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Veteran Driver VIII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Mistery

  • Birthday January 20

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Photo shooting, Board games, Computer programming, Creative writing, Cycling
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Not set
  • Known languages
    Greek, English, Romanian

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  1. Mystere , Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂

  2. Nice, hope to see other models soon.
  3. Try to dezactivate your antivirus if you're using one.
  4. Hi! You can change tag without having to logging in to game, on login screen press Settings, change tag and make another ban appeal and provide a screenshot proving you changed.
  5. It's a nice idea. I'm using discord everyday.
  6. Nice to see so many people met in real life, the main reason being the game.
  7. Hello! First of all try to unzip and then to run the executable as administrator.
  8. Uh, nice idea. Good luck, truckers!
  9. If you do this with a car, you can also do with a truck. ETS2 isn't a racing game, even if there are cars in mp.
  10. Nice idea. Hope my driving license will not be confiscated.
  11. Mistery

    Bad lag

    Most likely problem is from your internet, if you say your screen isn't freezing. Or from your pc specs, try to set them lower. Reinstalling the MP mod will not solve your problem. I recommend you to contact your internet provider.
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