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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I'm a new player on ETS2 and TruckersMP. When I joined the server it said that my saves were not able to be loaded (i created it in the last version of the game) so i just created a new one. So I started the game from the beginning. When I finished the first mission it said that i took 10k days to complete it and now my play time is over 10k days and I have no quick mission available any more. Can someone help me with this bug ? Sorry if i made some grammar errors, English is not my mother tongue. Thank you!
  2. So due to the fact that I saw a discussion on here yesterday about new players in MP . someone said that there should be a server for people to learn on before joining for example EU2 & instead of getting banned you go back to that server to improve you're driving .. My thoughts on this are ... There should be a server for new players with damage but where you don't get banned .. Get so many hours before Joining for example EU2 All new players in MP to Automatically have L plates uk or to match the desired country . Why this should be added : This should be added to give New players a chance to get used to the truck for example breaking time's etc . The L plates should be added so people know that they are a new Driver & can give them some more room if needed or so that the more experienced driver can help them out wherever possible . Please see image below All so another great feature to add would be when carrying fuel in the uk real trucks have a ORANGE square that can be folded when not carrying fuel or a tanker . it would be great to be able to add this to our trucks & have it in unfold when attaching a tanker the same way that the walk way folds down on top of the tanker when you connect up to it ... maybe have it on all trucks or make it an option in the customisation garage.. Why this should be added : This is more a realistic feature on the truck it is used in the uk so that you know it has a tanker on from the front . please see image below : You will notice that the orange square on the tractor unit of the tanker appears to be in too parts that is cause it folds up when not carrying fuel . You will also see that there is one folded on the driver training truck because this company also gives ADR training . Thanks for reading .
  3. Suggestion Name: Add rules to registration. Suggestion Description: Add the rules of ETS2mp for registration , so that the new players know the rules are in Multiplayer. Any example images: The particular person who has been registered , gets finally an e-mail , where the rules and penalties from the multiplayer there are. Why should is the added: That leaves the streets safely in multiplayer
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