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Veteran Driver III
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  1. nope I only have 1 garage and my self
  2. so I disabled accessories and that but it did nothing and the stutter is still very much their, I think it started when I logged into world of trucks but I logged out and its still stuttering
  3. I my self have the flag dlc but I have accessories ticked
  4. this is what it says http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726844983
  5. graphics card is radeon r7 370 not the best bust should play this game flawlessly my ping is usually around 50-60 cpu is amd fx 6300 areas where it happens is where I come into contact with other players
  6. so today I went on ets 2 mp and when ever I come into contact with another player my game freezes for a second or two and its just started again and its due to loading in assets but I don't know what kicked it off again????
  7. seems to be running good thanks for your help! much appreciated
  8. my game has very heavy stutter when coming into contact with other players I assume its when it has to swap assets because its only when I am near other players. The game is swapping assets because of a missing dlc which I don't own
  9. i keep getting alot of microstuttering in multiplayer so i enabled uset g_minicon "1" to figure out what was going on and it was comming up with these messages,not exact but along the lines of "failed to load heavy duty paint job pack and has been replaced with standard scania highline paint", an i have noticed trucks going past with empty flatbeds with nothing on them like there is supposed to be somthing on them,i am really enjoying this mod but this is really ruining my day
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