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  1. Шановні гравці! Тут ви можете задавати свої ігрові питання. Проблеми / баги / тощо.
  2. Moikka Kertokaas te viisaat saako tehtyä ets2mp puolelle oman skinit ? Single puolelle osaan jo tehdä
  3. SELAMAT DATANG DI INDONESIAN DISCUSSION !! Monggo dipersilahkan memperkenalkan profilnya masing2 di topik ini, sebelum berpartisipasi di diskusi forum di sini. Biar saling kenal dan dapat menambah teman. Kalau tak kenal maka tak sayang Nama = Ferdian Wisnukendra Mesepy ID Steam = INET 4 - MLeNoSH Komunitas = Indonesian Evolutionary Team (INET - ETS2MP) Domisili = Yogyakarta, Indonesia #HappyTrucking
  4. hi everyone I've read somewhere that it's not possible to use the Sisl's MegaPack mod https://radiotrucker.com/sislsmegapack/ because of the display of items (fps and ping drops) I've also read the recent threads on this subject How can I see videos/streams with cabins that have modded items? It seems that some people manage to install it but I don't know how to do it. Maybe it's another mod? I'm not going to post them to add another layer, the mod doesn't seem to need an update for version 1.49.x
  5. How to change my login background? You can change the background by modifying the file. 1. Using Win + R, into the Programdata Files. -> The programdata file is hidden on the operating system. Open the file by pressing the Win + R keys and typing "%Programdata%". 2. If you open programdata files, goto "TruckersMP/data/ets2_mod/ui" folder -> Edit this file to modify your background 3. If you open ui folder, you can't find anything that background set. -> Find the background picture you want and rename it to "backgroud0.png", "background1.png", "background2.png" and paste it into that folder. If you have completed up to step 3, the setting is complete. Q: I can't find ets2_mod files. What Can I do? A: if you can't find ets2_mod files or not created, you create it. If you want to more information, please reply to this topic.
  6. Guest


    Turkish TruckersMP Oyunu Gerçek Hayata uygun olacak bir Oyun olması için ne tarz güncellemeler bizi bekliyor? English What kind of updates are waiting for us to make TruckersMP Game a Real Life Game?
  7. My ETS2MP doesnt work. When I click twice on desktop shortcut opens launcher and when i click play ETS2 opens ets and nothing happens. Opens regular game in singleplayer. Do someone know how to solve it?
  8. ets2 offline modunda hiçbir fps düşmesi yok ama ets2mp ye girdiğimde kalabalıkta ani fps düşmesi oluyor fps 15-20 lere düşüyor çözüm varmı
  9. Suggestion Name: Server Selection Menu Suggestion Description: Hello guys, I like the new Server Select menu, but I prefer the old one... This one is very confusing. If for some reason I select Europe 2 server for mistake, and I want to select another one, I need to restart the game to select other server. You guys should put a "button" that when you click, you will exit to the server selection screen. Any example images: I dont have any Why should it be added?: Because it makes it easier for the selection
  10. Like the print shows, I'm about to choose a cargo and all of sudden the game crashes and shows me that message, an application fatal error. What can it be, I'd appreciate the help. Thank You.
  11. How to turn off Winter mod ? If you want to turn off Winter mod in game, follow these instructions: 1. Login in ETS2 Multiplayer 2. Click settings in the upper left 3. General ---> Tick off Season effects 4. Mods ---> Tick off Winter mod After that, click ok and enjoy your game
  12. Jigen


    Cada vez que entro en duisburg, me da un error y se sale, logicamente le dia a enviar el error a los desarolladores de ets2mp.
  13. Hi guys. Im a player of ETS2 since 2 jul 2019. I see other players with the same problem, I got this error when I drive or when I load in a crowded city, and its weird. I've been trying to solve this problem for a month now. Every day I open the browser looking for a post with the solution. I've started to have this dreadful problem since I started playing again, tallking about August or so. I don't wanna spawn in a city where there's fewer peoples because I didn't have this problem before. Don't write the same things like the other's players post. (avoid, avoid bla bla bla.) I tried all of that's and nothing happened, nothing changed. °I have a good wifi connection (1000 megabit download) °Great gaming computer. ° I'm not downloading or uploading something and play truckersMP at the same time. °I'm not doing windows updates and play at the same time. °There aren't too many devices at the connected in my network. °I'm not using stream devices at the same time. °I already checked my firewall settings in my router. °I'm using the same server that i used when I could play quietly. °I already talked with my ISP , my ping is stable( 32ms ) Someone said: "This is a common problem I have usually, It only happens when you load in like 50 players in a city and because your game freezes and then the server thinks you have a bad internet connection then kick you for it. You could be using NASA's internet and still be kicked for 'unreliable connection' because your game froze for too long while loading in players." This problem it's not mine. This is our server bug.This needs to be fixed. I want to play ETS 2 multiplayer quietly. Best regards. -FedeMMIV
  14. Suggestion Name: Adding additional controls to report (a) player(s) Suggestion Description: Adding in another way to report players while on the move, multiple times when i'm late for a delivery, or no where safe to stop and the driver is VERY bad, we need to report them, this causes accidents when moving for those with Mouse Steering, There should be an additional way to report them using commands (Different keys) on the keyboard, where we can drive safely and use the keyboard to navigate the menu for reporting a player. Any example images: (N/A) Why should it be added?: I think it should be added because the amount of trolls that cause accidents, and get away with it due to players using Mouse steering and not able to stop somewhere safely before the player get's too far and dis appear, the player reporting them can have an accident because when we right click to go onto the menu, those with Mouse Steering will most likely crash, and cause another accident. By adding this, it will drop the amount of Mouse Steering players from crashing when reporting a player when moving due to no safe place to stop. Have a nice day
  15. So yesterday i experienced the Unreliable connection error and i fixed it by waiting 1 minute before clicking drive, today when i tried to play everything worked(12-16 in my time zone (poland)) but now when i do this 1 minute waiting trick when loading the loading bar stops almost at the end and i get the [An application fatal error! Do you want to send crash.log file to developers?] also there is the screen shot of error https://prnt.sc/t3tqho. Also i get the connection breaked reconnecting massage on chat . idk how to call it [my screen shot software cant create screen shot of game] Things i tried: Not using the wait trick Trying to go into SP (it worked but what can i do in it its boring xd) Not using wifi (i plugged my network with usb cable bc its wireless only but if i plug in usb cable it acs like ethernet) Checking intergity files or something in steam? (idk how do you type this in english bc i have pl version of steam) [it did not find anything] rebooting pc i tried several times and its only showing the fatal error changing profiles and saves Using other posts One thing that i did not try is FULLY reinstalling truckersmp. Also when trying to restart game is shows Attention game crash detected or something idk EDIT:Forgot to say that this happened in ets2. EDIT2:Added thing to Things what i tried \/\/\/\/\/ There are Crash logs \/\/\/\/\/ Sorry for bad English im from Poland. game.log.txt
  16. سلام دوستان عزیز در این پست براتون آموزش می دهیم که چگونه بازی یورو تراک 2 و آمریکن تراک را آنلاین اجرا کنید --------- کنسل شد
  17. Hi. Currently, Iranian players cannot connect to Multiplayer. Because all TruckersMP servers are filtered for Iranians. Please solve this problem.
  18. Suggestion Name: Change the: You Cannot do that firstly you must stop your truck message. Suggestion Description: It changes the message when you are moving and try to go into menu Any example images: No Why should it be added?: Because, cars have been added so it would make more sense to have it as : You Cannot do that firstly you must stop your vehicle. .
  19. // Внимание, эта статья является переводом. Оригинал статьи написанный @-RiPuZ- Style можно найти тут. Приветствую, игроки TruckersMP - Я хочу показать вам решение бага, который я нашел сегодня. (Другие из вас тоже могли испытывать его) С помощью этого решения, вам не надо будет закрывать игру. Все что вам нужно сделать, это посмотреть видео. Просто посмотрите его - Баг: ETS2 MP и ATS MP внутриигровой чат + F1 Пауза и впоследствии "зависшая" игра // Для тех, кому лень смотреть видео: Нажимаем мышкой на значок конверта на навигаторе (Входящие сообщения), и затем закрываем меню. Закрываем чат profit
  20. Artika(lags)


    Игра в мультиплеер вообще не запускается, сразу всплывает ошибка и журнал сбоев,в одиночной игре все работает. логи приложил The game in multiplayer does not start at all, immediately POPs up an error and a crash log, in a single game everything works. Crashes logs attached Содержание ошибки:In application fatal error. Do you want to send crash.log to developers? game_log.txt
  21. Every time I try to go in the EU1 server and when I click on Drive just before I load into the game I get kicked for unreliable connection. I have even tried running the game as an administrator. It won't let me load into the game at all it puts me in offline mode every time. The game worked fine before this update. Please help me as I can't wait to get back into the game. Thank you.
  22. Приветствую! Вот такая ситуация возникает при запуске ETS2MP. Окно можно передвигать, при этом текст проступает как сквозь трафарет, когда читаешь сквозь горизонтальную решетку. Эта же ситуация при просмотре игроков при нажатии TAB в игре. В ATS всё нормально. Разрешение 1280х1024, win7 64bit, настройки Ультра, скопировал config c ATS, не помогло. Спасибо за помощь.
  23. Suggestion Name: Oportunity to costumize the standart (and DLC) paintjobs with a synchronized text Suggestion Description: You can edit and costumize the paintjobs with an text by yourself, which is synced - just like the lizenze plates in the truck interior. It should be possible, to edit this text in the size, colors, etc. and also it should be possible to move the text around the truck. This function should be limited by 6 times or something like that. Any example images: I tried my best to photoshop it.: Why should it be added?: Because, the players have more oportunites to optimize their truck and make companies, or just edit it to personalize their truck
  24. ?? | TÜRK LOGİSTİCS | - | CARRY SAFELY | ?? ? - Contact: [email protected] We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | ? ABOUT US: We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | Our team was founded on 24.07.2016. As time goes on, our new friends continue to join our team. Our team has an environment of respect and love for adults and minors. We would like to see you on our team. ? WHAT TO DO FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP ? ? - It is mandatory for our member to join our team by e-mail. ? E-mail: [email protected] ? - We will notify our membership members by e-mail. ? - You need to register through our Vtc company. ? Truckers Mp VTC: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/1156 On the top left "Social" section of our Vtc page in this link, "Apply Now!" Writes. You should write a short application text by clicking that button. ? - Participation in our Steam group is mandatory. ? Our Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/turk-logistics ? - The TruckersMP in-game tag needs to be replaced by our team's tag. ?️ Example: [Türk Logistics] l Name - Age ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ?- Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/turk.logistics/ - We are reconstructing with the spirit of the first day. We'd love to see you among us. | Türk Logistics - since 2016 | ? TERMS OF PURCHASE OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ? - You must be +17 years old to join Türk Logistics ?- To join Türk Logistics you must play Euro Truck Simulator 2 ?- Euro Truck Simulator 2 For participation in Türk Logistics which is one of the Dlc maps; Scandinavia, Eastward, Vive la France DLCs, ?- To participate in Türk Logistics , the Turkish Paint Job must be the Raven dlc of the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 Dlcs ?- In Euro Truck Simulator 2 you have a total game time of 100 hours. ?- Members of our team must be aware of each other and communicate comfortably in convoys. ?- Each convoy is prepared for savings in our facility. Any changes to this saving are prohibited. ?- People who do not comply with the rules or who have not been able to attend convoys for a long time are distracted by our team. ? CONVOY RULES OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ?- If you cannot join the convoy on the day of the convoy, please tell our server that you cannot join the convoy with your reason. ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ? - If you do not participate in 3 consecutive convoys without explanation, you will be dismissed from our team. ? - Convoy days at least 30 minutes before the specified convoy time to complete your preparation and try to be on the server. ? - It is strictly forbidden to overtake during the convoy. ? - If you have ping or lag during the convoy, you will be instructed to go to the back of the convoy, do not go out of the instruction. ? - In case of an accident during the convoy, pull directly into the safety lane and join the convoy from the back of the convoy. ?- During the convoy of the convoy flow disturbing, careless and dangerous driving, who do not comply with the rules of the first punishment is repeated in the case of repetition of the same attitude to our team is disconnected. ? - You can find our convoy save file on our server. Savelas will be updated in each convoy. Download the most current one. ?- During the convoy ping - lag, etc. in the vehicle in front of you. if there is, please specify. ? - Burn the quads just before braking during the convoy. Do not use unnecessary quads.
  25. ?? | TÜRK LOGİSTİCS | - | CARRY SAFELY | ?? ? - Contact: [email protected] We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | ? ABOUT US: We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | Our team was founded on 24.07.2016. As time goes on, our new friends continue to join our team. Our team has an environment of respect and love for adults and minors. We would like to see you on our team. ? WHAT TO DO FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP ? ? - It is mandatory for our member to join our team by e-mail. ? E-mail: [email protected] ? - We will notify our membership members by e-mail. - You need to register through our Vtc company. ? Truckers Mp VTC: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/1156 On the top left "Social" section of our Vtc page in this link, "Apply Now!" Writes. You should write a short application text by clicking that button. ? - Participation in our Steam group is mandatory. ? Our Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/turk-logistics ? - The TruckersMP in-game tag needs to be replaced by our team's tag. ?️ Example: [Türk Logistics] l Name - Age ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ? Instagram Acount: https://www.instagram.com/turk.logistics/ ? - We are reconstructing with the spirit of the first day. We'd love to see you among us. | Türk Logistics - since 2016 | ? TERMS OF PURCHASE OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ? - You must be +17 years old to join Türk Logistics ? - To join Türk Logistics you must play Euro Truck Simulator 2 ? - Euro Truck Simulator 2 For participation in Türk Logistics which is one of the Dlc maps; Scandinavia, Eastward, Vive la France DLCs, ? - To participate in Türk Logistics , the Turkish Paint Job must be the Raven dlc of the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 Dlcs ? - In Euro Truck Simulator 2 you have a total game time of 100 hours. ? - Members of our team must be aware of each other and communicate comfortably in convoys. ? - Each convoy is prepared for savings in our facility. Any changes to this saving are prohibited. ? - People who do not comply with the rules or who have not been able to attend convoys for a long time are distracted by our team. ? CONVOY RULES OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ?- If you cannot join the convoy on the day of the convoy, please tell our server that you cannot join the convoy with your reason. ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ? - If you do not participate in 3 consecutive convoys without explanation, you will be dismissed from our team. ? - Convoy days at least 30 minutes before the specified convoy time to complete your preparation and try to be on the server. ? - It is strictly forbidden to overtake during the convoy. ? - If you have ping or lag during the convoy, you will be instructed to go to the back of the convoy, do not go out of the instruction. ? - In case of an accident during the convoy, pull directly into the safety lane and join the convoy from the back of the convoy. ?- During the convoy of the convoy flow disturbing, careless and dangerous driving, who do not comply with the rules of the first punishment is repeated in the case of repetition of the same attitude to our team is disconnected. ? - You can find our convoy save file on our server. Savelas will be updated in each convoy. Download the most current one. ?- During the convoy ping - lag, etc. in the vehicle in front of you. if there is, please specify. ? - Burn the quads just before braking during the convoy. Do not use unnecessary quads.
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