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Veteran Driver VIII
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Status Updates posted by AlmightyAlfo

  1. Since I'm incompetent to do it myself, is there anyone who can make a save edit where the new Scania S sounds like the old V8 Scania? ... or is there a mod of such already?

  2. What's the name of the mod which allows you to put parts from other trucks on your truck? I forgot the name, I was using it when I've put DAF rear lights on my Scania.

    1. SgtBreadStick


      Additional Customisation by Forerunner, however sadly it was discontinued in 1.34.

    2. AlmightyAlfo


      Is there any other mod similar to that one? I wanna put the Mercedes double pipes on my Scania ?

    3. ScaniaFan89
  3. How  can I fix the issue where I'm constantly getting kicked for "UnReLiAbLe CoNnEcTiOn"... come on people what the hell? My internet works perfectly fine ... smh

    1. AlmightyAlfo


      Ah I figured it out, thank you anyways for trying to help me out! I appreciate it.

  4. Almost got blind after entering the forums. Didn't expect the white theme after using the dark one since registering here.

    1. Sticky


      I know the feeling, but luckily you can use the dark theme again.:thisisfine:

    2. AlmightyAlfo


      Yeah, changed it almost instantly. I like the new side panels on the main page though.

  5. The #general chat on the TruckersMP Discord is as good as a spanish soap opera. You can never get bored whilst watching what people type there. Fact.

  6. Aj pa do admina da doguraš :D Nije dugo bilo admina sa ex-yu prostora

    1. Mirko9


      Ma i netreba, zelja za biti dio ovoga svega je ogromna.

  7. Hello there, I was wondering on how long do I need to wait for an admin to solve a ban appeal?

    I came to you as I think  you're one of the most friendliest game admins on the community, and I suppose you'll answer me shortly.

    Thanks :)

    1. Guest


      You must be patient when waiting for an admin to answer your ban appeal. You do have the option to contact the feedback inbox if you are not satisfied. 




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