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  1. I got banned for 1 day , at 17:22 I should have gone , but still ... What do I do ? Can You help me ?!
  2. Suggestion Name: Change the: You Cannot do that firstly you must stop your truck message. Suggestion Description: It changes the message when you are moving and try to go into menu Any example images: No Why should it be added?: Because, cars have been added so it would make more sense to have it as : You Cannot do that firstly you must stop your vehicle. .
  3. Witam dzisiaj po nowej aktualizacji gra przestala wchodzic odpalam i wyskakuja dwa problemy otoz jeden i drugi o tym samym na poprzedniej aktualizacji smigalo swietnie po aktualizacji z ta sk0da posypalo sie : Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium aktualizacja 1.23 Prosze o pomoc tutaj dwa linki do problemu :/ http://imgur.com/a/u8F88
  4. Hi, I downloaded the MP and now all it does is take me to the steam store?
  5. MiguelonHD


    Hola soy José Miguel mis amigos en la matricula del camion tienen su nombre y no se como hacerlo me pueden ayudar?? Gracias
  6. i just tried to play ets2 mp a bit but everytime i start via truckersmp its just like im playing sp. No login screen or chat messages or anything else. Im on the normal version and validated my files and reinstalled truckersmp. Anyone an idea?
  7. I've got some problems with ets2. A while ago, I noticed that I got less fps then before. I've checked (reinstall/change) all the mods, but It didn't work. Now, it's so bad that I got 7FPS at a busy environment. Anyone got a idea or solution for it? My specs quite well (Intel Core i5-4460 [email protected], 8.0gb RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX960) Thanks in advance
  8. Hello Everyone! Thought I would put together a "Tips and Tricks" of how to drive safely and efficiently. First of, make sure to read the MP rules http://truckersmp.com/en_US/rules Once you have read that you know the basics! Now here are some tips to make your driving easier for both you, and others. #1 ALWAYS signal. Not required but it's something you should always to let others know what you are doing. Note: Don't signal last minute. Turn your blinkers on about 2 Truck lengths away from the intersection or wait a few seconds before merging. #2. Don't be in busy areas (Oxnard, Rotterdam, Europort) if you don't have a trailer or don't have a reason to be there. (if you do this, you may get kicked or even banned!) #3 Brush up on your overtaking skills: (Author: VavelOnline) This is a very simple how-to guide on how to overtake (and be overtaken) properly. The first thing you should be aware of is DESYNC. Basically, what you see on your screen is not always what the other players are seeing. This might cause (unintentional) ramming in many situations. To counter that effect, here's some practical information that you should always follow. When overtaking Start your overtaking maneuver when you are at least 60m from the truck in front of you (you can always check the distances using the TAB key). Stay in line When you checked that the other driver is 100m behind you, you can start merging back. Alternatively, if you see the other driver turn its lights on, or hear him honk 2 short times, it means that you can merge back safely from his point of view, even if you're not 100m ahead. In that case, it's nice to thank him using the left-right-left-right blinker signal. Note that high beams would normally be used IRL, but cannot be seen for now in the MP game. When being overtaken Stay in line If you're riding at 90 km/h, it is nice to slow down a little so the other driver has a chance to overtake you. When there's enough distance between you and the overtaker (60m should be enough), turn your lights on (or honk 2 short times if it's night time and your lights are already turned on) to signal that he can merge back safely. #4 Use your hazards when ever there is an accident up ahead or someone stopped in the middle of the road. This lets the drivers behind you (if any) that there is a dangerous situation and you may be braking hard.( It also gives them a warning to be more cautious) #5 Be careful of drivers who are drifting out of their lane, randomly swerving or braking. They may be distracted and cause an accident if proper care is not used. #6 HAVE FUN TRUCKIN'! Thank you for reading this and I hope it helps!
  9. Hi Truckers MP, I'm always Tibe24. I really don't understand... yesterday evening there was no more crash. Today I opened the Multiplayer as administrator and it has crashed again... I created for security another game profile too... and it doesn't go... what can I do? I don't want to not play at Multiplayer anymore!
  10. Gdy wchodzę do gry i postoje lub pojeżdżę chwile np 1minute to na czacie pojawia się komunikat: Connection with serwer has been broken. Restart game to connect again. I wyrzuca mnie z mp. Do internetu połączony jestem przez kabel Internet z TP-LINK 12mb Antywirus GData Internet Security Gdy grałem jakoś dwa miesiące temu wszystko było w porządku. POMOCY! Z góry dziękuje!
  11. Ola pessoal, Estamos com vagas abertas para novos membros. Se você joga sozinho, entre em contato com gente e vamos rodar juntos. Fazemos várias coisas em nosso grupo tais como; Organização de comboios abertos ao publico, comboio para membros, participantes de um campeonato de Euro Truck 2 e caminhão americano, chamado ranking de caminhão mundial. Jogamos Euro Truck 2, simulador americano Truck e Farming. Temos uma Web Radio para Ets2 / Ats, caso vocebe um Dj e jogue estes jogos, entre em contato conosco. Venha fazer parte da familia GROFR, pois juntos fazemos um MP melhor. Veja abaixo nosso meio de comunicação; Site / Rádio: radioofr.com.br Facebook: @GROFR . Instragan: radioofr Twitter: ofrtransbr * Canal de Voz; Teamspeak 3: grofr.hmgweb.com.br * Transmissões Ao Vivo [LIVE] Youtube: GROFR Twitch.TV: GROFR Mixer: GROFR Esperamos sua visita Bom jogo. GROFR - Grupo Radio Os Feras da Rodagem
  12. Nome do Evento de Problema: APPCRASHNome do Aplicativo: eurotrucks2.exeVersão do Aplicativo: de Data/Hora do Aplicativo: 56745d56Nome do Módulo de Falhas: eurotrucks2.exeVersão do Módulo de Falhas: de Data/Hora do Módulo de Falhas: 56745d56Código de Exceção: c000001dDeslocamento de Exceção: 0000000000c563e0Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7600.ção da Localidade: 1046Informações Adicionais 1: 46feInformações Adicionais 2: 46fe51016ff57712060532fcc825e8e5Informações Adicionais 3: 7e63Informações Adicionais 4: 7e63f4a776d27cadf82efb71a16fbb66Instalei o mod multiplayer, e quando fui iniciar apareceu '' ETS2 Parou de funcionar '', e esse protocolo de erro.Pesquisei no forum do TruckersMP alguns diziam ser que podia ser que meu sistema era 32-bit, mas meu sistema é 64-bit, e então fui na steam, dei 2 clicks no ETS, e coloquei na opção de abrir por 64-bit e também apareceu que Parou de Funcionar, alguem sabe o que pode ser e como resolver ? Me Ajudem Por Favor!!!
  13. Hola gente, como andan?? Antes que nada me presento, soy Alexis, de Argentina, 21 años. Les comento que ayer me dispuse a jugar por primera vez ETS2 multiplayer. Decidi crear un perfil nuevo, hice 2 encargos, subi a Nivel 1 y entre al Multiplayer. Aclaro que NO compre ningun camion! Al entrar en el MP, activo un encargo rapido y, cuando llego al destino, lo estaciono y NO me deja presionar Enter para finalizarlo! Supongo que no tiene que ver con el tema de "resetear la economia", ya que a mi SI me aparecen las misiones rapidas. Muchas gracias a todos!! Alexis EDIT1: Lo probe ayer Domingo 17 a la tarde con la version anteriordel ETS2!!
  14. Pomocy! Pytania: Gdzie mogę kupić 64 bit??? Co zrobić żeby to działało?! Proszę o pomoc!!! Z góry dziękuję
  15. Guest

    ETS2MP - Ban

    Hi, I recently got banned for two days on ETS2 for an incident that was 75% my fault. But However, because I had previous bans from over 8 months ago this two day ban has been extended to 32 days. Is there anything I can do about this? Also, do your previous bans get wiped after a year for example or do they stay on your record permanently? Because If I were to be banned again wouldn't It probably be permanent? Thanks, WoodenCrumpet
  16. Raben Logistics Virtual Spedition zatrudni Managera oraz Asystenta ds. Rekrutacji. Obowiązki: Zarządzanie i aktualizacja treści na firmowym fanpage-u. Reklama i promocja firmy Rekrutacja kierowców i zarządzanie kadrami Uzupełnianie oraz moderacja treści na forum Wymagamy: Minimum 18 lat Doświadczenia w obłudze i zarządzaniu silnikami forum (PHP MyBB) oraz Fan Page Poprawnej polszczyzny i dobrej znajomości ortografii Kultury osobistej Kreatywności i zaangażowania w firmę Rzetelności i wywiązywania się z zadań Minimum 100 h w grze (udokumentowane w profilu Steam) Oferujemy: Współpracę w młodym kreatywnym zespole Doświadczoną i odpowiedzialną administrację Luźną atmosferę i wspólne spędzanie czasu Pomoc techniczną i wparcie Dobrą zabawę w gronie znajomych Wzór podania powinien zawierać: Podania prosimy wysyłać w powyższym wzorze na email: [email protected].
  17. Ok, I have been trying to fix this issue for a while I have a screen shot stating the issues, i have noticed MY ExE Version is only, I have no idea how to fix this. And if you's could help that would be awesome. I have been told Need's to be version / But no idea how to get those directly. Thank's really want to Get trucking.
  18. PVXN

    RusMap v.1.6.3

    Witam, czy posiada ktoś spakowaną mapę RusMap v.1.6.3 ? Potrzebuje linka z którego mógłbym poprawnie zainstalować mapę, ponieważ wszystkie poprzednie które pobrałem, był problem z rozpakowaniem :/
  19. My game crashes after startup; Windows says : "Euro truck simulator 2 crashed". And it happens no matter which option to start i will select! PS: Singleplayer wworks just fine! My specs Intel i7 4790K GTX 980 STRIX 8 GB of RAM
  20. Truckers MP Polska - Nieoficjalna Grupa Polskiej Społeczności Truckers MP / ETS2 MP Grupa ma na celu zrzeszanie i integrowanie graczy Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2), oraz społeczności Truckers MP. Dzielenie się z innych swoimi postępami w grze, modyfikacjami pojazdów, map, reklamowania swoich wirtualnych firm etc. Dołącz do Polskiej społeczności kierowców Truckers MP https://www.facebook.com/groups/TruckersMP/
  21. Mod Version: Used: Xbox 360 wired controllerDescription of Issue: Using the ferry causes the game to crash.How to reproduce: Use the ferry.Screenshots / Videos: None
  22. Demony szos! Grupa znajomych zakłada firmę(klan) Wymagamy : Wiek min 16lat.(możliwe lekkie odstępstwo od wieku) Tygodniowe poświadczenie przejechania 1000mil/km Teamspeak 3 + mikrofon Znajomości podstawowych zasad ruchu drogowego. Każdy ma swoje malowanie i dowolny pojazd(łączy nas TAG klanowy) Gramy dla przyjemności ! Grywamy w symulatory : -Spintires- -Euro Truck Simulator 2- -American Truck Simulator - -Farming Simulator 15- -Battlefield-y- -jesteśmy też otwarci na nowe propozycje- Spotykamy się głównie wieczorami ! Grasz kiedy chcesz i ile chcesz ! Jesteśmy dorośli i mamy swoją pracę, do gry przychodzimy miło spędzać czas i się rozerwać. Wszyscy zainteresowani mile widziani i proszeni o składanie podań na naszej stronie : STRONA KLANOWA ZAPRASZAMY !!!
  23. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.23 acum in Open Beta ! Suntem bucurosi sa anuntam ca update-ul 1.23 pentru Euro Truck Simulator 2 este acum disponibil pe Steam. Aducem destul de multe schimbari in jocul de baza, veti gasi o lista cu schimbarile pe care le-am facut la sfarsitul acestui articol. Haideti sa va prezentam cele mai importante adaugari, in detaliu : 1.Steam Workshop (Atelierul Steam) Steam Workshop (Atelierul Steam) este punctul central pe Steam ce va permite o foarte simpla distributie a mod-urilor create de fani si de comunitate. Cu Steam Workshop, veti putea descarca si instala moduri pentru ETS2 si ATS, fara effort, fara batai de cap, dintr-o singura locatie, sigura si de incredere. Iata un scurt tutorial despre cum sa descarci si sa activezi moduri de pe Steam Workshop : Lansati jocul, mergeti la « Mod Manager » (Managerul de moduri) si dati click pe butonul « Steam Workshop » in partea de sus a ferestrei. Browser-ul integrat va aparea si va va duce direct la pagina Steam Workshop. Mergeti la « Items » (Obiecte) , alegeti un mod care va intereseaza, si dati click pe butonul verde « [+] subscriu » . Steam va descarca automat modul. Cand descarcarea se va termina, veti vedea modul in lista vostra de moduri din Mod Manager. Faceti un dublu click pe mod pentru a-l activa, apoi dati click pe « Confirm schimbarile » in josul paginii. Conectati-va la profilul vostru si incercati modul. (atentie : aveti grija la prioritatea de incarcare a modurilor pentru a evita posibile incompatibilitati) 2.Aplicatia de Upload SCS Workshop Pentru a crea si distribui moduri prin Steam Workshop, veti avea nevoie de o aplicatie specifica , o noua aplicatie creata de noi pentru Steam – SCS Workshop Uploader. O puteti descarca din Libraria Steam , din categoria “Tools”. Am pregatit deasemenea si o pagina Wiki cu intreaga documentatie despre SCS Steam Workshop Uploader si despre tutoriale de creare a modurilor. Veti gasi acolo cele mai bune sfaturi despre cum sa folositi aceste programe si sa create moduri. Va rugam sa notati ca deocamdata nu includem support pentru modificarile de harti in Uploader, aceasta functie va veni mai tarziu deoarece necesita mai multa munca din partea noastra. 3.Personalizarea avansata a rotilor Asa cum v-am spus recent pe blogul nostru, am dezvoltat personalizarea rotilor pentru a avea flexibilitatea din lumea reala. Rotile sunt constituite acum din cauciucuri, discuri, suruburi, capace, jenti si prezoane, iar acum, puteti personaliza toate aceste elemente separat. Am recreat rotile in joc pornind de la aceste elemente, dar, le veti putea combina liberi, sub orice forma doriti, pentru a obtine un rezultat original. 4.Mai multe caracteristici si imbuntatiri Iata o lista cu caracteristici si imbunatatiri suplimentare care apar acum in joc : Caracteristici principale : Steam Workshop Roti noi Interfata grafica Amenzile de circulatie pot fi dezactivate (optiune) Ruta GPS (linia rosie) poate fi dezactivata (optiune) Optiune de a pastra Ruta GPS activata, in timp ce primiti alte notificari Se poate dezactiva parcarea automata Avertizare de depasire de viteza pe harta de navigatie VEHICULE Mentinerea vitezei in mod inteligent activand frana de motor cand nu exista un retarder activat (in engleza : Smart cruise control can use activated engine brake when no retarder is present ) Simularea avansata a schimbarii vitezelor Modele realiste de schimabare a vitezelor (Scania, Volvo, ZF). Pentru a le activa, va trebui sa creati un nou profil sau sa va reconfigurati setarile schimbatorului de viteze Stabilitate imbunatatita a camionului in timpul folosirii retarderului ALTELE Imbunatatiri la traficul AI (traficul generat si controlat de calculator) Amenzile de circulatie vor varia in functie de nivelul jucatorului Veti putea gasi versiunea BETA in Steam, la rubric BETAS (Client Stem => LIBRARY => Click dreapta pe Euro Truck Simulator => Proprietati => BETAS => Public Beta – 1.23 public beta. Nu aveti nevoie de nici o parola.
  24. Salut, Patch-ul 1.23 Public Beta a fost lansat astazi, impreuna cu suport pentru Steam Workshop. Atentie : daca jucati Multiplayer, nu faceti acest update pana cand clientul de Multiplayer nu va fi actualizat si el, altfel nu va mai merge. Steam Workshop : http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/ Daca Steam a facut update automat la aceasta versiune BETA , ca sa va jucati in multiplayer, va trebui sa faceti downgrade la versiunea 1.22.2 la Euro Truck Simulator 2. Aveti aici un ghid :
  25. Wirtualna Spedycja SpediStar powstała dnia 23 Stycznia 2016. Jesteśmy firmą, która skupia graczy z Zajmujemy się transportem w całej Europie jak również i w Ameryce. Mamy nadzieję, że i TY dołączysz do naszej firmy. Oferujemy: 1. Luźną atmosferę oraz mile spędzony czas, 2. Własny Blog oraz Discord. 3. Wspólną jazdę w konwojach oficjalnych jak i spontanicznych, 4. Rozwiązywanie wszelkich problemów, 5. Wirtualny tachograf, 6. Rozgrywke na multiplayerze jak i singleplayerze, 7. Dowolny wybór ciężarówki, 8. Wiele więcej. Wymagamy: 1. Wiek – 17 lat i więcej, 2. Znajomość regulaminu firmowego, 3. Kulturę osobistą, 4. Malowanie firmowe ciężarówek, 5. 3000km na tydzien/15000 km na miesiac - do wyboru 6. Sprawny mikrofon oraz Discord, 7. Systematyczną grę w ETS 2 lub ATS Malowanie firmowe w ETS 2 Malowanie firmowe w ATS Dołącz do NAS już dziś! ZDJECIA: Przebieg rekrutacji: 1. Napisz CV na naszym blogu (link poniżej) i czekaj na odpowiedź. 2. Jeżeli odpowiedź jest pozytywna, zapraszamy na naszego Discord'a by zakończyć rekrutacje. Nasze blog: Fanpage: Reklama firmy: Właściciel firmy: Shaq ..::STEAM::.. Admini: Wika ..::STEAM::.. MichalPL ..::STEAM::.. Devil ..::STEAM::.. Rekrutacja Otwarta Składaj CV juz teraz !!! ZAPRASZAMY!
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