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World Of Trucks


  1. my playing time is 430 hours and the finished Contracts are 325 and last thing he counts its a contract i did from 100+ days i dont know y my TMP account like that who know what is the problem ?
  2. Hallo, im Folgenden werde ich dir zeigen, wie du deinen TruckersMP Account löschen kannst. Bedenke dabei bitte: diese Aktion wird deinen Account permanent löschen Feedback Tickets und Bewerbungen werden auch gelöscht, da sie persönliche Informationen enthalten die Editing Logs werden auch gelöscht deine Banns, Appeals und Reports werden bestehen bleiben, da sie keine privaten Informationen enthalten und sie als Beweis dienen die Game Server Logs werden eine Weile bestehen bleiben und werden eine Weile später gelöscht wenn du einen neuen Account erstellst, werden die Banns trotzdem bestehen bleiben dies ist eine permanente Aktion und diese kann später nicht mehr geändert werden Wenn du fertig bist, starten wir! 1.) Logge dich auf dem TruckersMP Account ein, den du löschen möchtest 2.) Nachdem du eingeloggt bist, bewege deinen Cursor über "Account" in der Ecke oben rechts; klicke auf "Profile" 3.) Klicke danach auf "Settings" auf der linken Seite des Bildschirms 4.) Öffne die Account Settings 5.) Scrolle nach unten und klicke auf "Account löschen" Vergesse nicht, die Aufgabe zu lösen und dein Passwort einzufügen. Viel Glück und Liebe Grüße, NeonLeon TruckersMP Support
  3. Hello, I want to register a new account. I have played at least 2 hours (4.4 hours to be exact) on the second account and I'VE BOUGHT THE GAME. It's not family sharing. Also I have set my profile ALL to public: What else should I do? I hit those 4.4 hours on the game yesterday so it should be good to go. Why is it not working?
  4. Ein Kumpel von mir wollte sich wieder TruckersMp holen doch er hat seine E-Mail vergessen wo er sich damals regestriert hat was kann er da tun? Könnt ihr eventuell bitte den Account von der User ID 76561198076303073 löschen. wir haben sämtliche sachen ausprobiert doch es funktioniert nicht. Helft mir und ihm bitte
  5. Здравейте ! Както знаете, когато искате да активирате вашия акаунт, на вашата електронна поща ще бъде изпратена email за активиране. Ако щракнете върху бутона „Активиране“ в тази връзка, вашият TruckersMP акаунт ще бъде активиран. Но някой потребители не биха забелязали този имейл и ако не използват тази връзка, за да активират акаунта си в този момент, връзката няма да работи за него поради изчакване и състоянието на акаунта ви ще се покаже като „Не е активирано“ , В това ръководство ще ви покажа как да изпратите отново връзката за активиране и да активирате акаунта си в TruckersMP с някои изображения под тази публикация. ЗАБЕЛЕЖКА: Активирането на акаунта не влияе по никакъв начин на възможността за възпроизвеждане на мода. Така че е по желание. Например акаунт, който все още е „Не се активира“, изглежда така: Стъпка 1: На първо място, влезте във вашия TruckersMP акаунт в уебсайта. Когато влезете в профила си, отидете над името си и след това кликнете върху „Настройки“ Стъпка 2: В Настройките отидете на Настройки на акаунта, щракнете върху „Повторно изпращане на имейл за активиране“ и електронната поща за активиране ще се изпрати отново на вашия имейл адрес. Кликнете върху тази връзка. След това проверете папките за спам и нежелана поща в имейла си. След като намерите имейла, отворете го и кликнете върху бутона "Активирай". след това Състоянието на акаунта ще се покаже като "Активирано". Приятен път, Тираджии !
  6. Здравейте, Днес ще ви покажа как да изтриете профила си в TruckersMP. Моля, имайте предвид и това: Това ще изтрие за постоянно вашия акаунт. Заявленията за обратна връзка и апликациите ви също ще бъдат изтрити, тъй като те могат да съдържат лични данни. Редактирането на старите ви файлове за профила ще бъдат изтрити. Вашите забрани, жалби и отчети ще останат, тъй като те не са лична информация, и се използват за доказателства. Сървър датата в която присъставете ще остане за известно време, и ще бъде изтрита по-късно. Ако създадете нов акаунт, забраните ви ще бъдат възстановени. Това е постоянно действие и не може да бъде върнато. Ако сте готови, нека започнем! 1. Първо, влезте в акаунта на TruckersMP, който искате да изтриете. 2. След като влезете, Щракнете на панела "Акаунт" в горната дясна част, след което щракнете върху "Профил". 3. След това щракнете върху "Настройки" в лявата част на екрана. 4. Отидете в „Настройки на акаунта“. 5. Превъртете надолу по страницата и кликнете върху „Изтриване на акаунт“. 6. Не забравяйте да решите въпроса и да въведете паролата си. Поздрави, TruckersMP team
  7. So, i changed my windows from 7 to 10 and my account at single player which was authorised at World of Trucks gone there were like 50% map explored Now i cant participate at nowadays event. Is there any solution?*
  8. I have played ETS2MP for some time now and my friends wanted to try it but they can`t register. They only get this: "We were unable to find Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on your account, please ensure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game at least 2 hours" They have their steam accounts set to public and more than 5 hours in ETS2 and a world of trucks account but it`s still not working. Please help us. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hello! My friend has recently purchased ets2 and his account will not register with truckersmp, I don't know why and I need help. Notes about his account: *Used CD Key to get game and registered it on steam *100% Public Profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198858774337/ *Played 2 hours + Thanks
  10. Hello, So my girlfriend wants to create an account on the truckersmp so we can play together but she gets this error message when trying to link her steam account to the website "We were unable to find Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on your account, please ensure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game at least 2 hours". She has ~34h playtime and her steam profile is set to public (also inventory). Could help me with a solution? Regards, Baetu. LATER EDIT: FIXED. had to change the game details to public also. happy trucking!
  11. Hello everyone, this is my sceond forum-post and i am not sure if i do that right but i hope so. I wanted to make my TruckersMP profile a little bit cuter so i started to write a description and so on. But i read something like that on my profile: Account Status: Not activated. Now i want to do that but i don't know how. I couldn't find some instructions on my profile. Maybe someone can help me :j (If i made somthing wrong, please tell me what so i can improve my forum-post-skills =) ) Have a nice day, newt.
  12. How or Where can i find my TruckersMP Account ID I cant find it or im to dump to see it XD
  13. Hello. I have question, can you unregister my old account " email-deleted "? I registered it in 2016 and i lost ETS2 on my old steam account. Now I have new steam account with ETS2, but i can't login, because I can't register new account on TruckersMP. Thanks for answers.
  14. Hello I've been playing recently in ETS 2 mostly for the last 6 months, and I have installed ATS to give it a go so I have installed that game too on existing account. What I have done I have reinstalled TruckersMP installation program and I have added ATS installation paks too. And I can normally login to ETS 2 multiplayer which on the TruckersMP main screen stays on the right, and ATS on the left, but if I provide the same login values, I can't connect. Direct me to TruckersMP website to press 2 separate buttons; "Check Owned Games If you now own American Truck Simulator click the button below to check now. Note: Make sure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game for at least 2 hours." ...but last time I was waiting for 3 days and nothing happened, so I repeated that section again. Is there anybody that can solve my problem, my games are linked to steam account too. regards
  15. Hello. I wanna ask you is it legal to have more than 1 account? I know it isnt legal if u ban evade, but if u don't, is it legal then? NexooYT
  16. So about 3-ish hours ago i was playing ets2mp on my normal account and i safely close out and get off and go out for a few hours. i come back load up ets2mp but i see theres an update. i update my game and I launch ets2mp but when i get to the login screen my crednetials are not there. i think this is wierd but i go ahead and put my login info in and i next get prompted to make a company. this is wierd since i already have like 3 or 4. so i close out of the game and load up normal ets2 and the same thing happens. so i go to my profiles directory in my dcuments tab and i find that they are all gone. that it is empty as seen to the right. any idea as to how this hapened? i really would like my accounts back and my computer has not been touched. plz help
  17. Hello, My girlfriend bought ETS2 in the steam sale as she saw me playing ETS2MP and said she wanted to join me and my friends. Today she reached the 2 hours playing time so it was time to register her an account on ets2mp.com. But here's the problem. Whenever she tries to connect with steam, she can login on steam, she gets the e-mail with the code (so the steam password isn't wrong) but when she clicks continue, it says invallid data. LIke something is wrong but it doesn't tell us what. Anyone an idea what the problem can be? Is it becaue I have an account already? We play on seperated steam accounts with shared library. Thanks in advance.
  18. How can I have my account temp banned for now and then appeal later If I wanted? I know you can not delete it but I wish to leave cause of hackers hacking my account. I have left a support ticket but is there any other way? thanks
  19. DayRider

    New PC

    Hi, i need ask you, when i bought new PC and bought ets2 too, can I get my old profile to new PC?
  20. Today I took again a look to the online map and clicked on a truck. At the map he User is currently playing but at his profile page he isn't activated. Now my question is: it's needed to activate an account to get started into tsmp or it's just for "beauty"? Maybe it's a bug - so here is my bug-report.
  21. I Have Been Playing ats for about a year now and I bought ETS2 just a few days ago. I have played for over 2 hours and my profile is public. When I hit check now nothing happens. I have been waiting Patiently for 3 hours and it will still won't say anything. It says it will take a few mins but I have been waiting for hours! Please Help! Soon!
  22. I've just forgot my Truckers MP account that associated with my another steam ID.Please help me find my Truckers MP account. My steam ID is 2465514540. The nickname of my Truckers MP account is gefoo. I appreciate for your help.
  23. Hello, I am wondering when you start up the game online Mod for the first time do you make a new account and have two in-game? Or can you start off the single player account you have created already?
  24. Oiss

    Lost Account

    Hello, in those days I reset my computer for resolve a problem, I reinstalled steam then the games included ETS2, when I enter my account was gone and the game tells me to create a new one. Is there a way to recover my account? Thanks
  25. is there a way to activated my acount
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