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Interstate Nomad

Veteran Driver VIII
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Interstate Nomad last won the day on February 16 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Considering a possible revamp of the BeNeLux by SCS Software in the near future which might have an impact of the road between Duisburg and Calais, it seems more clever to use the needed time and resources of the TruckersMP team elsewhere.
  2. The greatest gift was to meet with the whole family and enjoy the cosy Christmas dinner.
  3. All roads bear a certain challenge and fascination. I drive where the job takes me, and I enjoy every trip as much as possible.
  4. High populated areas are part of everyday traffic. I keep calm and continue to respect other drivers and all traffic regulations.
  5. Naturally, the message on screen should be temporary to avoid blocking the view. But a small red square in the corner of the screen could be used as a permanent indicator of a high-populated area, respectively a green square or not showing anything at all in areas with less than 25 players.
  6. I agree to your suggestion. A temporary on-screen warning that states the beginning of a high populated area is more safe than counting the amount of players in the TAB menu or on the GPS screen.
  7. The past has shown that players prefer to play on the server with the most players. Opening a new server with exclusive requirements to join will likely reduce the amount of trolling and toxicity, because ... there will hardly anybody around to troll or to play with.
  8. The TruckersMP rules require every player to respect national road traffic regulations, and the road between Duisburg and Calais is covered by road traffic regulations of multiple countries. In Germany, for example, it is prohibited to stop in a steep curve. It also defines stopping for longer than 3 minutes as parking. Your suggestion therefore might already be covered by the TruckersMP rules. It is in general a good idea, not to stop in any place that is dangerous for you or and/ or blocks the view of other drivers.
  9. I support your suggestion, as it would increase realism.
  10. Different players strive for different things. In TruckersMP, some prefer to drive realistic, others prefer to drive at excessive speed, and then others prefer to drive back and forth the same road all day long, and so on. It would be nice, if we could agree on that and respect each other's opinion and decision.
  11. This is a useful addition to the simulator.
  12. Don't text and drive. Independent of the used peripheral device.
  13. Follow the big 3 R's: Record, Report, Relax.
  14. Maybe one should consider the possibility of letting go of things one does not have control over. One will not make others change their driving behavior by enforcing stricter speed limits. Instead, one can follow the speed limits and lead by example.
  15. Happy New Year, fellow truckers. 🙂

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