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  1. Which trucking company in Truckers MP do you like best? Tell me about it here in the forum. Since I'm the boss of Taurus Transporte myself, I naturally prefer my own - that's clear. But which shipping company are you from? And what sets your shipping company apart? Write it to me here in the forum message.
  2. Suggestion Name: Multiplayer Company (for ATS/ETS2 on its own server.) Suggestion Description? I would like to see this implemented into the game. Where you are paid a certain amount of money per Mile/KM (Example .30 cents/Mile) which would be decided by the owner of the company, and the rest of the cash from the load goes to the company. Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added? In my opinion this would make earning money more difficult and in turn would make players drive more careful as repairing a truck would be more expensive. If in a case you couldn't afford to repair your truck on your own, then request money from the company to pay for it. This to me sounds like a possible roleplaying server. VTC that are available now is rather boring to me, since it's only a database which serves no purpose other than a ranking system.
  3. Hi, I made video how to share your paintjob colors with others. This will be the most useful to the company owners who needs that all his drivers has same colors as you. The original post on this topic (no longer works) -
  4. Hello guys! I have question. How to open a company with friends?
  5. Suggestion Name: Collision vs Non-collision handling Suggestion Description: I think that the collision of trucks outside of non-collision zones with trucks inside non-collision zones can be improved to help with the chaos in front of these zones, and the incapability of players to form a queue for entering and exiting such zones. Especially for company areas where trucks drive onto the parking dialog field and stop, with their trailer still reaching out of the zone. Currently non-collision only works for trucks within the zone, as trucks outside of the zone still collide with those that have no collision, which sounds like a paradox in itself. It would be helpful if all truck were unable to collide with trucks in a non-collision area. I am aware of the gameplay setting of always choosing a delivery spot automatically, but it seems that most players do not know of this option and so every time someone drives onto a company area to deliver their trailer they will block all other players from entering until they've picked their spot and accelerated again. This causes an unnecessary line and people start overtaking while others are trying to exit and suddenly you have Calais-like traffic for no good reason. If you'd like an example of such situations you just have to watch a random Idiots on the road, there's always at least one clip of trucks flipping and stuff because they collide with trucks that are inside the non-collision area. Any example images: As you can see on this image, truck A is standing on the delivery/pickup dialog trigger (white square) inside the non-collision zone, and is therefore in non-collision mode. However if truck B tried to drive onto the area, it would be blocked by the trailer of truck A, because truck B is not in non-collision mode yet. Instead truck B should be unable to collide with truck A in this situation. The same is true for exiting. Often a truck leaves the non-collision zone but the trailer is still partially inside the non-collision zone. Many players do not realise the implications and queue up touching (or being inside) the trailer, which usually results in flipping the truck that is currently leaving, even tho the truck that causes the flip is still inside the non-collision area. And too often does truck C think that truck B is stupid or something and tries to overtake which results in even worse situations. Why should it be added?: Take this suggestion as a follow-up improvement of this one: Extending the non-collision zones would not help this situation at all, the problem would still be the same, but just move to somewhere else. Instead I am positive that if collision detection is changed, it would make entering and exiting non-collision areas much less frustrating and less prone to bad drivers.
  6. Suggestion Name: Multiplayer Company Addition Suggestion Description: Here is where things get tricky... 1. You need to set up recruiting places to have actual player ids, not just bots. 2. Getting an employee into a garage brings the employees garage into the company and makes it owned by the company. 3. Employees still have wages and cost per kilometer/mile. 4. Employees are paid that amount so they have their own personal account. 5. Company has it's own profile with amount of money. 6. Jobs earn the company money, and the employees just get their wage and the cents per kilometer that they ask for, etc. This isn't that difficult to do if done right. It could easily be added as just a tab under the recruitment centers. If you can do that. The company profile would only be accessible by the CEO. Company can purchase trailers and vehicles and assign them to the employees, as per usual. Employees vehicle becomes a part of the company, but has their name on the window plate so that it is known that it is theirs. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Because it's meant to be multiplayer. If you need any more info, like how to do it, let me know. But I'll leave it to you for now because you know the code, I would have to learn it.
  7. To all the wonderful members of TruckersMP, I proudly present Quality Express VTC to you! Quality Express was founded in August 2018 by Marius and DenQuaads. Our main focus is to give all our members the true trucker experience, and also give them the community of their life. Our community is caring, serious and dedicated, but we never forget to have fun. Since our launch we have been invited to various events across the TruckersMP community, and we are planning to attend more events in the future. Our drivers are active and friendly, so you will make new friends for life in no-time joining the VTC, you will neither have any trouble finding anyone to drive with. This is some of the things you can expect as a member of Quality Express: -Our professional Convoy Crew will make sure our bi-weekly convoys goes smoothly. -Drivers Hub and our own tracking system (in development for now) -A dedicated staff team that will be there to assist you in any way. -Active management, almost 24/7 support. -Driver of the week announcements. -A great friendly community. -Professional colleagues. -Prizes and giveaways. Requirements: -You should be able to communicate properly in English. -You must have at least 50 hours in ETS2. -You must be 15 years of age or more. We are now searching new members from all around the globe to join the team. Are you seeking the true trucker experience? Join the team today, you will not regret! Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/e6ZNCeK Website: https://qualityexpressvtc.eu
  8. Suggestion Name: A sort of player to player job Suggestion Description: Something like players can work to another player's company, instead of BOTs. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Some sort of panel with jobs requests and job offers, so the players can offer and request jobs from another player's company.
  9. A Euro Cargo Transportes SA está neste momento a recrutar condutores experientes para se juntar há nossa equipa, caso esteja interessado em fazer parte de uma equipa dinâmica, eficiente e com perfil de liderança, basta preencher o forumulario abaixo indicado. Normas Euro Cargo: Procuramos apenas condutores experientes e responsáveis para se juntar há nossa equipa. Todos os condutores antes de ingressarem na nossa empresa são sujeitos a um teste de condução nas nossas instalações em Frankfurt am Main. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AT8JAxYnTyfB1C4-hciZk-1ynvRYrfKG6jcdmzhtPDE/viewform
  10. Здравейте тираджии! Компаниите за виртуални товари са в основата на TruckersMP, а днес имаме някои вълнуващи новини, които искаме да споделим с вас! Напоследък нашите разработчици работят по напълно интегрирана система за вирутални превози в межата на TruckersMP. След многобройни седмици на тестване, ние с радост съобщаваме за въвеждането на нашата чисто нова система за виртуални компании! Какво е виртуална компания за превоз на товари? Virtual Trucking Company (VTC) е релна концепция, разработена от общността за да се добави по-голяма тръпка/реалност от играта. Можете да намерите повече информация относно VTC's тук: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/328 Какви функции има новата система? В нашата VTC система не само сте в състояние да отворите вашата VTC професионално, но и можете да кандидаствате за различни компании, като подадете заявление. Някои от характеристиките на системата включват: Персонализиращи се роли и ранкове VTC информация, правила и изисквания Линкове до социалната мрежа, включваща дискорд. Възможност да изберете коя игра(и) поддържате. Възможност да добавяте хора в черен списък на вашата VTC. Възможност да публикувате новини и съобщения. Потвърден статус за вашата VTC. Възможност да отваряте и закривате набирането на членовете и да преглеждате кандидатите. Наличие на компанията ви представена на главната страница. Как мога да потвърдя моята VTC, има ли някакви условия? За да може вашият VTC да има потвърден статус, има определени изисквания, на които виртуалната ви компания трябва да отговаря, те са подробно описани в статията, открита тук: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/325 Моля, не забравяйте, че имаме право да премахнем VTC от системата, ако не отговаряте/спазвате изискванията, след като вашият VTC е приет и добавен към сайта. Моля, обърнете внимание, че проверката на вашия VTC подлежи на това, че VTC отговаря на тези правила и е дискреционно от Мениджърите на общността на TruckersMP. Тази система е внимателно проектирана, за да отговаря както на управлението на VTC, така и на водачите и обикновените играчи. Системата ще се развива с течение на времето, за да получи нови функции, бъдете с нас. Надяваме се да се насладите на новата VTC- система! Поздрави, TruckersMP Team
  11. В далекі сиві часи ходили наші предки тернистим шляхом. Брав початок той Шлях в поважних північних лісах, проходив понад берегами гордого Дніпра повз нескорену Січ, серед диких степів за голубий горизонт аж до берегів бурхливого моря. Везли ті відважні купці хліб золотистий, а назад же повертались з сіллю. І звались вони Чумаками. Вказівником їм були зорі ясні, розкидані Творцем з півночі на південь в дивному сузір’ї, яке так і назване людьми – Чумацький Шлях. В пам’ять славетних предків наших, тримаймо курс Шляхом, висічений шаблею козацькою, окроплений потом та кров’ю народною, оспіваний думою кобзарською, щедро всіяний хлібом та сіллю благодатними. Запрошуємо до компанії дорослих та адекватних гравців з України, для яких ETS2 в першу чергу асоціюється з доставкою важких та негабаритних вантажів за нелегкими маршрутами. З детальнішими правилами можна познайомитися в гаражі Chumak Express в Steam Там же посилання на наш Discord та Trucksbook.
  12. Estamos recrutando. Necessário: -Ter uma internet que pelo menos logue no google -Marcar Cartão toda vez que for jogar (será em um site, onde controlarei todas as entregas do funcionario, irei passar depois) -Jogar Preferencialmente no servidor US -Ter caminhão proprio -Respeitar os membros -Ter boa memória. (guardar senhas e etc... ,sim pode usar bloco de notas) Perfil: http://myvtc.net/user/image/32670
  13. Suggestion Name: Land grants. I might be a little crazy about this idea, but I think it's good and that nobody proposed something like that before. Description of the suggestion: In the game, I see that there are many places that are accessible but have no use. My proposal or idea would be, to take those lands and create a garage for the company, I explain: Let's say there are companies officially created in ETS2 20 and of those 20, 3 have 50 people (to put a minimum number of people per company). Reward those companies with a minimum of 50 people each. Custom garages with a company sign, example: if the company is called: Trucker Slug, a sign at the entrance of said garage with the name or abbreviation. Any example of images: Why should it be added ?: Offer a meeting point for large companies and with a reasonable price (real money) have accessories to attach to the garage of each company, type: Flags, Spotlights, Logo, Elevation Barrier, Sliding Door, etc. . Hoping that the idea serves to improve the evolution of TruckersMP, I say goodbye with a greeting. PD: I would like all users who see the suggestion, contribute with their grain of sand with your opinion about it. Against more we are better, then apart, it is a collective use that affects all Atte: tntdavila
  14. Bullet Speed Trans zoekt truckers! Ben jij 14+ en een gemotiveerde trucker? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou! Over ons: Deze bedrijf doet niet aan serieus administratie zoals ritten bijhouden. Deze bedrijf is alleen voor de fun zoals samen rijden, vrienden maken, En in convois rijden. Wij hebben wel VTM om onze leden bij tehouden hoeveel we hebben en wie er actief zijn. Regels: Werkende microfoon [BST] in tag op MP kleur mag je zelf weten Het is gewoon common sense. Niet vervelend doen. Niet spammen. Geen reclame maken. Een beetje actief zijn. [Niet ineens 2 maanden offline zijn zonder reden] Dreigen met DDoS, Opzoekingen, Iptracing etc... Het breken van deze regels kan leiden tot een kick uit de VTC Communicatie en info: Erg simpel. Wij gebruiken discord zodat we niet vast zitten aan kosten. https://discord.gg/pTqBwVE VTM: http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/company/19194 Steam van VTC fouder: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mister_Tim_/ Vragen zijn altijd welkom. Spam word geblokkeerd. Wij zijn een beginnend bedrijf sins 8/19/2018. Ik heb dit opgezet omdat ik bijna geen actief NL vtc meer kon vinden, Zo kwam ik op het idee. -Tim Donatie's doen wij niet aan, Dat is alleen maar sneu voor het geld. Koop er een lolly van. <(^.^)>
  15. [PT-BR] Empresa virtual para ETS2 e ATS com a finalidade de simular e divertir; nosso principal foco é reunir antes de motoristas, amigos, que saibam valorizar e respeitar o próximo considerando e respeitando as regras do TruckersMP bem como uma condução o mais prudente possível. Estamos com vagas abertas para o sistema de recrutamento através do site www.alpha.k6.com.br onde poderá encontrar também nossos termos de vinculação. Dúvidas poderá entrar em contato também pelo WhatsApp no seguinte número: +55 79 99626-8233 (Falar com Luther) [EN] Virtual company for ETS2 and ATS for the purpose of simulating and entertaining; our main focus is to gather before drivers, friends, who know how to value and respect the next recital and respecting the rules of TruckersMP as well as driving as prudently as possible. We are open to the recruitment system through the website www.alpha.k6.com.br where you can also find our terms of connection. Inquiries may also be made by WhatsApp at the following number: +55 79 99626-8233 (Speak with Luther)
  16. Hello, I am new to using VTC and i have created one with a friend of mine. I am wondering how to make money that goes towards the company to pay my drivers. If anyone could help that would be amazing.
  17. Merhabalar, Dlc'siz Şirket aramaktayım +18 olursa daha iyi olur şimdiden teşekkürler cok fazla şirket yok oyüzden buraya böyle bir konu acma talebinde bulundum
  18. About us We are a small company born in 2014 and worked on the multiplayer server Maquitrans is a small company created by two proffissionais drivers and is distinguished by the high experience of their drivers. The rigor in driving is a key factor to belong to the same. To join our company at least level 16 in the savegame is necessary and should be able to speak Portuguese and collaborate with all colleagues in the company. To this will be a written test with questions to assess the level of knowledge and then a practical test to test driving How to join us? Here you can do your registration for MaquiTrans-Logistics and Distribution Ltd, a united and accurate with all its drivers meeting the standards to cultivate the good name of Maquitrans company. This company basically work in multiplayer Euro Truck Simulator 2, if you're the chosen soon you will be contacted for the practical test. After successfully written test (this) and practical test (driving) will be provided the data for the painting company. Preferentially recruited Portuguese driversbut also recruit another drivers from rest of europe APPLY FORM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JP_6FT8...0/viewform Company Details Company Details Maquitrans Official Facebook Click Here Maquitrans Official In-Games Tag PLAYERNAME [MT] Maquitrans Official Teamspeak Maquitrans Official Steam Group Join Steam Group Maquitrans Official Colors White, Red, Green Maquitrans Management Drivers Plataform Click Here Rules Click Here Driver List Founders/CEO Gregory (PT) [MT] Simply [MT] Drivers IcarusPT [MT] Mister PoT# Camper™[MT] Maquitrans Fleet
  19. Boa Tarde É com muito prazer que vos venho a dar a conhecer um pouco da nossa comunidade / companhia. Nos ( Speak2gamers ) somos uma comunidade portuguesa com um foco em jogos, temos diversos servidores de jogos incluindo cs go / 1.6. Decidimos apostar no Euro Truck Simulator 2 por conta que temos varios membros da nossa comunidade que jogam, principalmente o Multiplayer, caso queiras fazer parte desta comunidade / companhia é simples basta te conectares ao nosso teamspeak e TrucksBook. Iremos organizar varios eventos ao longo dos anos, por isso nao fiques de fora e participa neles! Aqui por baixo tens tudo o que precisas para fazer parte da nossa companhia. Teamspeak: ts.speak2gamers.eu WebSite: http://www.speak2gamers.eu/ TrucksBook: http://trucksbook.eu/company/10515 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Speak2Gamers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Speak2Gamers/?ref=br_rs Boa viagem a todos ! Cumprimentos, S2G
  20. ¡Muy buen día a todos! Hoy quería promocionar la nueva empresa filial a mi clan para toda aquella persona que no la conozca o bueno que quiera unirse a nosotros. Nuestro objetivo es sencillo, reclutar a conductores hispano hablantes o bien a quiénes les interese ingresar a nuestra empresa, tomamos de forma seria y profesional los ingresos, esperamos tenerlos como nuevos reclutas en TDRNSN! ¿Qué Ofrecemos? Reuniones E Igualdad Para Nuestros Conductores. Rangos Dentro De La Empresa. Reglamentos Detallados Y Únicos Tanto Como Empresa Y Clan. Posibilidad De Integrar Las Filas De Nuestro Clan Al Ingresar A La Empresa. Convoys Mínimo 3 Veces A La Semana. Comunicación Activa De Nuestros Conductores. Experiencia De Liderazgo Al Éxito Heredada Del Clan TDRNSN. Redes Sociales Únicas Para Empresa-Clan. Alianzas Con Otras Empresas Y Trabajos Mutuos. Rutas Variadas Para No Fatigar A Nuestros Conductores. Actividades Internas De Entretenimiento. Entrenamiento A Nuevos Conductores Aspirantes A La Grandeza En La Carretera. Una Experiencia Única En La Conducción. Requisitos De Ingreso; Haber Cumplido O Ser Mayor De Los 15 Años. Mantener Comunicación Vía TeamSpeak3/Skype/Curse Y Si No Cuentas Con Micrófono, Al Menos Tener La Posibilidad De Escuchar. Contar Con Euro Truck Simulator 2 Y American Truck Simulator Originales Y Con El Mod MP. Ser Activo. Te invito a visitar nuestras Redes Sociales, TS3 y Nuestra Web para solicitar el ingreso o bien informarte más sobre nosotros; VTC. Web. Twitter. YouTube. TwitchTV. Facebook. Instagram. TS3: TS-3.Net:13534
  21. hello , im kind of new to the game american truck simulator , i had the game 5 days and put over 90 hours into it , im working on building a small company and i seen a few players have nice ones , so i was wondering if there is any input anyone can give to help me out on how to build a good company. Thanks and stay lifted
  22. Hello, it might me a stupid question but I don't know how to use skins for trailers and trucks in multiplayer, can somebody walk me through the proces? I'm making a company with few friends and now we want all to have same trailers and trucks to look "more professional"
  23. Buenas a todos, Paso por aca para invitarlos a nuestra empresa Logistica Latinoamericana [L-LATAM] Somos una empresa virtual dedicada a la simulación de conducción de camiones. Contamos con convoys oficiales todas las semanas y convoys y viajes diarios organizados por los miembros de la empresa. Contamos con página web, registro de viajes automáticos, TS3 y soporte en problemas en el juego. Estamos enfocados principalmente al Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer, pero tambien corremos en Grid 2 y combatimos en Operation 7, entre otros juegos.. jeje Invitando a los que quieran sumarse a la VTC y pasar buenos momentos, Forma parte de nuestra compañía completando el siguiente Formulario. Saludos! Facebook | Grupo de Steam | Youtube | Logistica Latinoamericana
  24. Zapraszam Do Mojej Firmy! http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/company/9785 Firma jest polska i dołączyć do niej może każdy, kto dobrze prowadzi i lubi gre Euro Truck. Zapraszam!
  25. Ik zit met twee vragen. De eerste is een frustratie puntje. Ik rijdt gewoon zoals het hoort, dan wordt je door een stel Poolse Truckers klem gereden waardoor je vracht flink wat schade krijgt. Vervolgens gaan ze ineens voor je neus stoppen en de boel blokkeren. Dan houd ik me maar even in met rijden en dan komt er weer beweging, maar zodra ik rijdt gaan ze me weer rammen en klem rijden. Ik wil erdoor en ga de fout maken door ook te rammen en een laten kantelen zodat ik erdoor kan. Gaat een 3e Pool zich ermee bemoeien en dan heb ik het helemaal gehad. Nu is mijn vraag, als ik een video maak hoe kun je dit dan het beste gaan rapporteren? Aangezien het een tekstvenster is. Is mijn andere vraag, wie kan me uitleggen hoe ik een bedrijf (company) kan starten en dat mensen gaan werken, lijkt me erg leuk. Mijn Engels is slecht, dus wellicht zal dit ergens al staan, maar heb geen idee, dus als iemand me in het Nederlands kan zeggen dan ben ik blij.
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