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Andalusi Trucker

Veteran Driver VIII
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About Andalusi Trucker

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Granada - Andalucia 🇪🇸
  • Interests
    🔹 Spanish trucks, Arab trucks and turkish trucks
    🔹 interested in five countries about culture, tradition and history: Andalusia, Morocco, Saudi-Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar
    🔹 some Lego sets
    🔹 Maroc tea
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Preferred Trailers
  • American Garage Location
    New Mexico: Albuquerque
  • EU Garage Location
    Spain: Almeria
  • Known languages
    Español 🇪🇸 | English 🇺🇸 | 🇸🇦 العربية

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About Me

🔹 Spanish-Arab origin 🇪🇸 🇲🇦 🇦🇪
🔹 Virtual truck driver in ETS2 since 2012
🔹 Hardcore WoT-driver with more than 6000 jobs completed


🔹 Nationality: Granada, Andalusia, South Spain

🔹 My current Truck on ETS2: Iveco S-Way 2019

🔹 My current trailers on ETS2: Tirsan trailers

🔹 Color of my Iveco Truck: Blue metallic and Spanish Flag Paintjob (DLC)

🔹 Company base: Almeria (Andalusia - Spain)

🔹 Transport focus: Spain, Portugal, Italy and Türkiye

🔹 Languages: Español | English | العربية

🔹 Favourite Trucks: Iveco, Pegaso Trucks, Ford F-Max, BMC Trucks


About the trucks in Spain
The trucks in Spain is traditionally

- Iveco Stralis, Iveco Hi-Way and now the Iveco XP and NP (and thats why i'm driving the Iveco Hi-Way in ETS2)

- Iveco EuroCargo (mostly from the 90s)

- Ebro L Series / Nissan Atleon

You can find some old traditional spanish trucks like Pegaso Tecno, Pegaso Troner, Ebro and Avia from the years 1970, 1980 and 1990s. The Ebro truck is more driven in the province of Almeria. Lot of this trucks are not in good condition.

On the other side you can find lot of DAF and Volvo trucks, from the 90s, from the years 2000, 2010 and 2020.


Spain is the country with the most trucks in Europe:

4.985.000 trucks are registered in Spain. Andalusia have 877.000 trucks !!! So Spain is the country of trucks.
Speed limit in Spain is 90 kmh (for trucks up to 7 tones)



About the Iveco trucks


Iveco is founded in Turin (Italy) on year 1975.

Iveco is a italian company. But all the Iveco trucks (Stralis, Hi-Way, XP, S-Way) are manufactured in Madrid (Spain).

30% of all trucks in Spain is Iveco. Iveco trucks is most selled trucks in Spain and is ranked number 1 the market share in Spain.



My current truck in ETS2:


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