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Found 4 results

  1. Suggestion Name: The time should also be displayed in /pinfo and report windows (TAB) Suggestion Description: Also display the time with the /pinfo command in the chat without entering the /time command. And time in the report window (TAB) Any example images: Why should it be added?: Less writing for evidences (Website Reports)
  2. Suggestion Name: Allow /pinfo share the ban history of a playerSuggestion Description: When you do /pinfo, it should show how many times the player has been banned so far.Any example images: Why should it be added?: This would most likely benefit the admins more than the players. Instead of going on the website and looking the player up, it would instantly share the amount of bans the player has on their history. Hope you like my suggestion <3
  3. Suggestion Name: Switching between the commands /pinfo and /p Suggestion Description: So currently, the command /p shows the total amount of players in the server being played on, and that commands refers to the original command /players which can also be used. And /pinfo "id" shows further info about the player by using their in-game id. My suggestion is to switch between those two commands so /pinfo "id" has the shortcut /p "id" and /players can only work if you write the whole word "players" as shown. Any example images: Nope Why should it be added?: I think this should be added since /pinfo has more need to being typed faster, for example in a report situation were you maybe have to act fast to see their id and write it down. So then you can instead of typing /pinfo "id", you can write a bit quicker, /p "id". And for the /players command, I don't think that's necessary for a shortcut becuase I can't think of any situtaions where you would have to write that a bit faster. Thanks
  4. Hi all, Suggestion Name: Add a additional button on the tab menu for /pinfo Suggestion Description: Instead of having to type /pinfo in the game chat when you want someone Id's etc.. Would it not be easier to just click on the players name, then press a /pinfo button on the tab menu? Similar to the report button on the tab menu, there could be another button for /pinfo Any example images: No Why should it be added?: This addition would make it faster, easier, and overall safer to get a players ID's. Yes, typing works fine, but with this addition, it would be a much more quicker and safer way to get a players /pinfo ID's. Highway Ghost
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