Suggestion Name: No Ping Kick, or a quick rejoin system that doesn't require restarting the game
Suggestion Description: A replacement to ping kicking being a ghost mode when the ping passes 400ms and/or a /connect "server name"
Any example images: No
Why should it be added?: If you live in a country with slow internet where the fastest possible internet plan is 25mbps like for example parts of Australia, or you live in a country that is far away from the EU servers and you don't want to connect to Hong Kong because its empty making it not multiplayer you will be kicked for a high ping a lot and have to restart your game. My suggestion is to have a ghost mode when you have a high ping so that you don't have to restart the game. The ghost mode will start at 400ms so that it will also reach a wider range of people will not have collisions due to a high ping and people won't have their day ruined by a ping kick.