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Found 10 results

  1. After a ferry transfer from Cyprus to Syria, I got to a collision zone that must be anti-collision. It's located here (link). I just bugged there in a player after a transfer because of this. I have a video of a bug, and it's also under the link. I want your team to add an anti-collision zone there. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U2DJTHOyCCcKH4ggfLKOKRVaJwbfuCBp?usp=share_link
  2. Crash.log: https://pastebin.com/nwWZFVE1 Since yesterday (25.09.2018) I'm having problem with completing a job and taking ferries. When I press the "finish this job" or press the yellow travel button on the ferries my game freezes. The task manager says that the game is not responding. I've tried it without any mods installed and I have tried verifying game files without any luck. I can take any job and drive to the destination, but it is there it crashes. Help!
  3. Hello everyone, after I updated the game I've found some bugs with my trailer (B-double). If I want to take a ferry with it, the game crashes. and if I want to rest the game crashes....
  4. Buenas, llevo unas semanas con el multiplayer y me surgió un problema nada más tenerlo. Al querer subir a los ferrys o al eurotunel el juego se me crashea, estando en el multiplayer, el caso es que al cargar la misma partida en el modo de 1 jugador la partida sigue crasheada. Lo mismo me pasa al coger la asistencia en carretera o al cancelar un trabajo. A ver si alguien me puede echar una mano. Gracias
  5. When I go to a port and I want to take a ferry, once I press the button "take ferry" the game crashes... I tried to restart the game in normal mode (without using the TruckersMP launcher) but when I jump into my truck, the game crashes again. Is a problem caused by the console (is activated). Thanks for your help
  6. Ever since i reinstalled ETS2 and TruckersMP after Refreshing Windows i have had constant issues involving transport using the ferry/train as well as issues sleeping online. These issues are not apparent when in single player however this constantly happens on Truckersmp For example from Newcastle - Amsterdam you need to use the Ferry to get from the UK to mainland Europe. When i go to the harbour and attempt to use the ferry all i get is the World of trucks synchronising screen and a locked cursor not allowing me to do anything until i alt tab and kill the program. I have now tried reinstalling ETS2 twice and TruckersMP 3 times and i have used 3 separate profiles. My previously saved one, One i found online and a newly created one. All 3 of these profiles have the exact same issue. Is there any known fix to this? if so it would be greatly appreciated if someone could tell me. Thanks -Louise
  7. Hello Forum, my problem is, that my game freeze or crash wenn i try to ferry to another countries. I have it everywhere from sweden to poland or netherland to england ! !!! After my game crashed and closed it with Task-Manager i try to open this game in Singleplayer but then the game crash instandly after 5 sec ingame time while doing nothing. i reinstalled ETS2 thats why allready 5 times. NOTES: • Game installed ( complett and fresh ) • TruckersMP installed ( complett and fresh with and without ATS ) • New Ingame Profil ( no drivers and garage complett new ) • Windows 7 64bit new installed ( i have to do that cuz of another problems on my pc ) • all needed driver's installed ( completly ) • Support Ticket is open but no answere yet. I cant open a crash report txt because no feedback from the game and close it with Task-Manager I hope some one can help me. AND PLEASE DONT MAKE unusual comments ! greetings and sorry for bad english xD im from germany so maybe here is someone who can answere me in german ^^ Nice help .. NOT
  8. Hi, First above, sorry for my english. When i'm playing and trying to take the ferry or teleport to my garage, the game freeze and i'm using CTRL ALT DELETE for turn the game OFF. I don't had any mod, my game is full stock. I try a backup from an old save but nothing change. Kind regards, Kozlov
  9. Dany

    Game crashes

    Hello people of ets2mp, I will get straight to the point, the game freezes when i use the teleport between garages and when i use the train/ferry... I will have to close it at the process tab in task manager. This happends in singleplayer too. Maybe relevant, i also can't see any freights that are not from the online world of trucks thing... Please help -Dany
  10. good morning everyone I wonder if someone can help me with a problem that this happening to me in the euro multiplayer truck make a trip to the uk but get to the ferry my game is no more give, call assistance traveling to cancel travel game not move on. someone can help me? thanks guys and good travel
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