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(Lithuania) AIWIS-LT

Veteran Driver VII
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  1. working now ver 1.28 all fine thank you all
  2. i have 1.27 ver and all files verified dunno what else to do in downloadible content browser blue light is off and say daf tuning is not installed http://prntscr.com/gavu4k
  3. i checked dlc and restart game nothing changed http://prntscr.com/gal0sy
  4. i need hellp pls i baught it yeterday daf dlc i installed and everything but when i go in the game is not there
  5. put temporary 1_26 mods and try again
  6. yes i have Michelin dlc to
  7. what is yr problem i try to solved my game crashing isue ok?
  8. my game crash after i go to upgrade my truck in shop any hellp pls thank you!!!
  9. yes i instal it after that same again say instal latest patch but i already did
  10. http://prntscr.com/dvugng is the file size suposed to be that small (652KB)? normaly its 41 mb
  11. still same
  12. i keep geting this message pls istall latest patch but i already did any hellp pls
  13. hi sorry for coming here in my account say is not activated is it supossed to be like this?



      just ignore it,


      nothing different between activated and not activated

    2. (Lithuania) AIWIS-LT

      (Lithuania) AIWIS-LT

      i try to download patch Alpha and i did i install it after tells me to download again

  14. this CJMAXiK bann me on  12.12.2016  and my bann is finisth at 12.01.2017   and im still baneed dunno why i like to report this guy for not doing hes job i pay money for this game and cant even play  what kind admin u are m8   http://prntscr.com/dvloxo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. (Lithuania) AIWIS-LT
    3. Samiz [FIN]

      Samiz [FIN]

      U are unbanned as ur profile shows ;)

    4. Forraz


      You are not banned anymore

      No reason to talk about it on the forum.


      If you for some reason can not go into the game I'd recommend you contact support




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