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Veteran Driver VI
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About scarxex

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  1. scarxex


    Hi everyone, I have some free time, but I was looking to optimize the drivers. My graphics card is a Radeon HD 5670, and the driver is updated. I downloaded this driver support '' Radeon Software Crimson Edition Beta '' on the AMD side, and yet resolved, but even so, thanks to all who tried to help me!
  2. scarxex


    Hello everyone. I need help urgently, because this problem just hitting other players who are close to me. Come on. WANT TO LEAVE CLEAR THAT THIS PROBLEM IS ONLY EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2 MULTIPLAYER! I always play with FPS caught 60, but a few days here, my FPS is falling '' out of nowhere '' I'm playing quietly and FPS plummets to 1 and the game hangs for a few seconds (5/15). Even if you have a few people in my TAB, 2 or 10, does not matter, it always happens! When you have many players in the TAB this problem intensifies. I've updated driver, I have done with cleaning programs (Advanced System Care and CCleaner) and to no avail. Please help me!
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