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Found 14 results

  1. Hi, i were using Hori Racing Wheele to play ets2 but i had a short break from playing and now wheel is not detected by ets2 but is detected by steam. I will adds ystem is dects Wheele like a controler. Somone know what i should do?
  2. Hello! I'm very new here in this Forum and in the game as well. So sorry if this question is already answered. I have a G29 Wheel and the H.Shifter for it, and of course the pedals. I bought american truck simulator. Can you give me an advise of du konfigure the Buttons? I bought the game over steam. Steam recognizes the Wheel, but the up and down buttons and the twist-regulator and the button there inside i can't referre there on steam (only information for you) Some times these Buttons don't work in the game, so i don`t use them unfortunately. I don't know how to solve this. i also have the logitech gaming software. There i made refferences for these Buttons...gave them +,-, up, down and h (because i use this button for the horn. So...please...help : ) Greetings to all
  3. guys i bought a 180 degrees wheel before but i dont know how to set it up. i want smooth controls. example when i turn the wheel right a little bit it goes to the end. can you send your settings if you have a 180 degrees wheel ? thanks for responding
  4. Hello there, I was recently playing ETS2 with my wheel, a Speedlink Drift O.Z, with some friends from school and everything worked flawlessly. They've recently gone on holiday so I thought I'd play some SP. As to my surprise, my wheel wasn't detected in SP yet MP detected it fine. I've tried reinstalling the game but no change. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Archie
  5. Hi, I've just got a Logitech G920 and tried playing with it on ETS2 to find that when I take my foot off the accelerator, it automatically brakes. I thought it was my pedals and maybe they were broken so I un-assigned them and tried again. However I'm still having the same issue. It must be in game. Can somebody PLEASE help! I have also attached a clip to show what I mean. At about 0:26 in the video, I take my foot off the accelerator and I'm not touching anything else.
  6. Got a Logitech G920 however and it works in the unmodded game but when i add truckersmp the wheel no-longer is detected by the game. project cars , asserto corsa , Forza horizon 3 , Burnout paradise and The crew still all work. Deleted the settings config tried the input wizard, no luck Copied the settings from SP over, no luck got the Logitech drivers, firmware updates. about to try a system reboot... any one else experienced any-problems and have some insight?
  7. Can anyone tell me why I can get my Logitech g920 to work online but for some reason no matters what I do I can’t get it to work offline
  8. Witam, mam taki problem. Otóż od wczoraj czy tam przedwczoraj kierownica kompletnie mi zgłupiała. O co chodzi? Już wyjaśniam. W grze działa leciutko przez jakiś czas, a następnie robi się ciężko skręcać ( tak jakby się nie grało w żadną grę). Do tego dochodzi takie coś, że we właściwościach kontrolera gier hamulec działa jako gaz, a gaz nie działa wcale. Po ustawieniu w konfiguracji Combined ( single axis - used for most games) gdy dodam gazu to gaz idzie na maxa, a hamulec na sam dół, natomiast gdy popuszczę gazu to hamulec leci w górę. W etsie się to objawia tak, że w konfiguracji jako gaz mam combined pedals a jako hamulec accelerator czyli gaz ( gdy naciskam na gaz i hamulec prawidłowo się uzupełnia żółta kreska z gazem i hamulcem). Proszę o jakąkolwiek pomoc, nie wiem co już robić.
  9. I've been playing my account for American Truck Sim (MP) a while with my steering wheel and pedals connected as always, and for some reason i log on and it's failing to find my steering wheel buttons. Turning left and right, and my pedals are fine, even the engine start on my steering wheel is fine, but when i look in the keybinds settings, it shows the rest as 'missing'. I tested and created another profile, and all the keybinds were found and it all works fine, until i switch back to my main profile, so it's obviously bugged out on my main profile. But i really can't and don't want to start from fresh again. If you could show me how, or fix this, that would be much appreciated I love streaming your game. ~ Rawrr Tigerr
  10. Hey, I've been a fan for Scania a long time, and I asked myself if it's possible to add the Scania Vabis wheel to MP? Would be really cool if you guys could do that Regards, Aldway Johnson
  11. Hi! Suggestion Name: Extras for the Scout Extra_D Suggestion Description: To add spoilers, rims, wheels and more to the car. (Customize to our likings) Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Everybody has the same car apart from a different colour and interior. I would like to see more variety in the world. The trucks are quite customizable so the cars should be too.
  12. Video: Pls Help me
  13. Hallo ich habe eine Frage. Ein Bekannter hat das Ferrari 458 Wheel. Das geht unter Windows8 soweit ganz gut, nur ist das Gas und Bremspedal vertauscht. Und kann im Spiel auch nicht umgestellt werden. Habe das Netz schon durchsucht und nichts gefunden. Jetzt hoffen wir hier eine Lösung zu bekommen. Gruss MarioMP24
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