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Found 3 results

  1. Well, i bought new pc and i can play ets2/truckersmp again(I'm sorry for not replying on my last topic, i was pissed because i couldn't play). So, yesterday i came on truckersmp, i had my skoda superb(Which i bought before), been driving around etc. , and today i logged in but for some reason there's no skoda i only have 1st Scania's truck, so i'd like to know what it could be? How do i fix it? Thanks in advance!
  2. So I recently got back to playing ETS 2 MP. So the problem is, I know all the information for my account and I can easily Login to my account in net but when I launch up my TruckersMP and when I enter my info it just says. Email or password is invalid. Because of that I have also tried to change my password and email and I even got to put on 2fa. I tried to Login after that, still the same problem. I also reinstalled truckersmp but nothing has changed and it still says the same again. Has anyone got solution to this? It would really be helpful because only reason I like to play ETS a lot is, because of the Multiplayer Mod. (PS - I am not family sharing either)Edited: I think I found why It says that. So few years ago I was playing ETS2 on my Main Steam account which now is hacked and is connected to this TruckersMP account. I cant log into it , I have also tried to contact support about it but its not working either. So now Im playing on another account which has ETS2 and lot of DLC. I tried to login from that account , maybe thats why it says that the info is invalid. Also this account Im using right now is connected to another TruckersMP account , which I dont know info for , I cant remember what email I had for it and stuff so my situation is pretty awfull. Im really hoping that there would be a way how to fix this. So the things I need is. I need my Main Steam Account to get disconnected from this TruckersMP account , Im using at the moment.And I also need my other steam account I only have at the moment to get disconnected from my other TruckersMP account. I can also give you links to both of my steam community accounts. Or the second way you could help would be that , I could get my other TruckersMP account info and login and play on it and it will work since my current steam account is connected there. Thank you very much! Have a Merry Christmas Truckers and everyone else!
  3. Merhaba, kamyon üyeleri ve görevlileri beni bir oyunda, özellikle de bu site yöneticisini attığım eski bir raporda rapor etmekle ilgili bir sorunuz var: Bu rapor, itibarınız ve güvenilirliklerinden kötü olduklarını söyleyerek bir cevap verdi. Bana bir mesaj attığımda, çok düşündüğümü ve senin de yardımcı olacağını bildiğimi paylaşmaya karar verdim, şimdiden teşekkürler
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