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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by #null

  1. Due to the language limited of this event, only important points will be translate into English. 加莱是法国重要的港口,有跨海到英国的客运与邮运港。北与比利时接壤,与英国隔海相望。 加莱海峡与英国多佛尔港相距30余公里,在天气晴朗时,在加莱的海滩即可望见英国。而且加莱也是贸易港和游览港。 加莱也是北方著名旅游城市,它的海滨浴场闻名法国。海边著名观光景点有白色海崖和灰色海崖。 相信欧卡2的玩家们对于加莱小道再熟悉不过了,每天这条小道的车流量最多,交通事故也是最大的。管理员一般也喜欢在加莱小道处理违章! 6月15日 周六 斯堪尼亚(中国)将举办第二次的官方大联运,我们将申请独立的服务器开放给所有来参加此次活动的玩家。 On 15 Jun 2019, The Scaina (China) will hold the second event of this year, There will a special server for the players join us. 为了增加联运的可玩性也为了减轻对玩家电脑显卡的压力,我们将此次联运的线路分为五条线路。 这样至少能够保证前半段的联运还是比较顺畅的,但是当所有车辆汇合到一起的时候,那个我们也没法控制了,哈哈!听天由命吧….. 当然这也是联运的乐趣所在。不然大家为什么都想去加莱呢?不就是去添堵吗…… 活动路线 1. 柏林—加莱码头—多弗港(英国) https://screenshot.net/zh/e19nqbk 2. 汉堡—加莱码头--多弗港(英国) https://screenshot.net/zh/vyr1ohp 3. 苏黎世—加莱码头--多弗港(英国) https://screenshot.net/zh/l9kvjao 4. 纽伦堡—加莱火车站—多弗港(英国) https://screenshot.net/zh/k91d8ak 5. 南泰利耶—加莱火车站—多弗港(英国) https://screenshot.net/zh/yp95da2 每个城市将会有两个或者三个车队,每个车队都会由一个独立的货场出发。 各个车队将会在法国加莱小道附近集结,依次驶入加莱小道,来到加莱码头或者火车站。 在加莱坐火车或者坐船之前,请所有玩家把货柜抛离,单车头进入码头或者火车站过海。 We will only support trucks without trailer when you visit England. 每个车队将由各自车队自己的头车带领行驶。我们将会建立一个单独的群联络各个车队的头车行程。 每条线路我们会邀请一位摄像车全程拍摄。 为了让更多非车队玩家来参加本次活动,我们也会将兄弟们集合在一起,参加第五条线路。 The Non-VTC players must be join in our line 5. 活动要求 仅限斯堪尼亚车型参加活动。Only for Scania Trucks. 车队报名:参加具体人数,我们将根据你的人数来匹配合理的货场。截止时间在2019.06.05 游戏规则(车队) 必须使用斯堪尼亚牵引车,6X2,6X4,4X2 ,8X4都可以。 牵引车的颜色与涂装不限制,各车队可根据自己需求来设定。 游戏规则(散人) 必须使用斯堪尼亚牵引车,6X2,6X4,4X2 都可以。 尽可能让你的牵引车吸人眼球,怎么好看怎么来。发挥你的DIY。 挂车要求: 本次活动我们对挂车将进行统一的涂装要求。不同类型的斯堪尼亚挂车。 车队也可以设计自己的挂车,但是必须有斯堪尼亚的logo。 注意:长路漫漫,途中或多或少会发生一些意外,撞车是不可避免的。本着游戏精神,尽量做到互相谦让、 互相理解,撞到也是缘分。当然,全程均有GMs支持。
  2. Thanks all.


    I am back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Ghostprotocol[NL]






      joke                                     Welcome back 

  3. I am not sure if those account you post are real SCS Soft authorize account. They are both not verified and just made in few hours ago. 我们不能确定你发布的两个官方账号的真实性,因为它们并没有完成官方认证且仅在几小时内注册完成。 So may I ask if they are both your personal accounts or that is the SCS official accounts. 所以我在此提出疑问,该账号为你的私人账号还是SCS公司的官方账号。 If they are official accounts, you should verify it and post it in official Facebook etc. 如果其为官方账号,请尽快完成验证并发布在SCS官方的Facebook上。
  4. 有没有车队在收人,




    Just joking......

  5. I am hungry!!!!



    1. Austin1203



    2. Lonelychild


      打110 ,速度比较快:troll:

  6. Thanks for all of you.

  7. 目前联机插件并未更新至支持最新版本 且目前无法回滚至我们支持的版本 请耐心等待我们的更新 谢谢
  8. 如果您认为您的举报处理存在争议,您可以在以下链接中写下投诉https://truckersmp.com/feedback
  9. 您好, 这次封禁被取消的原因在您,其存在堵路的行为,但是您有冲撞的现象,这是此举报被驳回的原因。 如果您认为您的举报处理存在争议,您可以在以下链接中写下投诉https://truckersmp.com/feedback
  10. 你好 在规则上,我们是不准许在路上停车的,如果被发现会被封禁。 但是,不排除有些玩家因为网络问题而掉包停车,这是正常的,无法避免的。
  11. The best answer had been given //Lock and move to solve
  12. Hi. As many answer were given, are they fix your problem? Please let us know. edited to make it vissible for the dark theme
  13. Hi. As many answer were given, are they fix your problem? Please let us know. edited to make it vissible for the dark theme
  14. Hi. As many answer were given, are they fix your problem? Please let us know.
  15. Hi. There is the most simply way: Copy your profile and send it to your friend. Then read the same profile.
  16. Answer was given. //Lock & Move to solved
  17. Hi. As answers were given, are they fix your problem? Please let us know.
  18. Hi. As answer was given, is that fix your problem? Please let us know.
  19. Hi. As so many reply was given, are they solved the problem? Please let us know.
  20. Hi Has your issue been solved? If it has please let us know!
  21. Hi, Has your issue been solved? If it has please let us know!
  22. Hi, it seem that it is your PC problem. Since so many answer given, I suggest you should reboot your computer system.
  23. I`m sorry to inform you but TruckersMP registration doesn`t work with Steam Family Library Sharing . You must own either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on the Steam account you`re trying to register. If it is not that, you can try it again 1-2 days later
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