Hi, I've looked everywhere in the forums and sent numerous tickets over the course of this year but they have gone unanswered so I'm posting here.
When I first started playing Truckersmp it worked perfectly. I got a new laptop and suddenly it doesn't work anymore, all of my drivers are up to date, I've even reinstalled Windows 10.
When I log in to truckersmp everything is fine until I actually start driving, my ping is a steady 33ms when others around me are 200+. When I first log in I am connected but as soon as I start driving it disconnects and reconnects me numerous times until it stays on offline on the top right. This is a shame as I miss doing convoys with my friends.
I've contacted my ISP and they find no issues, I contacted Microsoft and they find no issues, so I am at a loss. Really enjoyed this mod when it worked, playing on single player while your friends are all on multiplayer, however, isn't enjoyable so I hope you can help me with a solution.