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Veteran Driver III
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About Adamoxii

Profile Information

  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Gdansk
  • Known languages
    Poland, English

TruckersMP Information

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  • Twitch
  • X (formerly Twitter)

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  1. Zapraszam Do Mojej Firmy! http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/company/9785 Firma jest polska i dołączyć do niej może każdy, kto dobrze prowadzi i lubi gre Euro Truck. Zapraszam!
  2. Dzień dobry! Szukam Firmy w której są polacy. Bardzo ważne aby była aktywna, jakby były jeszcze konwoje to było by super... Przydali by się administratorzy. Chętni niech się zgłaszają.
  3. I did not know that there were port


    1. DJ Lewis

      DJ Lewis

      It doesn't matter, you should abide by rules whether there's an admin there or not.

    2. Penguin


      To appeal your ban, please create an appeal here:



      Creating topics on the forum (here) will not get you unbanned.

  4.   Why I'm banned? I don't feel I did anything wrong, not deliberately for sure. I'm sorry if I've made some mistakes. Please unban my account.

    1. Cyrusj


      You can make an  appeal using the Appeal System found here.http://truckersmp.com/en_US/appeals


      You can refer to this post on how to use it properly.



      If you have a complaint with a staff member you can email [email protected].



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