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Found 4 results

  1. Hello guys, Today I am gonna teach you on how to survive Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Europoort. Step 1: Once you enter Europoort, Rotterdam or Amsterdam, make sure you have a good internet as lag will hit you as soon as you enter. Or make sure you have a good PC as Frames will drop Step 2: Make sure you don't go pass the white lines, stay on the right side. Step 3: Make sure you follow all road rules like the speed limit, braking at traffic lights when red. Using your Indicators/Blinkers. Also check both ways etc, (I would suggest that you slow down once entering all 3 of these places as the traffic can hit at any moment) Step 4: You have to be quick as you can collecting/dropping off your load. Make sure you be careful when it comes to pulling out of the company exits. Step 5: Now you've survived Rotterdam/Amsterdam, you will need to survive the Drop off/Pick Up points.As you would do in convoys, go out 1 by 1 and make sure you're on the right side of the road so you can let the people through which are coming the opposite way. Step 6: Slow down at corners as a lot of people will be speeding round those corners and will cause collisions. . Step 7: Whatever you do, do not stop in the middle of the road or even pull over. wait till you get out of one of the 3 places as you will cause more trouble throughout Them. Think of a scenario. You have just came out from a football match but the car park is jam packed with people trying to get out. Do not hesitate and take it steady. Make sure you wait patiently and obey the road rules. Keep moving and do not stop. (Except when there is traffic) As the Rules do say, parking in Rotterdam/Europoort is forbidden Step 8: When pulling out into a different lane, make sure to check your mirrors as there might be a person already using the lane coming up to you. Now some helpful advice. Step 9: Look out for over takers as they can cut you up at any point. Remember, taking your time is key. Step 10: When pulling into Amsterdam or Rotterdam, make sure you take it steady as there might be oncoming traffic. When you pull in to Rotterdam, make sure you take the lane which is the turning for Rotterdam and make sure it's safe to cross the carriageway. Do not feel like you're being rushed or anything. Be patient. Now some helpful advice. 1. If you are wanting to get through these places quicker. I would suggest getting a recording software like OBS, Fraps etc. and make sure that you record your journey as there are a lot of dangerous drivers. You will be helping the community by reporting those dangerous drivers. I wouldn't suggest using the report system on the game just yet as you are in the middle of these busy places and you can cause a crash and it is quite hard to use the report system whilst driving. 2. Make sure you have your foot on the brake ready incase you need to stop. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this guide and I hoped it help you throughout your journey. Stay safe and happy trucking -Smalley
  2. Hello, first of all: I dont wan't any comments like "ohh trying to be police in another form" or stuff like that. My idea is to search for players, who are able to drive a car safely. This players can apply for the police ingame. They should be able to kick and to drive a car with police skin and blue lights. so the admin team has just to look for reports and not for accidents. the police will do that instead to clear an accident faster. Theres nothing in my point of view that would be against this idea. just look for players who are able to speak english, who are polite and able to drive a car safely. let them apply for an police job and let them patrol in high populated areas to clear accidents and lead traffic faster than admins can do. so: admins will do the stuff in the sky with flying around and look for reports and the police will clear accidents and stuff. just write objective critism or suggestions to improve this idea please. I don't want any insults in the comment section
  3. Greetings all! I were a trucker in 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America. There you had accidents; trucks crashed on the road and more on. I really want that in this game too, but the original game doesn't really put that out there. I'd imagine you could implement some realism in the world, on the EU 1 server. I know it wouldn't work on EU 2, cause that server is.. all about speed. But EU 1 really needs something more than just great drivers (or serious drivers), that you occasionally meet. I was thinking of rockslides, accidents - both handled by police and with no one on the scene yet. Even roads, blocked by fallen trees - forcing you to turn around. The difficulty of the real world is lacking. I love the trainrails that sometimes stops your path for a moment. I hope you will see how this could live up the world a bit. The game is a bit too easy with money gain and easy deadlines, so a bit of unpredictable challenge is most certainly welcome, from me. Think about it. Mentioning this occasionally meet with other drivers, maybe a minimal amount of traffic would bring a bit life into the world. Only cars, not trucks. I guess there's a reason for not having it, but I really long for something out there to pay attention to. The original game has cars, but I wouldn't want to much that it becomes an issue. But a bit would be heavenly. I hope you'll take these things into consideration, if it's technically possible. And EU 1 is kind of a serious server, so I really think these two things could be great additions. Thank you for listening! Thank you for this great mod Respons to feedback! Thank you all for commenting! The traffic idea was mainly to have a bit of action. I see why it will be difficult / impossible. Thank you for the feedback on this part. The falling trees and roadblocks would be some work, I assumed that. I hoped that this could be considered (even by the game devs - SRS or what was it? :D) since it's fun stuff, and well.. it wouldn't really change the game - just more content! You need the game to play on this server, so it doesn't harm, like take away customers. Updating all the time - yeh.. You already do that great. You are out fast with updates - Thumbs up! Ugh, it would be a lot of work.. mhm.. Poke the Devs and make them implement a patch of random accidents or trees, rocks, fires, or random tornadoes suddenly ripping away half of the convoy! I'm sure they'll listen... Well. Maybe not tornadoes, haha! I accept "Rejected" and thank you again for commenting everyone! I'm Vals ingame, and see you on EU1! Maybe EU2 too, when I have enough cash to pay off the random ramming, without the bank taking my truck to pay the depts - again! PS! Remember to compliment those who drive well! It boosts motivation to drive better! An apology, after unintentionally ramming, makes a mistake acceptable, instead of a crime. Remember that Be good and patient, fellow truckers! *Honk Hooooonk!*
  4. Suggestion Name: To much accidents in Rotterdam. Suggestion Description: The speed limit at rotterdam should be to 30 or 40 Km/h. Any example images: - Why should it be added?:The security at Rotterdam is ridiculous, ets2 is a simulation game and here, it's not.
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