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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by MReaker

  1. Thanks, but I dont have a lot of Money or something ( I started new again from 0$) So I don't know if it wil helps, but I*ll try
  2. Hi Guys, I have a big problem since I updated to Win10. If I go Sleep in ETS2, the screen should get black and then clear again, but if I go Sleep, it gets (not completly) black, and then stucks and doesnt works anymore (no Error message apperad...) I also cleared my whole Computer, but it still doesn't works... Can someone help me??? -MReaker
  3. Okay, also im SinglePlayer funktioniert es, aber ich habe ein save-game... (mein Computer hatte den geist for 1em Monat aufgegeben...Alles weg!)... Ich lade mal ein anderes hoch Danke! -MReaker
  4. Normaly it only takes 2-3 days... I also was banned 2 times, and got my appearl after 2 hours!!! Always Diffrent
  5. Ich hab da ein Problem: Wenn ich schlafen gehe (ETS2MP) , dann wird der Bildschirm schwarz und die zeit plopt auf, aber dann passiert nichts... sieht so aus, also ob das game dann sich aufhängt... Kann man da was machhen? - MReaker
  6. MReaker

    Cargo no MP

  7. MReaker

    Easter Eggs

    Are there more "Easter Eggs" on the map??? - MReaker.
  8. Alter, bist du offline, oder wat??

  9. I'm back, after my Computer was broken for 5 months!!!! It's a nice feeling to be back again behind a steering wheel and ETS2:):):lol:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ArcticBliss


      Welcome back indeed, but five months? From feast to famine and back to feast. Drive safely.

    3. MReaker


      Yeah, Its just a bit time, to get in the driving seat back, like a boss ;D

  10. Ok, I will make that sure Next time... But please read my comment @Zyder in this topic. Thats the real Problem...
  11. The Problem isn't, that i got a little verbal warning! The problem is, that my post are always get deleted(Last deleted post:) this wasn't useless (hope moderaters can even See my deleted answer)
  12. Hello guys, from @MRedstone Im on a holiday Trip, so i don't knew what To do, so i was very activ: I wrote very much comments, and answerd Here and there a question, since the moderator @subtlegta came and have me a verbal warning point, because I was "Spamming"!!! My comment were Most of the Time longer as 3-15 sentences and informative. I thaught, that Spamming is, if you write "..." Or something like this in every topic. But this isn't the real Problem! I accepted that, but now i can't post anything in any topic. The post is there, but After a few Minutes it Gots deleted! I have no idea, but im done... Is it the system ( if yes... When does that stops deleting my post) or is it a moderater, having a Bad day or something like that??? Thanks for every comment and resulutions Maybe a game admin could find the problem in my account and pls Look in the warning
  13. Good news... I'm home after a 14 days travel To france :) #GoodOldHome

  14. The Cars are useless. Of course somebody like them, but they are very dangerous: When I was in a little trafficjam near EP, a car came and drove in To me...My hole truck turned a around and I was on the other side of the highway... Just a little bit Bad, because I fell, that every "Trolling Kid" always takes a car To so THAT... It makes more damage and after that they say:" Sry, the car is so difficult To Steer I hate that so much
  15. Very Nixe for the First place, but did you Used photoshop???
  16. So does it works
  17. Have a Nice Ride, Guys

  18. Its always dangerous to open links of unknown persons ... Don't forget that!!! @MRedstone
  19. IT WORKS!!! Thanks you guys, for all of your Ideas ;D
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