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Veteran Driver III
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  1. ohhh, ok. sorry.
  2. So I was driving in the UK today and all the sudden this guy came driving down the wrong side of the highway, i asked what he was doing and long story short, He forgot about how the UK drives on the other side of the road. is that a reportable offense? he got back on the other side of the road and all, but should I have reported him?
  3. Suggestion Name: auto park Suggestion Description: The ability to auto park in MP much like in the multiplayer in American truck simulatior Any example images: X Why should it be added?: well, I suck at parking, I saw that someone posted this in the past but I thought maybe now that we have MP auto park working in ATS maby we could get it working on in ETS2. I was trying to park my truck for a full real life hour and still couldn't do it...
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