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Found 6 results

  1. Zdar vsichni behem dnesni jizdy jsem narazil na dva idioty viz videjko, problem je ze to nebere jejich ID do reportu prvni je Koba (75) protismer a tesne prede mnou uhyba - ja to stihl zastavit ale ten za mnou uz ne (taky jeho chyba mel mit odstup) druhy Ivan-Bitebsc(1287) se skodovkou jel chvilku vedle mne a pak to do mne napral, ze by odplata?? Naklad jsem dovezl bez poskozeni a tahac ma 3% cili jsem vklidu, ale tihle idioti kazi hru. Video natocil kamarad co mne sledoval pres steam:
  2. Suggestion Name: Ways to prevent the local trollers from Trollen Suggestion Description: well in Single Player there is a fine for everytime you crash into another truck ie the 400 you get charged for crashing into a truck or car could the ETS2MP team not code it so when a truck crashes into you the get charged £10,000 Any example images: None Why should it be added?: would prevent Trollers and make the Wild admins life easier.
  3. Dudeface


    Some people in ETS2 will race, whether or not they are supposed to. So what I am proposing is that the modders mod the map to put some sort of race track into the game so people who want to race don't do so on the streets.
  4. Hello everyone I bet you have seen this quite often, were you will see people with tags next to their name. [Light crew], [Traffic-crew], [Traffic Enforcer], etc. the list go on. Many of these people I’d noticed have been "Playing" Police or stating that "admin told me to do this" which we all know is NOT true! I'm just curious can we report them? Because it’s becoming a great nuisance. (Irritant) Please I’d love to know what we can do other than ignore their ignorance.
  5. [b]Suggestion Name[/b]: Are you mental? [b]Suggestion Description[/b]:Why have you lowered the server limit. So many people are going to miss out on the decent opportunity that was ETS2MP. I am organizing a convoy for the 2nd of January. How do you expect me to fit around 40 players into a server that is full at the peak times. This is absolutely ridiculous. [b]Any example images[/b]: http://i.imgur.com/TXlTkTc.png [b]Why should it be added?[/b]: I feel that many players will not get eh experience they did previously and will feel disheartened and cease to play ET2MP. Farewell, your lovely friend <3 Sgt. Suarez National Moaner of The Year Award 2001-2014 xoxoxo
  6. Hello! My Account ban! Reason:Wrong way with ep Yes , I was going backwards , but no one interfered , for it gave me 30 days? not nogova something? when those blocks all port that the server is supposed to give 3 days , ask me to unblock my blocked keyboard because of the younger brother , he pressed the Power button after which I could do nothing , had to shut down and I turned and got into the game as soon as I stopped I flew ban My English is not 100% , and I don't know whether the section has created the topic. I ask me to unlock or change up to 2 days for I am not guilty I know my fault , next time I will play without his brother. The screen could not do , missing text My Nick: Panda again I'm sorry when the player , which I cut and I flodil administrators were 3 online nobody reacted , and how I accidentally broke and then for systemic reasons , I immediately issued a ban for 30 days , what?? who taught you , who is gaining such mediocrity , it's not the admins , and horror. http://steamcommunity.com/id/ets2mpgamerpanda/
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