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Now, this is not normal, joined today on MP with 168K money, when to get some sleep on the MP, and when i woke up i had 45million money... Have it on video
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Fix it, loaded an old Save lol
If you have hired driver they keep working all the time cause MP time never stops
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That's actually really normal. Consider the following...
In real life, if you have a trucking company and, let's say... about ten drivers working for you. One day you decide that, for whatever reason, you need to not come to work for the next two months and leave the drivers to work by themselves. Work must not stop, after all! So you stay home for two months while your drivers are out on the road, transporting goods and making money for your company. Two months later when you come back, you check your company's finances and see that it now has a lot more money than it had when you left and that's because your drivers kept on working during your absence.
That's basically the same thing that happens on these games here. When you have drivers, they work for your company while you play but once you close the game, they don't do anything until you start it again, so everything resumes from the same point it stopped on the last time you played. That's because time on singleplayer is tied to your game's client and can only flow when you have the game running. On multiplayer, however, time never stops, even when you are away and your game is not running. Time is managed by the server. When you connect to the server, your client needs to synchronize with the server to "catch up" with it. Both server and client then calculate how much money your AI drivers would have made in the time you, the player, was absent and then the equivalent money is deposited in your profile as if you never closed the game even once. For the server, your drivers never stop working and as such, they never stop making money for you, just like it would happen in real life with a real company.
So to sum up... every time you connect to MP and perform any action that makes time move forward (such as sleep, take a ferry, teleport, etc.), the server and the client will calculate how much money your drivers should have made during this time that is passing and will deposit the equivalent cash in your account.
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