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  1. Hello, I need some help here: All my trucks are very slow. Sometimes I can't go faster than 90 km/h and some other times I can't go faster than 97 km/h, like if it was my speed limit. Only on a few times I can go faster than 97 km/h, but now my maximum speed seems like 120 km/h instead of the 150 km/h, what it should be on Europe 2. This occurs with all of my trucks: DAF, MAN, VOLVO, SCANIA, RENAULT. The "speed limit option" on menu is alredy unchecked. I've alredy tried to modify the "config" file on Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2 (put uset g_use_speed_limiter "1" to uset g_use_speed_limiter "0") but nothing works. Even the "speed limit option" on ETS2MP is unchecked, but I'm still slow. (and I'm not talking about World Of Trucks loads, which speed limit is 90 km/h) It seems like on ETS2 Offline the problem doesn't occurs. Anyone can help me?
  2. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e31u79IyWaWuFaMO6c4eryh3R9XJMUhv https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HosZIrP9LQ0tkTPwFqvhPL7XyO7F7cwm Is that truck bannable? If it is bannable please say me which part is bannable?
  3. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CvWHvBg1f85O5SliEVSSFDg7atPhyisD https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KTRtVyedUbGMbQtfZ1Ki5t7IkJUKD0Si Is it bannable?
  4. Is this trailer reason for ban? Can you help me? because it is empty. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KJwkWk9RZkeotltkVAFP45ezr8zjvm0G
  5. I made this video for report him, but After When I tried to report him on TruckersMP, He changed his name and I didn't use pinfo at that moment because I was so anger, and I didn't think I had this skill (?) SO, Can't I report him and make him ban? If Can, How I can ?
  6. Hello all , Recently since past 1 week or so i am constantly getting this error while starting ETS2 MP or Truckers mp that "Unreliable Connection" and i get kicked out of the server . I tried to switch the server but the problem doesn't stop and also a new problem comes sometimes that the game crashes and there is a small window which says the game has crashed u can log the recent activity of crash
  8. Guest

    ETS2MP Fatal Error

    When I try to play TruckersMP then the message comes up: Unsupported Game Version detected: expected ver. 1.33.2.s you have ver. Do you need help with changing the game version?
  9. Siyah Bayrak Group' Ailemize Tüm ETS2 MP Oynayan Arkadaşlarımızı bekliyoruz. DLC konusu Konuşulur Kendimde bütün DLC'ler mevcuttur. Discord.gg/SYNMUBP NOT->Save Dosyaları yapacak Ve Moderatörlük Yapacak. Bizleri Tanıtacak Ciddi Düşünen Yardımcı olabilecek Dostları arıyoruz Bize ciddi yardımcı olucak dostluğumuzu ebediyet sürdürecek ailemize katkıda bulunacak Arkadaşları bekliyoruz. #SiyahBayrakGroup Teşşekkürlerhttp://discord.gg/SYNMUBP
  10. Merhaba, ETS 2 DE VE ATS DE BİRÇOK DLC VAR VE BUNLAR MPDE KARŞI TARAF OYUNCULARI NEDEN GÖREMİYOR BİZİM SAHİP OLDUĞUMUZ DLCLERİ BUNU MERAK EDİYORUM? Örneğin modifiye dlcleri boya paketleri bunları diğer oyuncuların görmesi gerekmetedir. Saygılarımla TruckersMp Forum Üyeleri.
  11. Scandinavia haritası KÜTÜPHANEDE fakat oyunda gözükmüyor sebebi nedir acaba yardımcı olurmusunuz ?
  12. Hakkımızda : Selçuklu Trans, 20.10.2016 tarihinde Yüksel DURUKAN tarafından kurulmuştur. Yaklaşık 1 yıl aktifliğini sürdürmüştür. Sonrasında ise bazı sıkıntılardan dolayı kapatılmıştır. Şimdi ise tekrardan kurularak eskisi gibi saygın, seviyeli ve eğlenceli bir oyun grubu olma yolunda tekrardan adım atmıştır. Amacımız : Şirketin en başından itibaren kurulması için bir sebeple yola çıkılmıştır. Bu sebep ise herkesin eşit ve mutlu olduğu, birliğin ve beraberliğin olduğu kardeşçe gerek oyun oynamak gerek muhabbet etmek sebebiyle kurulmuştur. Sizde böyle bir ortamın bireyi olmak istiyorsanız aramızda yeriniz daima hazırdır. Alım Şartları ; Yaş sınırımız yoktur. Saygılı olmanız yeterlidir. Oyun içinde ve Discord sunucumuzda kesinlikle küfür ve argo kullanmak yasaktır. İsim ve resmimizi Steam, TruckersMP ve Discord hesabınızda kullan Ets 2'de Scandinavia ve Turkish Paint Jobs DLC'lerine sahip olmanız gerekmektedir. Oyun içinde troll v.s kesinlikle yasaktır. Konvoylarda sollama yasaktır. Sadece konvoydan sorumlu kişi düzeni sağlamak için sollama yapabilir. Katılmak için konunun altına katılmak istiyorum yazın. Daha sonrasında ise Discord adresimize gelebilirsiniz. Discord : https://discord.gg/FgNrxWg Resimler ;
  13. Guest

    Problème connexion ets2mp

    Bonjour, Quand je lance truckersmp il me demande un email et un mot de passe, quand je tape mon email (avec un @ alt + 64 ou ctrl + V) et que je tape mon mot de passe il me dit que ce n'est pas bon alors que j'arrive à me connecter sur le site avec les même identifiants. Merci d'avance, ZombieI50
  14. Hello & Good Evening Member.I hav another wee qustion 4 the Member.I hav played over 2hrs on ATS single player & i UIt stiil dont let me on ATS MP .Cn any Members give me more info on this as i hav try dozen times 2 get on ATSMP.
  15. How Do U Work CB on Ets2MP?????????? Cheers & Thaxs. ETS2MP Driver:Shankillwillie Cheers &Thaxs 4 The Info In How 2Get My handset Workin.
  16. Olá pessoal Convidamos todos voces para nosso mega comboio. Realizado todos os domingos não Euro Truck 2. A partir das 13: 00hs com Saída como 14: 00hs (Horário de Brasília) Todas as informações são encontradas no nosso site aba eventos. www.grofr Esperamos sua presença. GROFR - '' Juntos faz historia ''
  17. Bonjour a tous , Partie 1: Ma voiture est limité a moins de 40 km/h : Pour cela , vous devez vous rendre dans Paramètres du Jeu (Options) /Contrôleur / puis aller dans la ligne Automatique pour mettre en Séquentielle : Puis : Puis Puis déroule le menu déroulant Puis cliquer sur Séquentielle Partie 2: Comment la boite Séquentielle : Pour cela , ce rendre dans Paramètres du Jeu (Options) / Clavier Touches / et trouvé l'emplacement Rapport Supérieur et Rapport Inférieur Puis Puis En suite vous pouvez choisir une touche pour le Rapport Supérieur (1-2-3-4-5-6) Et une touche pour le Rapport Inférieur (6-5-4-3-2-1) Cordialement, Trucking French Édité le : 11/07/2018
  18. Hey liebe TruckersMP-Gemeinde! Die frisch gegründete Virtuelle Spedition ,,United Logistics Germany'' sucht offene und verantwortungsbewusste Mitarbeiter. Ich suche zurzeit: - Berufskraftfahrer (m/w) Ich habe ein großes Ziel mit der Spedition: Groß werden! Und Ihr könnt mir dabei helfen! Zurzeit steht leider noch kein TS zur Verfügung, aber der folgt demnächst. Die Spedition entstand aus der ehemaligen MCLS GmbH, diese wurde aber leider geschlossen, wegen Fachkräftemangel. Um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, guckt einfach auf meiner/unserer Website vorbei. Normalerweise müsstet Ihr ein Bewerbungsformular ausfüllen um sich bei uns zu bewerben (außer auf der Polnischen und Englischen Internetseite), dies ist jedoch zurzeit auf allen Seiten nicht notwendig. Vergesst bitte nicht, in der Bewerbung euren Vornamen, euren ''Wunschberuf'', Steam Profil und TruckersMP-Profillink einzufügen. Dies ist dringend notwendig. Eure Bewerbung schickt Ihr anschließend an diese Email Adresse: [email protected] WICHTIG: WIR RECHNEN MIT DEM TOOL ,,TRUCKING-VS'' AB! Ich freue mich auf eure Bewerbungen! MfG - Martin
  20. ewronS


    Jak mogę zmienić wersje gry aby móc grać na multiplayer. Zawsze gdy próbuję się zalogować do gry wyświetla mi się takie coś (ss poniżej). Jaką wersję mam wybrać. Dziękuję
  21. Opis Sugestii: Zwiększenie jednostki patrolującej pozwoliłoby zmniejszyć agresję itp. Patrol miałby wyglądać tak że "patrol" w NIEOZNAKOWANEJ Skodzie lub tirze (imitującego zwyczajnego gracza) mógłby karać innych graczy za nieodpowiednie zachowanie na drodze. Umożliwiło by to przepustowość dróg i zmniejszyło ryzyko wypadków i niebezpiecznych zachowań. Np. Ban za spowodowanie wypadku (wyprzedzanie), wyprzedzanie bokiem, kick za ciągłe używanie klasonu, blokowanie ruchu . Admini patrolują aczkolwiek nie ma ich 10 jeżdżących na samej LŚ Zdjęcie: Brak Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna ?: Umożliwiło by to przepustowość dróg i zmniejszyło ryzyko wypadków i niebezpiecznych zachowań oraz pomogłoby graczom. Myślę że moja prośba zostanie pozytywnie rozpatrzona, lecz trzeba by było trochę pracy
  22. Problem wygląda tak, że wszystko idzie normalnie do momentu kiedy już będąc w menu naciskam JAZDA. Pojawia się ekran ładowania ale pasek za nic nie chce się ruszyć.. Edit: Uruchamianie jako administrator również nic nie daje.
  23. Hello everybody, I have been trying to find a caravan for skoda on the map but can not seem to find it anywhere for some reason. I tried sleeping for 5-6 times, taking ferry between countries (9h-18h) for 10-15 times and no luck. ı also reinstalled the truckersmp launcher and it did not work either. I have all map dlc's and the caravan does not show up there too. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  24. Game: ETS 2 MP Mod Version: Installed & Current Updater Version: Supported ETS2 Version: Current Patch Version: Controllers Used: Xbox One for Windows 10 (with wireless adapter) Description of Issue: I deactivated the winter mod since months, but I it is snowing. Yesterday I didn't have snow for 1-2 hours. But today I have snow again since I get connection to EU#2. And also we've got an ne wupdate today with the following text: "With winter over it's time to start the spring cleanup and to start planning for the summer. So with the latest TruckersMP update the winter mod has been removed". But I have still snow (screenshots from today (15.04.2018), 20:00 o'clock (UTC +2 hours) What can I do? Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/j5m4k8 https://prnt.sc/j5m498
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