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[MCG] Kien Giang

Game Moderation Leader
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Status Updates posted by [MCG] Kien Giang

  1. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I really appreciate it! :HaulieLove:


    Btw, photo with @[MCG] MemeBundy and @[MCG] Chocoww [FR] yesterday 😍❤️



  2. Welcome back my buddy! ❤️ 

    1. ZaroMW


      Thank you so much ❤️

  3. Congratulations admeen! 

  4. Congratulations on your promotion! ?

    1. Namі


      thanks nub leader ?

  5. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Hopefully, 2022 will be better than ever, all the best to you and your family. ??spacer.png

  6. The short trip with @ZaroMW and @TARK777❤️



    1. ZaroMW


      Nice short trip ? ❤️

    2. GEMINaai_ZA


      Was pretty awesome yeah! Next time its gotta be a little longer ❤️? 

  7. I will miss you @Fezz98. Thank you for everything you have done for me and I hope you come back soon! 

  8. Happy Birthday NOOT NOOT ?❤️ 

  9. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas my friend ? 

    1. Soul Knight

      Soul Knight

      Thank you,bro,Merry Christmas! ?

  10. ETS2MCG - Malaysia National Day Convoy

    Thank you all for attending the event! 

    We have set a new record for our team with more than 100 members joining. 

    And I want to say thank you to @[C-S] karol_domag for supporting our event!



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [C-S] karol_domag

      [C-S] karol_domag

      It was a really great event, ? Thank you all, ? I am glad that I was with you.

    3. [TPH] Zyph

      [TPH] Zyph

      Thanks for the event..

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  11. I know you haven't been online over here for a long time. But anyway, happy birthday to my best friend ? 

    1. Coppekss


      Thank you buddy

  12. ETS2MCG - Car Festival Convoy :love: 




  13. Congrats my friend, you deserved it ? 

  14. Today, we have finished the second event called ETS2MCG - Trucks Colorful Convoy in a series of ETS2MCG 4th Anniversary Events. Our upcoming event will take place on Tuesday ? 



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