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[SW] WaRLoeK

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About [SW] WaRLoeK

  • Birthday 08/20/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Enschede The Netherlands
  • Interests
    European Football and Gaming
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Elko
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Groningen
  • Known languages
    Netherlands English and German

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[SW] WaRLoeK's Achievements

  • One Month Later
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  • Old Timer

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. UCL Special Transport
  3. Goodnight everyone?

  4. Happy to announce that we've have our own Domain for our VTC website right now. https://www.unitedcargovtc.com/
    If you're looking for a good and reliable VTC, then you can apply on https://www.unitedcargovtc.com/applications/driver-application

    You can also join our Discord if you have any questions and our staff team will help you. 

  5. We need an admin at Kirkness Quarry road...


    is there a admin online on Promods server?

  6. Problems with simulation 1 and 2?

    Server are down.

  7. Nightshift done. 

    Good night t ruckers!

  8.  What is wrong with eu 1?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      I think you mean what's not wrong with EU1? :D 

    3. [SW] WaRLoeK

      [SW] WaRLoeK

      Why so mean against eu 1??

      I am just curious why you can't play on eu 1 lol..

    4. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Server is down I think or something like this

  9. New truck + Trailer #WJTRANSPORT #KRONE
  10. @Dziada Sorry Teacher. But in Denmark 'Denmark110 (some signed at 130 km/h)' I didn't know a motorway was a highway thought it was a country road or something so sorry my bad. And Autobahn sorry but I am half german I know how to spel german words haha! I forget to type the 'o' after Aut so sorry also my bad. These are not the wrong things we mean here that are just minor mistakes haha! But if your going to be like that okay fine haha! Much pleasure with it.
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