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[SK] - TeR*Qiu Ye

Veteran Driver VII
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[SK] - TeR*Qiu Ye last won the day on August 19 2016

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About [SK] - TeR*Qiu Ye

  • Birthday October 27

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Known languages
    Chinese, English

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Community Answers

  1. Yes, When you play in MP, the FPS is less than when you play in SP, because your computer needs to upload and download the data form online.
  2. Hi, You can use some support mods in MP, but don't add too much mods in your MP game, such as add beacons on your bumper, that is not allowed in MP.
  3. Hi, Probably you need press F7+Enter, and choose the job again. I think some thing wring with your game.
  4. So, have you try to run ETS2 Multiplayer via Administrator?
  5. Picture link: http://prnt.sc/d4it5m Hi, how to change this trailer's color? Do I need to add other mod? I have seen other people used that black cow trailer before. Please help me, thank you!
  6. I haven't go to cowed places, like Rotterdam, Calais. Maybe, I need to wait people to optimize game.
  7. Hi, One mouth ago, my FPS is about 40 at all time. but now my FPS drop to below 25, what wrong with my game. And I have try to play another game (GTA5), FPS is higher than this game. Does anyone feel that.
  8. Hi, You need to buy those DLCs if you want to use that, or you can go to website, and download another profile which don't have DLCs. That would be better!
  9. Do you use the correct official web? Please make sure your use the right correct official web, otherwise, your computer may get some virus. Please, be careful!
  10. Yeah, I see, you have used the trailer DLC in MP, that's why you kicked from the server. You can go to SP mode, and change another trailer, then go to MP mode. Good luck!
  11. Hello, the current game version is 1.25.3, and the ETS2 MP mod has already updated, you can go to Truckers MP official and download the mod. Good luck!
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