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Veteran Driver VII
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About LEX[RUS]

  • Birthday 11/30/1984

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  1. Hello, According to the reports, this feature can sometimes cause “This app can't run on your PC” error, so it might be best that we disable it. To disable SmartScreen do the following: Press Windows Key + S and enter smart screen. Choose Change SmartScreen settings from the list of results(Left side).
  2. Multiplayer is not working, i dont know what happened but when i start the launcher and choose Launch ETS 2 MP Or ATS 2 MP game satrt in single player mode every time. Tryed to restart steam, computer, reinstall launcher. Fixed Multiplayer by deleting folder with settings (of multiplayer) and other things from documents.
  3. P.S For those who disabled a winter mod but dont like that is still snowing: untick seasonal effects in the first tab.
  4. When you are in game press "TAB" and go to mp settings, in the first tab disable seasonal effects, in the last tab untick winter mod. Restart the game. You can go to the settings when you just started game, it will be a small gear in the left up corner.
  5. But still, they near you LOL.
  6. Bug ? Look at the distance. And wen i went through Paris, it was like in the Matrix movie, all the trucks was like frozen there.
  7. I can only imagine Calais-Duisburg with 3500 truckers on the server :))
  8. I am interested in this as well
  9. hello, cannot connect to any (eu) server right now. (
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