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Veteran Driver VII
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About Muzolf

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    Hello people of TMP!
    For a second I want you guys to hear me. First of all, this is NOT A CONVOY! It is a GROUP RIDE.


    Today something really bad happened, the worst of the worst that could happen in a TMP Discord. Kravatie was banned by the ruthless hands of Nataliia for UsElEsS tAgGiNg and he is now gone. There is a reason for everything, but this was just an early death of our favorite TMP member, Kravatie. He might be gone but definitely not forgotten, he is in all of our hearts.


    And for this very reason, with my friend Rein we are going to create a MEMORIAL GROUP RIDE through the C-D road (hold on, it's not a convoy) and we are going to whine all the way through about how sad this situation is, also we are going to act like Kravatie is dead even though Kravatie will be with us for the entire group ride I really hope you guys follow these set rules and we hope you guys are going to have fun.


    The group ride will be in 3rd of August 2018 and will start at 7PM UK Time.


    I thank you all for this, and I sincerely hope Kravatie gets the memorial he deserves.


    Since we have so many admins whining about this group ride we will have to take some safety precautions. These will be discussed later though, but remember that we will have a Red Scania (aka group ride control) scouting for admins before we proceed.

    - Muzolf


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