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Found 4 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Website: support SteamID in `/user/` route Suggestion Description: Allow SteamID to be passed as a valid identifier for the `https://truckersmp.com/user/` route, as possible on the API. Currently the website returns a 404 page if a SteamID is passed. Any example images: n/a Why it should be added: Improves DX when it comes to embedding links to user profiles. So instead of fetching the API to get the TMPID, we could just pass the SteamID to the URL.
  2. I attempted to log into my account this morning, only to find that I am banned until the 24 April 2020. I was confused because I Had not played the game for a day and I had not done anything which the ban stated I had. I spoke to my younger brother about it and he confessed that he went onto my account and tried to do some jobs. He said that he had forgotten what side of the road to drive (he is 10) and ended up in the way of many drivers. This has now made me not be able to play my favourite game because of an honest mistake a child has made. I sent an appeal, but I know that admins sometimes take a long time to respond and I have nothing else to do in this quarantine. I take simulations very seriously and I was so sad when I found out I was banned for over 20 days!
  3. Hi guys, Is there any way to privatelly contact other player knowing his TruckersMP ID? I'm not asking about in-game contact.
  4. Suggestion Name: Tab List Redesign Suggestion Description: The tab list works, but it is a bit outdated, and not very functional in places like rotterdam. I suggest we try to redesign the tab list, so we are able to see every name, without names left out. This might be in the 1.14 update, but I don't really know! Any example images: Why should it be added?: Names would get cut off in big cities. This would be useful, so make the game look better, but it would be very helpful on convoys, etc... How it should be fixed: maybe just adding a scrollbar on the side would be awesome, but if the devs can't/don't want the mouse on screen, they could let [Page Up] & [Page Down] scroll. When? : I just want the support for 1.14 for now... We can worry about a new tab list later Thanks for considering this suggestion MP team!
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