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Found 3 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Suggestion according the Skoda-issues [To prevent trolls and rammers] Suggestion Description: Fix that need to be done to the Skoda's Any example images: NO Why should it be added?: How about adding a speedlimiter of 90km/h to all Skoda's? (Only admins/moderators are able to turn off the speedlimiter) Its still a TRUCK-SIM and not a Skoda-sim. And what about to fix the brakes and fix the weird weight of the Skoda's? This will annoy the trollers and rammers...and they will eventually leave the Skoda's and the Skoda's will be used as a proper convoi-leaders like intended. And yeah to be honest, most rammers and trollers are Skoda-drivers/abuser.
  2. Guest

    UNCUTTED report videos

    THE THEMA IS: UNCUTTED REPORT VIDEOS ONLY NOT A BAN APPEAL My suggestion is, not allowing uncutted videos at roads with a lot of players like Calais - Duisburg and Europort because they ramm you and wait for you. Or blocking a WHOLE CONVOY. Is extremly easy without getting banned. And if you say now, in the whole time I play (in high population areas and in not high population areas too) Ive got blocked like 1000 times and he wasnt getting banned. He is blocking like 5 minutes and then drives away like nothing happened. I just want uncutted report videos in High Population areas. It would be much more fair, even if I take revenge he would be banned to. And the "No Abusing of pilot" rule is ignored everytime.. They not even get kicked or banned for only a hour...
  3. Suggestion Name: 90kph limit alternative Suggestion Description: Remove the 90kph speed limiter, the player who caused the accident would have to pay the repair costs of the damage done to both trucks + the value lost on the freight for the damage done. To determine who was the player who caused the accident, you could, for example, check if one player was going, for say, 10 or 15 kph faster than the other, it would be him who caused the accident. Feel free to find other ways to determine person in charge of the accident. You could even add an insurance system to make the player responsible of the accident pay for the other player(s) or not. Any example images: I got too much swag for example images (no need of image for this suggestion) Why should it be added? When i was in singleplayer, i was very happy to drive faster than 90kph. I just hate this speed limit. I know that you developpers put this speed limit to reduce the situations where someone get rammed, but my suggestion would partly solve this problem. I personally think it's the player's choice to drive at 90 kph or 120 kph because you wouldn't get these sorts of "physical" limits irl. I would also like to finish my hauls a lot faster than what i do right now at 90kph. Plus, with the speed limiter, there is no point to changing truck or buying the most powerful engine... Thanks a lot! tinynja98
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