez amplo uso da regra 2.9§ nos últimos meses e emitiu banimentos permanentes, mesmo como primeiros banimentos, para jogadores que estavam intencionalmente violando as regras. Em 2019, emitimos um total de 14.323 banimentos permanentes que ainda estão ativos até hoje. Em 2020, aumentámos para 17.919 banimentos permanentes com um aumento de 25%. Não temos a intenção de interromper essa tendência: faremos novas mudanças internas para banir ainda mais rápido as pessoas que violam intencionalmente as regras para crimes relacionados com a condução. Estaremos restringindo o ciclo ainda mais em comentários racistas e teremos uma política de tolerância zero para crimes relacionados ao racismo e iremos tão longe como emitir banimentos permanentes instantâneas para tais violações. A TruckersMP é uma comunidade mundial, cheia de jogadores de todas as idades e origens e não consideraremos mais o racismo como "apenas" um insulto pior. Nos últimos meses, já começámos a emitir proibições mais severas para esses crimes, no entanto, queremos deixar claro o que faremos com esses eventos. Uma mudança importante que você pode ler em nossa atualização de regras mais recente é o uso restrito de qualquer coisa relacionada a organizações criminosas em tags, avatares, nomes, nomes de VTCs etc... em todos os nossos serviços. Na TruckersMP sempre restringimos a possibilidade de se fazer passar por outros usuários, membros da equipe(a), figuras políticas e policiais, líderes e autoridades de qualquer tipo e não acreditamos que seja permitido o uso de organizações criminosas como a "Máfia". para a nossa comunidade. Não apoiamos nem encorajamos as opiniões de tais organizações e, por este motivo, não queremos que façam parte dos nossos servidores. Estamos muito bem cientes de que alguns nomes específicos são amplamente utilizados na comunidade, e é por isso que vamos dar um tempo limite de 7 dias para remover e/ou alterar todos os conteúdos relacionados à organização criminosa, sejam eles tags no jogo, nomes de usuário, tags de veículo, nomes e tags de VTCs, avatares etc... Após o término do tempo limite, no dia 21/02/2021, prosseguiremos a emitir punições por infrações relacionadas ao jogo e mudanças feitas à mão para os demais serviços relacionados ao TruckersMP, como fóruns, VTCs e perfis truckersMP, como fazemos diariamente por outras violações da regra 1,5§.
  10. I recently saw this video in wich fast travel is used to skip the time but since fast travel isn't free anymore I would have to use ferries to skip time but first I wanted to know if these methods where coverd by §2.1 or any other paragraph in the rules.
  11. Hello, I have an HCT trailer in the game Euro Truck Simulator 2. Will I break the traffic rules in Europe if I go outside of Switzerland (for example, to Dusseldorf or Calais)? And I would also like to know the duration of the block for such a violation (if there is one)?
  12. as per rule §1.5 - Inappropriate use of language, communication and impersonation of any kind, why is it not enforced as on a daily when im traveling the road way in populated city like Las Vegas Phoenix Tuscon Bakersfield theirs a lot of angry and abusive language being used on the cb radios and threats along the highways, when iv submitted reports to admins, the response is not good enough audio evidence but yet you can clearly hear the threats and abuse from other players, should we have to transcribe our video evidence to make the game moderators understand the context of the threats and abuse on the cb airwaves? food for thought insights are welcome!! cheers §1.5 - Inappropriate use of language, communication and impersonation of any kind Using insults of any sort to put another user down. This can include but is not limited to racism, discrimination, discussing/expressing (extreme) political views, illegal or inappropriate situations. Light insults in chat such as "idiot" and "noob" are normally not punished, however, if abused they will be. Profanity without any insult is punishable. Bans or kicks are issued at our staff's discretion. Behaviour that is considered to be threatening towards any user of our service is not allowed. Impersonating other users, staff members, political figures, law enforcement, leaders and authorities of any kind, acting like someone who is more superior or acting like a member of a verified VTC you are not part of. This can be through the way you drive, use the voice chat, your avatar, your license/interior plates, username and/or your in-game tag. Avatars, usernames and in-game tags need to be appropriate and cannot contain offensive content in any way and are not exempted from light insults, or inciting any kind of violence. Your name must consist of only alphanumeric characters or else it will be changed by staff without notification. Linking or providing access to unsafe websites or content. Any reference related to drugs, other illegal substances, pornographic or sexual content or otherwise illicit matters. This applies to any links posted, avatars, signatures, in-game tags, images uploaded or content written. Sharing personal details, including links to social media accounts about other users is not allowed. Depending on the situation, this can also apply to other services that we use to aid us within TruckersMP.
  13. Hi, i've been searching, but i couldn't find a solution for this: which are the rules for spamming? Can you get banned for spamming?
  14. Suggestion Name: Changed Rules Format Suggestion Description: Highlight the text that is included / changed from the item that had a change in your writing. Any example: Was: ... §2.5 - Reckless Driving* Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe and that puts other players in danger, driving backwards, ignoring other players and rules. Being outside of the map boundaries, this includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. Even if you have the right-of-way you must make reasonable efforts to avoid all collisions. Even if someone else is in the wrong, you must take actions to avoid a collision. Highlight for changes: §2.5 - Reckless Driving* Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe and that puts other players in danger, driving backwards, ignoring traffic lights and road signage, speeding, racing other users (except Tucson, Phoenix, and Södertälje (ProMods) race tracks), ignoring other players and rules. Being outside of the map boundaries, this includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. In the ProMods map it's allowed to drive on unlocked roads or paths. Attempting to use desync lag or quick saves in order to cause damage to another user's vehicle is forbidden. Using the ghost mode feature to go around traffic jams. Even if you have the right-of-way you must make reasonable efforts to avoid all collisions. Even if someone else is in the wrong, you must take actions to avoid a collision. Why should it be added?: With the changes highlighted, we would have the exact notion of the changes, drawing attention only to the changed topics. I believe, therefore, to facilitate the understanding of the changes that have occurred.
  15. Hello everyone! I know TMP rules has been upadated ion 2020/2/8 , I have some doubts here baout if my tralier is illegal for new rules. First , I bought a HCT tralier in Finland and it has two flats. I konw it didn't against rules. Second , I set two locomotives on them and it didn't have float and overlapping. Now I want to know if it is illegal. I think it obey all the new rules.I want to get an authority answer.Thanks!
  16. Suggestion Name: Remake/update §3.4 - Trailer combinations* Suggestion Description: It is only permitted to use a trailer combination which is default within each game. (I think: Maximum 2 trailers) The maximum length of any trailer combination must not exceed the length of the longest default combination (Makes me now think: triple trailers allowed, if length is within HCT) But, ofcourse, if you look at the trailer comibnation picuture, then no, triples aren't allowed I'm not using triples, but I've reported alot and they've been banned for it. (Maybe, because of the confusion in this rule) Yesterday I wrote to a player in-game, that triples are illegal, he answered: They are not, look up the rules I checked the rule. And I was like: He's right, atleast, with his trailers (Because they're shorter than HCT (3 short/small trailers)) Today, I found an answer from support on a forum post: It is allowed to take double trailers anywhere on the Map. Base map as well as ProMods map, there are no restrictions. However, Triple Trailers are not allowed at all. So you' might need to add: Triples are NOT allowed, AT ALL on ETS Why should it be added?: Then nobody that reads this rule can be confused. If they can, well, I'll be ready to report whoever I find. And then they'll just learn it that way Best Regards General18
  17. Hello! This summer i was on a trip in Europe. Friend of mine took a funny picture of me in this old bunker from 1950. I then later set it as avatar on steam and yesterday i got permanent banned because of this picture. In my appeal the admin wont explain what in my picture is violating. He is referring to rule §1.5 but wont explain what in my picture is violating this rule. In have now changed avatar since i want to be able to play. Its just a funny picture of me, please judge for yourself and explain to me what is wrong.
  18. Merhaba Arkaşalar şuan 1.35 rmultiplayer da 750 beygir (750HP)mod yasak mı ?
  19. Suggestion Name: as the titles. Suggestion Description: Hopefully Staff will be add some TruckersMP rule changes or exceptions. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: At present, the Ramming provisions, Blocking and Reckless provisions must not break the rules under any circumstances. But I hope this rule has changed a bit. At present, the Ramming provisions, Blocking and Reckless provisions must not break the rules under any circumstances. But I hope this rule has changed a bit. In order to reduce troll users, even stronger punishments are required, but even if the intentional one is seen in the evidence video, the punishment is limited to only a few days. In addition, at the time of the damage, the victim is very stressed. If a blocking action is found, such as if the user is "intentionally" blocking the way, we can't get out. In particular, during Team Trucking, you can't go to the workshop by pressing F7. Because if you go to the workshop by pressing F7, there is a lot of inconvenience because you will leave the existing route. Returning to the main point, TruckersMP's staff actually said that the punishment was reinforced, but the enhanced appearance is invisible to the user. This offer may not be accepted, but I would suggest only one. Victims who have been harmed by the abuser would like to have some exemption from the conflicts they have committed against them. For TruckersMP staff who checked this offer, you can tell them to go to the Arcade server. However, most TruckersMP users prefer servers that can crash (You can see the population ratio of Arcade and Simulation servers.). The purpose of enjoying the simulation is to experience the feeling of driving like a real thing and to have fun in such games. The story is getting too long, but one of the TruckersMP users wants to make a simple change from the user's point of view. We would like to thank the TruckersMP staff for reviewing these matters. I wish you a happy day.
  20. Guest

    ETS2 Sollama Kuralları

    Güvenli ve kazasız sürüş için önemli bilgiler çünkü çoğu kaza bu durumdan meydana geliyor. SOLLAMA KURALLARI; Sollama yapılırken öndeki araca ışıklı ve sesli uyarılar yapılır. Sollamanın en önemli kuralı "Sollama yapan kişiye yol vermek zorunludur." aman nasılsa sollama yapıyorum bana yol vermek zorundalar diye düşünmeyin çünkü sollamanın sakıncalı olduğu yerler vardır ki bunlar; Virajlar,Demir yolu geçitleri,Geçmenin trafik işaretiyle yasaklandığı yerlerde (bunu yoldaki çizgiye bakarak anlayabilirsiniz veya tabelalarda) ve hızı azaltılan yerlerde araç sollamak yasaktır yani benzinlik mola istasyonu gişe gibi yerlerde sollama yapmak sakıncalıdır. ASLINDA AŞAĞIDAKİ METNİN SADECE ÖZETİNİ GEÇTİM ÖNDEKİ ARACI GEÇME ( SOLLAMA ) KURALLARI : Sürücülerin önlerinde giden bir aracı güvenli bir şekilde geçmeleri için,geçişe başlamadan önce; a- Arkadan gelen sürücünün kendisini geçmeye başlamamış olmasına b- Önde giden sürücünün bir başka aracı geçme niyetini belirten işaretini vermemiş olmasına, c- İki yönlü yollarda karşıdan gelen trafik dahil,yolu kullananların tümü için tehlike yaratmadan geçiş yapacağı şeridin yeterikadar ilerisinin görüşe açık ve boş olmasına, d- Geçişin,geçilen araçlar için bir güçlük yaratmayacak şekilde ve araçların geçişine uygun durumda bulunmasına dikkatetmeleri zorunludur. GEÇİŞ YAPACAK ARAÇ SÜRÜCÜLERİ: * Geçilecek araç sürücüsünü ses veya ışıkla uyarmaya, * Sola dönüş lambasıyla işaret vermeye, * Takip mesafesi kadar önceden sol şeride girmeye, * Geçeceği aracın hızıyla geçme sırasındaki kendi hızını dikkate almasına, * Geceleri öneki aracı geçerken,yan yana gelinceye kadar yakını gösteren ışıkların yakılmasına, * Geçtiği aracı geriyi görme aynasından görünceye kadar sol şeritte ilerlemeyi, * Sağa dönüş lambası ile işaret vererek sağ şeride geçmeye mecburdurlar. GEÇME,GEÇİLECEK ARACIN SOLUNDAN YAPILIR. Araçların sağından veya banketten yararlanılarak geçmesi yasaktır. Ancak; 1- Sola dönüş işareti vererek yavaşlamakta olan araçların, 2- Görev gereği yolun solunda beklemekte olan geçiş üstünlüğüne sahip araçların, 3- Sol şeritte bozulan aracın, 4- Yolun ortasından giden tranvayların,sağındaki şeritten geçiş yapılabilir. Gidişe ayrılmış yol bölümlerinde şerit değiştirmemek şartı ile bir şeritteki taşıtların diğer şeritteki taşıtlardan hızlı gitmesi geçme sayılmaz. ÖNDEKİ ARACI GEÇMENİN YASAK OLDUĞU YERLER 1- Geçmenin trafik işaretiyle yasaklandığı yerlerde, 2- Görüş yetmezliği olan tepe üstlerinde, 3- Dönemeçlere yaklaşırken ve dönemeçli yollarda ilerleyen, 4- Kavşaklara yaklaşırken ve kavşaklarda 5- Yaya ve okul geçitlerine yaklaşırken 6- Demiryolu geçitlerine yaklaşırken ve demiryolu geçitlerinde 7- İki yönlü trafiğin kullanıldığı köprüler ve tünellerde öndeki aracı geçmek yasaktır. ***** HIZ AZALTILAN YERLERDE ÖNDEKİ ARACI GEÇMEK YASAKTIR *****
  21. Alter rules for ATSMP - Horn Slots I would this due to the fact ATS is a different game from ETS2 it should have its own rules at least regarding SAVE EDIT. The rule under; §3.1 - Save editing rules: The following save edits are not permitted on trucks: Duplicate accessories (including addon hookups), or multiple accessories of the same type, except for bars mentioned above. Using an interior from one cabin in another, this does not include steering wheels Using interior accessories on the outside of a vehicle Using exterior accessories on the inside of a vehicle Placing beacons on any slot that beacons cannot be placed on by default ---------->Placing large horns on any slot that large horns cannot be placed on by default<---------- Use of trailer or car parts on a truck Adding any part to a vehicle which floats away from the vehicle, regardless of hitbox Any save edit which adds an invisible hitbox {{---------->Placing large horns on any slot that large horns cannot be placed on by default<----------}} example images: I believe seeing it is a different game to ETS2 the rules regarding slots should be altered. as in my picture above there is no real reason it should not be allowed. This has nothing to do with double slots. it does not add any hit box limits and seeing its in an area seen in real life. it should be allowed. i actually copied this idea from a heap of IRL trucks i see every day.
  22. " Traffic laws and road signage must be obeyed. This means European road laws and signage must be followed in ETS2 and American road laws and signage must be followed in ATS. Failure to adhere to the respective road laws and signage could result in a ban." Is running red lights, driving over the speedlimit or not stopping at an stop sign bannable now?
  23. Guest

    Traffic light rule

    Suggestion Name: Traffic light rule Suggestion Description: Because this is based on a simulation game, I demand that a rule be issued to respective traffic lights, in any area. I have seen that they have certain controls on the game, such as limiting the speed, if possible, I would like the infractions of the game to be enabled obligatority. This is a simulator, those who want to collide have the FlatOut game and those who want to run have the TOCA 3 game. I hope that my proposal is considered, since I am a bit saturated making reports of bad players. Sorry for my anger... Why should it be added?: To avoid crashes, order traffic and take money when it does not respect the traffic light. Any example images:
  24. Hello everyone Used to play a lot of ATS singleplayer now getting back ito the game on the multiplayer side since i have the bandwidth to support it. My least favorite part of the vanilla game is, and has always been the dull sounds implemented for every truck brand as well as engines in ATS (haven't experienced ETS). Likewise, my favorite part of singleplayer years ago was the amount of realistic and custom engines, trucks, and sound mods available. I realize visual mods aren't able to be applied to the multiplayer, it would translate to sketchy (at best) results for people viewing the assets without the same mod downloaded. No issues with that on my end. I do however want a clear and concise answer to whether or not there are truck sound mods available and allowed in multiplayer, such as engine, engine braking, and air brakes. Horns not so much i dont really care, but the constant roaring of a pleasant engine note would make the experience a lot more immersive for me tbh. Just wondering, and i guess adding my 2cents to discussions im sure have been had many times before, i just couldn't find. Thanks!
  25. Hello I'm Ultra. I played alot of TruckersMP in the last 2 years or so. It is a very fun game if you don't look at the griefers ;D. I'd like to give the TruckersMP Team a suggetion, which is AI Traffic in TruckersMP. I can see that this propably would be a problem, because the server needs to spawn Traffic not only around you but also on 4000 other Players at times. It would be also nice, if the Traffic is the same for everyone, so you can't see your friend drive through an AI bus in your screen, because on his screen there is noone. But maybe you guys give it a go and you manage to master this problem . The Pros I thought of are: +The world feels a lot more alive and diverse, which adds to the replayability aspect of your mod. +Because the Server has some griefers online, it could force them to obey more traffic rules to not constantly crash with an AI car. +The Trucks would also obey the Traffic Rules more. For example: People in cities often rush to their destination ignoring lights and speed limits. If you add AI traffic, then suddenly these Trucks have to obey the rules to not crash and earn their money. The Cons i think of: -A big chunk of coding maybe? -System and server Resources need to be tested on that, -There would be more Traffic jams in popular cities. (But also: Hey thats life, traffic jams happen) If you could add this at some point of the developement, it would be awesome ^^
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