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Veteran Driver IV
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About User_77048

  • Birthday 11/30/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Baltimore, U.S.A
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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Nürnberg

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  1. Why is EU 1 down?
  2. Its an admins job! They have to go out of there way to find the player and ban them!
  3. I heard that 5 people in 5 mins have to report people who are screwing around (blocking/ ramming) for the admins to have to care! If this is true then wtf admins what if your by yourself and some ass just comes up and rams you! The admins wont do shit! i just had a group come up to be and block me in then shoot me 10000 feet up in the air! I reported and nothing happened! If its because you guys r being killed with reports then hire more admins!
  4. My game keeps randomly disconnecting at random times it has never happend before, until the newest update. Version: Newest Game pad: G27 How to reproduce: you cant its just random screenshot: none
  5. Well now my game is just crashing on ets 2 mp start up! come one guys!
  6. Mod Version: 0.1.3 Controllers Used: Logitech G27 Description of Issue: I dont know if this is happening to everyone but at random times (this happends alot) my game crashes and i get an error saying "an application fatal error! do you want to send crash.log file to develpoers?" How to reproduce: It just happens! Everywhere! Screenshots / Videos: http://pastebin.com/7ef6hUBD
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