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Fizzy Amp

Veteran Driver III
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About Fizzy Amp

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  • Gender
  • Location
    FL, USA
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • Known languages
    American Sign Language (ASL), English, Spanish

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  1. TYVM!!!!! Its worked now!
  2. I re-installed this game, nothing luck still...
  3. Hi there i've found a bug that won't getting more market missions after completed the tutorial or first mission. I tries to log out in every time to see if it is working... no luck. I do not have a owned truck that can sleep somewhere to restart the market missions.
  4. Hi there, there is no way to reply back to the original admin who denied my report in reports system. I will not be given the someone's privacy that i reported from this post. Now i'm asking a question, if someone drove on the outside of right lane while two trucks on right lane that has two lines and max at speed limit properly but someone passed by us immediately so will it make someone ban? It's pretty unrealistic without a patrol car in the game.
  5. I cannot move my cursor over to the player list while i drove, it has move around the camera.
  6. In ATS, i seen some people has national flags. I can't find flag option in the setting on TruckersMP login screen, but how?
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